How to ride forward coasters backwards

wow.. you people are taking this a little too seriously... My opinion on it is like coasterdudes.... you do it at your own risk.... if something serious happens (even though I doubt it will) it's completely your own fault
Without going to far off the topic id say certan coatser can have a good effect while rideing backwards while others wouldent work. For instance when I rode Rebel Yell at PKD backwards I thought I was going to pass out!, it was so intense,but great at he same time ,and there was no way to fight the lossing ur stumich felling, rideing something like SROS would be even more crazy yet painfull, becuase you would be hitting ur elbows on thse metal bars on the sides of the seats as I have done a few times going fowards becuase you cant tell which way ur going, and it might just be too painfull since you cant tell when the air time is going to come. Is it me or did I once hear a story about a group of coaster enthisiast rideing a stand up coaster backwards? (or am I hearing things?), On a side note it seems funny how alot of parks during the 70's and 80's turned their rides backwards at least once, but now it is forbiden, but I supose it is becuase there are more risk involved.and last ,but not least did anyone get to ride the suspended coaster a Sixflags turned backwards?,and is so how was it?
Thankyou Punk Rock Grl: I simply don't understand why people have to complain when someones opinion differs?? The only reason why I even posted in the first place was to defend whoever it was that started this thread! LOL! Ahh good times

"Have you ever tried backing out of a drive-through bank?" - George Carlin

*** This post was edited by rOLLocOASt on 10/30/2002. ***

ApolloAndy's avatar

Well, I can understand why there's more than a difference of opinion. When someone does something stupid and gets hurt, it affects the restraints and the enjoyability for everyone.

ALF is Cool: This has nothing to do with GP/Enthusiast. If anyone wanted to do it, I wouldn't care. This has to do with me having as much fun as I can.

You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

hey rOLLocOAST, ever hear of cross training for other rides. Besides, I know the rules say keep head against head rest, which would imply facing forward. Especially when they have pictures of proper riding position, and low and behold, they are all facing forward.

And for your information, one of my friends made the previous text, I just posted for her, since she doesn't have a screen name.

But hey, ya know, I don't care if you ride improperly and injure yourself. Do whatever you want to do.


"Some people spend an entire LIFETIME wondering if they made a DIFFERENCE. The MARINES don't have that problem." -President Reagan 1985

Yes, riders who are stupid DO cause riders to get more restrictive. It is a plain fact.
LORD I am staying out of this one....

WOOD: It does a body good.

RubberDucky said:
Yes, riders who are stupid DO cause riders to get more restrictive. It is a plain fact.

But how is simply turning around anything bad?! I don't see where you can think that! Look, it is your opinion and I totally accept that. I just definitely, without a doubt disagree with you.

ALF - First off, my message about you working on Rapids was purely a joke, to only be taken lightly. I've worked rapids rides before and I've always found them fun.

Now onto other matters. Have you ever looked to the side on a coaster to say something to a friend or look at the scenery? If so, you broke the rule. I realize exactly what your saying, but the fact of the matter is that when you threaten such things, especially on a website (thank god you didn't on RRC!) like this, it really makes you look kindve dumb (no offense!). The whole thing revolves around opinions whether or not turning around is "unsafe" or not. To me and alot of others I know, it is no big deal. If you think diffrently, no worries! I've got nothing wrong with diffrences in opinion until someone gets flamed for expressing their opinion, which is why I posted.
Oh, and BTW - I was at your park this past weekend actually.. Raging Bull is amazing looking backwards! You should try it some time hehe. Sorry, couldn't resist!

"Have you ever tried backing out of a drive-through bank?" - George Carlin

*** This post was edited by rOLLocOASt on 10/30/2002. ***

RubberDucky said:
Not only known as riding backwards...also known as being stupid and unsafe. But hey, its your life...

I don't know about you, but my neck tends to rotate sufficiently for looking behind me while my butt and legs stay under the restraints. Since my upper body is free to move on most (if not all) woodies and hypers, I don't think anyone is all that worried about it.

