How to stop line smokers?

Coaster Bob said:
"Do you work for an insurance company?
You can get off your soap box now.
Let it go.
There are many more important issues to obsess over."

Do you work for coasterbuzz as a moderator?
You can get off your soap box now.
you let it go.
There are many important issues to " obsess"
over , smoking is one of them.
Jordon "the jackal" Dunham
Team Berserk Blue
Soggy's avatar
2Hostyl, if you wish to continue to ruin your lungs, by all means continue to do so. I think you might be forgetting that in queue lines, people are in rather close proximity to one another. There are more non-smokers in the world than smokers, so YOU are the minorty, deal with THAT!

BTW, I think those "Truth" commercials are awesome. I hope they can convince kids not to smoke.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

2Hostyl said:

"Here's an idea, just deal with it. In fact, take a real nice big inhale and hold it. Better yet, bum your own 'sguare' from them.

You millitant non-smokers make me sick. Wanting to kill people for "inconvinicing" you? Who are you? The vicar of Christ? Get off your high horse. Either ask them to put it out, call security, or (and this is my personal favorite) take Chris Jerico's advice and please "SHUT THE HELL UP!"

Thank you please drive through,


--who thinks that it is currently "en vouge" to pick on smokers; I blame all those "" ads."

Wow Maybe you should change your name to 2stupid. If you wish to inhale burning carcinogens then you do so but do not think that you have the right to impose that on others with your second hand smoke. By the way it's also against the rules to smoke but I guess that doesn't matter to a hostile fellow like you. Oh by quoting a wrestler you really made your point. Later cancer boy!

Figaro said: Stupid trashy people smoke everywhere and it really needs to be stopped.

Hey dude, lighten up. I smoke, and I'm neither stupid nor trashy. It's my choice. I don't smoke in line, because that's the rule and I respect it. I also respect the choice of others who don't smoke, and don't want to bother them (particularly kids).

I'm sure that the rest of the members of this community who smoke are just as mindful of this, and complaining here is just a waste of time. If you want to do something about it, say something at the park, but please do not make such sweeping generalizations.

*** This post was edited by chris away on 7/8/2001. ***
My friends and I usually have the most problems at SFKK (where trashy 11-year-olds think it makes them cool). But we usually just say things loudly like "I thought there wasn't any smoking in these lines." If that doesn't work, squealing and yelling "second-hand carcinogens! Aaaahh!" usually does.

2Hostyl said:
"Here's an idea, just deal with it. In fact, take a real nice big inhale and hold it. Better yet, bum your own 'sguare' from them.

You millitant non-smokers make me sick. Wanting to kill people for "inconvinicing" you? Who are you? The vicar of Christ? Get off your high horse. Either ask them to put it out, call security, or (and this is my personal favorite) take Chris Jerico's advice and please "SHUT THE HELL UP!"
Thank you please drive through,
--who thinks that it is currently "en vouge" to pick on smokers; I blame all those "" ads."

The evidence of the negative effects of cigarette smoke on non-smokers in clear. In a confined space such as a ride line people cannot move to avoid the toxins pumped into the air by those who can't wait an hour to get their nicotine fix.

It is also a legal violation of the fire safety codes. If you start a fire in an area as confined as a ride line, someone is going to die in the stampede if not the fire. This applies to any open flame, not just smoking, but I've never seen anybody stupid enough to start a camp fire while in line.

While in line for Batwing this morning someone lit up resulting in my daughter having an asthma attack from the toxins that they assaulted her with. If you think smoking in public is a personal choice, I'll let you pay her hospital bills next year simce you have apparently made a choice to injure the people around you. If you injure someone with your fists they put you in jail. The same should be done if you smoke in areas clearly labeled no smoking and injure someone.

If you have to have a drug fix please kindly do it away from me and my children. Line jumpers are a pain, but at least I don't have to worry about them putting my kid in the hospital.

Better yet, ignore the propaganda from the blood suckers that run the tobacco companies and realize the smoking is harmful to both those who do and those around them.
First of all, I *DONT* smoke. Second, I knew that all of you "millitant non-smokers" would jump to that assumption. My point is this, if you are so offended by the behavior, point it out to those in authority. If *they* do nothing about it, then I suggest not frequenting those places again.

But please save the bytching and moaning. You are at more of a risk of introducing 'carcinogens' into your system siting in traffic inhaling all the carbon monoxide *they* emit.

If you have a problem with smoking, go about eliminating it another way. But humiliating or executing another human being is hardly the solution. If you really advocate such behavior, then NO I will have no sympathy for you or your family, because you are selfish. Holding only your life as worthwhile and not human life in general.

