How to get to CP from MN

coasterdude318 said:
Actually, Minnesota is more populated than 29 other states in the country.


True...but nowhere near as populated as the 15 that actually count.

But you have undoubtably proven one fact--Minnesota's feckless, humorless and hopelessly constipated population per capita tops the nation. You win, Nate. Congratulations.

(One of maybe eight funny people living here)

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

rollergator's avatar
Minnesotans are living without any feck? Who knew??

bill, boxing up some feck for the UPS guy as I type....can I get an address in Minnesota to send it to? ;)

Mamoosh's avatar
Gator - just tell that UPS guy to feck off! ;)
What the feck is feck?

Fate is the path of least resistance.

Mamoosh's avatar
Main Entry: feck·less
Pronunciation: 'fek-l&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Scots, from feck effect, majority, from Middle English (Sc) fek, alteration of Middle English effect
- feck·less·ly adverb
- feck·less·ness noun
Mamoosh: your friendly neighborhood Google Gateway.

Mamoosh's avatar
LOL! I have bookmarked.

CoastaPlaya said:

But you have undoubtably proven one fact--Minnesota's feckless, humorless and hopelessly constipated population per capita tops the nation. You win, Nate. Congratulations.

Well, I'm not the one who lives there.


Oh, that's right. You just play one when someone asks a VF or KCS-MOA question.

So what's worse--a humorless, constipated Minnesotan or a Wisconsin wannabe?

When it comes to massive fecal impactions, never underestimate the power of cheese!


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

It all can be traced back to cheese. My daughter, who is prone to having "difficulty", is (not) eligible for mac-n-cheese (her favorite meal of all time) based on when she last, well, moved.

Vater said:
What's the best way to get to Canada from the United States?

Swim Lake Erie.

Well thank you and I understand that I could have looked on the internet, which I did. I just wanted some opinions. And sorry I was being so ____(adj)_____. Sorry, I have to study for finals.

CoastaPlaya said:
Oh, that's right. You just play one when someone asks a VF or KCS-MOA question.

I don't have to live in Minnesota to know a thing or two about the parks there. But then again, I don't claim to be an expert on those parks like you have decided you are.

For the time being, I'm happy as can be in Wisconsin. The Twin Cities are nice, but too damn cold.


coasterdude318 said:

I'm happy as can be in Wisconsin.


Nate? Happy? If I believed in a hell, I'd be sendin Hitler a sweater or 2 right now. Nate, I thought It was against your religion to admit that you were either A) happy and/or B) enjoyed something because everything sucks.

I must have misunderstood....

No, save the sweaters until you say something funny and/or intelligent.


But then I wouldn't be known as "The unfunny one", and I kinda like being that. Atleast its better than being "The guy that no one likes but hangs around because he dosen't want to admit it and likes to argue that only his opinions, err, I mean facts count..."

But then, if that was me, you'd have no place to play anymore, nate.

Thanks for your concern, but do you really think I care whether people on a message board like me or not? That's best left to people with no friends...people like you, for instance.


Who needs friends when I have my cat, coasters, lube, and the internet? And please, don't mistake my sarcasm for concern, I'm not that nice of a person.

Now, nate, think about this: "oh, you're so stoopid, you don't have any friends because you say things about me I don't like! Wah!"

And you say I'm not intelligent or funny? That kind of intelligence puts you at about a 3rd grade social level.

If you can't come up with something funny/sarcastic/origional as a put down, instead of Vomiting up stuff other people have chewed up and spat down your throat, maybe you shouldn't be playing here with the big boys.

Here's a site you may find more appealing:

You're one of the "big boys"? Ha! No, let me say that again, HA! I don't need to insult you because you do a good enough job of it on your own.

Honestly, what's a more immature insult than "But nobody likes you!!!"?


I didn't say in my post I was a big boy at all, re-read it. See, thats the thing, I was being sarcastic in my post, not really being serious, but you're being totally serious, like you think you're insulting me.

You can't insult me, you don't have enough grasp on the mechanics of sociology, psycology, or even basic humor to insult me. You're a pitiful little boy that likes to make himself feel big and bad on a forum by dissing everyone else, and thats why there have been so many attacks towards you lately.

Its one thing when Playa doses you with the truth, but when everybody else does too? Heck, you had Lord Gonchar doin things I wouldn't have expected.

It all comes down to you wanting attention. I'll freely adimt to attention-whoring, but you do it in a "negative action will get me a reaction cause I need attention" kind of way. Did momsy womsy and dadsy wadsy not play with you enough when you were a wee lad?

Poor, pitiful nate, still hasn't found his sense of humor yet. Maybe one day, young grasshoppa!

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