I can tell you might be a little more dangerous: Going through real life bass-ackwards. Or posting with your head firmly ensconced in a certain orifice...


(backward-twisting hyper jockey, four years and counting without injury)

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 10/31/2002. ***

Yes, I turn to look at scenery and riding partners on coasters. Where? On nice, slow turns, MCBR, and other slow spots in the ride. I once neglected to plant my head firmly on the headrest on Demon at SFGAm (which isn't very large or intense), and suffered considerable consequences. And that was while facing forward. While Hypers may not have loops, I can spot a few areas on Maggie and Millie where I wouldn't want to be caught with my spine twisted into a helix. Think about it: You're about to put your entire body through considerable strain, pressure, and general stress. Do you really want to already be exerting strain on such a vital part of your body before any of that starts?

Actually if you stop by guest relations or look at signage around the ride, it will explain that you must "properly utilize all restraint devices" (at Six Flags anyway; I'm sure it's similar at other parks). Which means facing forward any way you look at it (ha).

Stupid riders like yourselves who give way too much room on restraints so you come out or turn around get what you deserve. You're the reason why there is a tendency to use more restrictive restraints. Also, I don't believe in the argument "if you get hurt it's your own fault" in this case. Funny how that works fine until someone gets hurt. Then it's the park's fault.

I have no qualms about calling you backwards riders stupid. But no matter how hard we try, parks can't protect guests from themselves.

the member formerly known as MisterX
Lifts are for wimps. Real enthusiasts use the power of their minds to make the trains go up the first hill.

Let them do what they want.

I'm a firm believer in Natural Selection. :)

Current favorite coasters:
Wooden: 1) Beast 2) Raven 3) Son of Beast 4) The Boss 5) Timber Wolf
Steel: 1) Raging Bull 2) Millennium Force 3) V2 4) Wild Thing 5) Mr. Freeze

I'm sorry Joe... that really cracks me up.

Future Darwin Award winners, no?

the member formerly known as MisterX
Lifts are for wimps. Real enthusiasts use the power of their minds to make the trains go up the first hill.

Coasterplaya-Your neck won't be able to do that much longer if you keep doing that.

rollercoast-Someone who hurts their neck will sue the park, and win because they will say that there were no rules of not turning around even though that should come as common sense. Next thing you know S:ROS will have over the shoulder harnesses.

Why else would coasters keep getting more restrictive? Cause the park feels like spending extra money...sure...

I always thought it was the dumbest thing in the world to be driving down the road and see a sign that says 'No Driving in Median'. Who wants to drive in the median? Well, if there's no sign, there's going to be people driving in the median. Just like with this here, somebody thinks that since there's no explicit ruling on it, they think it's OK, they're going to do it. But there's plenty of things in the so-called coaster community that so-called enthusiasts pick & choose around, this doesn't suprise me.

Turning your torso around very well could defeat the purpose of some restraints. The last time I checked, none of you designed any of these restraints & you should assume they were designed to be used as instructed for your safety. Just like a child that's not tall enough, turning around the upper half of your body may just be the difference in you sliding out or to the side.

And I thought I was stoopid. Riding a roller coaster backward is just too risky. The fact that it was a hypercoaster makes it even worse.

Speaking of riding backwards...Has anyone seen Theme Park Review's Pics of the ACE'rs riding backwards at BPB

U should all try riding chiller forwards on the backwards part of hte ride, right Corey? ; )

Of course, none of the whiny, playa-hatin' babies who yammer and blubber about rules and safety ever raise their arms in the air on a coaster either, right? CHECK THE's against 'em in every major park.



The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

I guess chiller is okay because it's not just a fowards different in making it a backwards-fowards coaster than a fowards-backwards coaster..... =)

Jeez, you people act as though ApolloAndy advocated actually sitting backwards. He didn't. Everyone who has his knickers in a knot should do exactly what Andy described in his desk chair. Twist your back (while keeping your knees and feet pointing forwards) to the right, and place your right hand on the side of your chair. Ooooh. Dangerous!


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