And as for the "" commericals, their intent is honorable, and they even contain good information, but the presentation sometimes clouds the message. For example, the ad where they harass the "Big Tobacco" companies pitching there 'industrial strength paper shredders'. While the message that the companies with held info is good to put out there, that message can be lost on the mid-teens the ad is geared to. It just seems more like teens acting out. The "(blank) is my anti-drug" ads are much more effective. They sport the positives of NOT doing drugs (and yes tobacco and alcohol are drugs) without trying to debase others.

So you all can continue to have your opinions and I will have mine. But I sincerly believe that you all are taking a very narrow view and attacking the 'problem' in completely the wrong way, setting a very bad example for others.
later days,
--who will not resort to calling people stupid, unlike some others.
Well, my dad is a smoker, so I have developed ways.

Here is the one I use most often. (*In Martha Stewart Style*)First, you need scissors, a clipping of the rule that states no smoking in line,etc; and courage. You go up to the smoker and grab the cigarette. You hand them the clipping and tell them no smoking, read here. And cut the end of the cigarette and put it out on the cement. And give the cigarette back and tell them, once you get off, then you can lite it back up :).

There are also many other ways, but its what I tend to use. TOGO_Fan

(*NOTE: This is where watching Martha Stewart also comes in handy.*)
If Every Coaster Was Rough, I'd Be In Heaven...

2Hostyl said:
"Here's an idea, just deal with it. In fact, take a real nice big inhale and hold it. Better yet, bum your own 'sguare' from them.

You millitant non-smokers make me sick. Wanting to kill people for "inconvinicing" you? Who are you? The vicar of Christ? Get off your high horse. Either ask them to put it out, call security, or (and this is my personal favorite) take Chris Jerico's advice and please "SHUT THE HELL UP!"
Thank you please drive through,
--who thinks that it is currently "en vouge" to pick on smokers; I blame all those "" ads."

Man are you ignorant. Militant non-smokers? What about the militant smokers? You know the type, the people who believe that it's their duty to smoke in every queue line at the park. It's been my recent experience that the tend to gravitate towards PKI. What these ignorant smokers don't realiZe is that some people have REAL BREATHING PROBLEMS. My family was recently chased out of a queue line at PKI because so many people were smoking that my wife couldn't breathe.
Here's an anecdote of an actual scene from the STATION of The Beast at PKI:
non smoker - please stop smoking, your not supposed to smoke here.
Smoker - I can smoke here, I haven't reached the no smoking sign yet.
Non smoker - no your not allowed to smoke here either.
Smoker - I'll put my cigarette out when I reach the sign.

This actually happened. Finally two other people stepped in an informed the smoker he was in a non-smoking area. The non smoker was being quiet and polite. It was the smoker who was being rude.

Therefore, I suggest it's time we quit complaining about the militant non-smokers, and started complaining about the militant smokers.
if you smoke you ARE stupid period.
martha stewart??? i thought you were a guy?

PointMan said:
"Man are you ignorant. Militant non-smokers? What about the militant smokers?"

I suppose you were simply unable to make your point man, without resorting to name calling. That alone is reason enough for me not to respond to you. However, in the best interest of the thread, I will make an exception.

I've said time and time again, and will for the benefit of those who may not have gotten it say again, if the smoker is beligerant, REPORT THEM. It's that simple. I do not condone line smoking. But if a person is not willing to use the avenues provided from them (1. stating the policy; 2. reporting to security) then NO, I have NO SYMPATHY for them. If they have not taken those measures, then I dont want to hear about their problems. Thinking up "clever" ways to enforce the rules (like the Martha Stewart suggestion), is nothing short of vigilantism, and is just as wrong as the queue smoking in the first place.

What I refer to as "millitant non-smokers" are those people who believe all smokers are the scum of the earth and should hence be assaulted (see azzkikr10101's post), humiliated (see HurricaneGeauga's post), or even erradicated (see Figaro's original post). That type of "zero tolerance" attitude is what I am against. Again, I believe that it is just currently 'OKAY' to pick on smokers and many people are jumping on the bandwagon. Me? I prefer to walk alone.
later days,


"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Jeff's avatar
Well, here's the pickle... and keep in mind that this is not intended to to piss anyone off. In an ideal world we could ask people to not do it, find security people or whatever.

The real world that exists in a queue is far different from that. You're in a weird social setting. People don't feel comfortable asking people to put out their smokes. It's not an anonymous forum, like we have here.

The ultimate solution still rests with proactive enforcement by the parks. While I agree that people who smoke in line are inconsiderate morons with the social skills of a pre-teen (hell, they're often pre-teen smokers), it is still be handled by the parks.

