How long before we reach 400ft.+

How long do you think it will be before we reach 400+ feet tall hypercoasters. If the intensity isn't to much, my guess is about 3-5 years. I would love to see a 500 foot coaster. Though you'd probably have to wear special suit to ride it.
It wont be until another 5-9 years, IMO.

Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Incredible Hulk, The
Special suit? Bah..

And I don't think coasters will ever go beyond 400ft - reason: physics.

500 ft tall coaster would have the same max speed as a 400 footer. Or something like that... damn terminal velocity! :)
Even if a 500 footer didn't go faster, I still think it would be more fun. The higher you are the scarier. I would think that anyway. The reason I want a 500 footer is right now coasters are not scary to me anymore, and I want them to be.
Lord Gonchar's avatar
I think we're forgetting that people freefall from airplane from thousands of feet up. Gravity alone cannot make you go fast enough to need a "special suit". Like jet coaster said, it's terminal velocity. For more info on terminal velocity try this link:

As for intensity, it can all be controlled by simple physics. You can build a 50 foot coaster and a 400 foot coaster side by side and design them so that the forces are greater (and thus more intense) on the 50 footer.

When will we see it? When the cost doesn't outweigh the return for the park. Money is the bottom line here.
Next year. j/k

Top 3 things I hate:
3.Red Lights 2.Lines
1.SFWoA ride op's :)
In 1996! It already happend:) Ever heard of Superman The Escape?

Deja Vu in 2002:)
I think he mean the 400ft full circut coaster.
Look at it this way, people though we'd never break the 200 and 300' marks.

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!
According to Lee, there are confirmed rumors for plans of a tera-coaster in Blackpool,

If you wanna dis me, then go knit a seater... or somethin' like that... *** This post was edited by force312 on 7/30/2001. ***
Won't happen for a long time!


force312 said:
"According to Lee, there are confirmed rumors for plans of a tera-coaster in Blackpool,

If you wanna dis me, then go knit a seater... or somethin' like that...

*** This post was edited by force312 on 7/30/2001. ***"

What the **** is a tera-coaster?

Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Incredible Hulk, The
200 feet-Hyper
300 feet-Giga
400 feet-Tera
500 feet-We don't need to worry about this for a while;)

"Bathroom 1 looks too intense for me"-Ed Markey
10 to the power of:
1 = 0+ = Deca (da) (Kiddie)
2 = 10+ =Hecto (h) (Junior)
3 = 100+ = Kilo (k) (Jr Hyper)
6 = 200+ = Mega (M) (Hyper)
9 = 300+ = Giga (G)
12 = 400+ = Tera (T)
15 = 500+ = Peta (P)
18 = 600+ = Exa (E)
21? = 700+ = Ultra (U)

"It's Deja Vu all over again." - Yogi Berra
While there may come a point when coasters can't get much faster, designers will always be able to keep the forces low enough that we can stand them, that is, given the right amount of money, time, and space to work with.

I once heard that if you jump off a normal chair and land without bending your legs, you're experiencing more G's than you would on Millennium Force...

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
A 500 ft. drop may not be faster than a 400 ft. drop, but the freefall sensation would last longer.
How high will they get? Will the goverment start to regulate height limits before it gets to high?

Alawys the #1 Minnesota Viking Fan!
I think 2 years on the non-circuit 700 ft coaster
and 5 years on the continuous circuit coaster
Your Guide to Indiana beach
LOL, you referring to the Stratosphere Project?
Do you guys think that we just won't see coasters that tall because parks wouldn't be willing to build it, or because of technology reasons? If it's because of technology, don't worry about that...Intamin has stated that the design they used on MF could allow a 750 ft. "Ultra" (:)) coaster.

I think that as coasters get taller and taller, they should add the new titles to them such as giga, tera, peta, etc. That way, you can state the height range of a coaster you're talking about.
They probably will, seeing as we already have "hyper" and "giga." What I wonder, though, is once we hit a 400-foot coaster, will people still call it a "hyper" as some refer to Millennium Force as a "hyper?"

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard

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