Webmaster/Admin -
I Know For a fact that smokers tend to smoke more when they drink. So Lets get rid of all the beer in the parks maybe they quit smoking in line....
From a Non drinker who feels if you want ban the smokers, I say Ban the drinkers as well.

Roller coaster of Love ~ ooi ~ ooi ~ ooi
...and where did you find out this information? Has there been a research study linking alcohol with smoking...if so, where?

We aren't talking about banning smoking in the whole park, just the queues where nobody can get to fresh air. They are allowed to smoke in unconfined areas like the midways.

Not only does smoking in lines cause harm by inhaling the smoke, but careless smokers that accidentally burn people with their cigarettes. This happened to me and I was ticked off. Not only was he not supposed to be smoking anyway, but he burned me too!

Wow this is a touchier subject than I imagined. I merely was trying to put a mildly dark "humored" spin on an annoying topic. It's pretty obvious that what policies the parks have in place right now do not work. I was just trying to see how creative and imaginative people could be. Do I truly want to kill people who smoke? No. They are doing that to themselves already. Do I want them to stop smoking in public areas? Yes! Do I think all smokers are trashy? No, I only think people who smoke in areas where they shouldn't be smoking are trashy. That kind of ties into the who littering that occurs from smoking, plus their nicotine stained teeth, hands, and clothes contribute as well. I feel if a person chooses to smoke that is their right to do so, but they should do it in a private place such as their home, car, designated smoking area, etc. I wish there was no smoking allowed in any of the parks. Not only is it harmful to those who are subjected to it against their will but it also tends to make a nasty mess. I am sure someone will chime in saying its fine in open areas but you know what? It isn't. If I have to steer clear of an area in order to avoid smoke that's an infringement upon my rights. Yes people have the right to smoke but it is an act that can be harmful to others around them. Alcohol is different. The person ingesting it is only affecting themselves in the act of drinking. What they do after they have drunk may affect people but the act alone does not. Like it or not smoking emits harmful fumes, especially to people with breathing problems. I shall say again that one of the reasons that I brought this up is that I don't feel that I should have to ask people to not do something in line that they aren't supposed to be doing. With what parks charge for admission I should be able to go in and have the best time I can without having to do there job for them. I will police myself and my family, no one else thank you. That's a job for the people in the badges who are usually not around or are too far away. As I said before a lot of times when you are in these lines you are no where near a security guard or a ride op so what are you to do? I don't appreciate being called names like "militant non-smoker." I am sorry that I resorted to calling someone stupid but don't tell me that I am militant because I don't appreciate someone needlessly putting my health and the health of others around me at risk. If you think that's ok well that's you right, but right now the majority of people don't think that it is. That's not being "in vogue" that's being smart. *** This post was edited by Figaro on 7/9/2001. ***
I am not a smoker but I am someone who respects the habit. I don't believe that being rude is going to get you anywhere, some people may actually not know that you can't smoke in line, I mean can you blame? It sure seems like smoking is legal in line because everyone does it. Like Jeff said, in an ideal world you could kindly ask someone to put their cig out, but that makes you look like the jerk. It ultimately comes down to park management and how well they handle the problem.

I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit to keep riding roller coasters
I am not a smoker but I am someone who respects the habit. I don't believe that being rude is going to get you anywhere, some people may actually not know that you can't smoke in line, I mean can you blame them? It sure seems like smoking is legal in line because everyone does it. Like Jeff said, in an ideal world you could kindly ask someone to put their cig out, but that makes you look like the jerk. It ultimately comes down to park management and how well they handle the problem.

I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit to keep riding roller coasters
I'm a teen who doesn't smoke, and to be honest, I think those "The Truth" ads are pointless and a waste of money. If a kid is going to smoke, he is going to smoke, you can't stop it...

Did you realize that Theme Park Nacho cheese isn't really cheese?
Here's a senario:

What if the person who is smoking in line is deaf?

It's a whole lot tougher than to just tell him to put out his butt... and believe me, this just happened to me ohhh... the last time I was at SFDL. There were groups of deaf people there, and about 3 of them got in line ahead of us for a flat ride.

Well, they instantly lit up... and it's a whole different story to tell them to put out their butt when you gotta rely on gestures. You feel a WHOLE lot more uncomfortable in that situation. Luckily, it wasn't long that I had to wait... but even 1 minute is long enough!!

I talk the talk on the forums about smokers in line. That is one of my biggest pet peeves...

...however, when the time comes... I don't know what to do. I usually do nothing. I get my little brother to start coughing loudly like he's gaging on the smoke to give the hint, but otherwise I won't say anything (unless they have a smaller build than me, then I would stand up to them! :)).

God knows I want to say something.
There are never any park officials in line...

Although it's much easier said than done... you just have to stand up to your rights, and tell them straight out to stop!

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