How is time twister?

The Neptune ride is pretty cool too. Neptune is in the middle stabbing his pitch fork(not sure what it's called) in the water that riders are spinning thru on a rethemed snow cups.

Best scenery is the animated dinos, Medusa, and the animated aliens, as well as somelandscaping scenery like tar pits and alien terrain.

Cyclops space sliders is kinda gross riding in his eye. The battering ram coaster looks dumb. The re themed Topspin looks really good


Is Time Twister as bad as WW was?

i got tt and have had it for about 3 days......word to the wise: if u thought ww stunck, dont buy this game. True there is a few more rides, but its mostly vehicle changes to rides that already exsisted. A few cool rides are the fun house, double decker carosel, prison haunted hause, this aquirium thing. But other othere than those select things, its no better than ww. Just more scenary and boring, lame rides wuth vehicle changes. Dont waste your money, or ur time. Your bound for another dissapointing expansion set.

Atari, ur just in it to pick up a few extra bucks.We want a quality game!!

To sum it all up, pass this game over.

TT loads up fine. RCT2 user expo requires you to restart the game a few times for it to work.

If I want to play a game, I want to play it right after installation, not two or three restarts later.
I am not who you think I am.

I never haad a problem running TT after the first installation.

What's really annoying though is when you first go to install it,you'd expect the autorun feature to start things up just like the main game but apperantly it doesn't work like that.

At first I thought I had a defective disk or something,I then just went into the main control panel & selected add/remove programs & then it started the install process no problem.

The double deck carrousel is great animation. The rest of the rides are rethemes. Some good. At least one of the coaster rethemes (the police chase) is very poor. Cars have car wheels (not upstop type of wheels) and just ride on top of the track. When it loops, it leaves the track.

Lots of animated scenery. Robots, aliens, knights, dinousaaurs, signs, building pieces with moving lights, sidewalks with lighting, moving bouys, hover cars that sway, seaplanes that sway.. Most of this stuff is nice. Not sure though if you use a lot of it if it will jam up the computer.

Lots of buliding pieces for the 20's, although some of them are very limited usuability like prison pieces. Nice castle and tudor buidling pieces for dark ages. Many walls you have to choose direction before placing (they do not simply fall into place like normal walls do) and they are always an inner or outer wall (you can not choose if they are inside or outside).

The rock and roll scenery is very disappointing. Nice 50s cars, but no building pieces and too much hippie stuff.

New themed coasters are just not an option on the exisitng coaster. In other words, if you want a looping coaster with the new trains, you have to rebuild the coaster. Just like Wacky Worlds.

Kick The Sky's avatar
I went in to buying this game knowing pretty much not to expect anything better than WW. I have to say, based on that premise alone, I was pleasantly surprised. There are some good rides in this game that are cloned off existing rides. Some examples are the double decker carousel (worth the 20 bucks IMHO so I can now make a more accurate SFGAm), teh trebuchet ride (top spin) and the myriad of static (non animated) rides based off the haunted house/crazy house platforms.

As far as scenery goes, a lot of it I really dont care for, however there are a few gems that I look forward to playing with. Those that have followed my designs know I am a scenery junkie so that is the park I will have the most fun with discovering. Already working on a scenerio set just for a roman park and a castle park with all the new goodies.

If you are looking for entirely new rides or brand new coaster types like the rocket coaster you are going to be disappointed. Side to side against Wacky Worlds this one wins hands down.

Bob Hansen
Operation Wicked Twister 2 - Goal: Lose 100 pounds by next season so I will DEFINATELY be able to ride Wicked Twister. Progress: 25 pounds. Doin' the Atkins!

I looked at the Best Buy ad yesterday, and it's at Best Buy for $9.99

"If you're thirsty, it's too late to go get a drink." Chinese Proverb

It sucks, don't waste your money. They have a bunch of stupid new trains. All of the new slow rides, ex. mirrors is all set at crooked house mode, so nobody wants to go through cause its so boring. I have to say the only thing i like in this whole game is the new raft for the white water raft ride. It might be just me but this came would bore a six year old. Stick to the original rct2
crazy horse's avatar
Yea, I was kinda bummed also. I do like the double decker carasel though.
I REALLY like the Oak Barrel White Water Ride and the new mythological raft ride boats. I don't really like the new fun house or hall of mirrors because those set names are plastered on them, so you can't really change the name to fit any new theme. Also like the double carousel- but still I have found much better re-skinned rides online- and hey that's free. As far as scenery, I find the "art deco" hard to build (and hard to believe they call it art deco). I do like the "cool dude" and "biker." Again the new cars on the coasters can't be put on existing coaster designs- HEY! Remember in the original RCT where you could design a B&M Style layout and then choose whether you wanted a standard twister, a Stand-up, or a floorless?!
Yea coaster pig they realy should return to that. Also it would be nice if you choose which theme you want your flat ride, scrambler-generic, kite fighter ect..snow cups-dino eggs,diamond ride ect.

Your right Amazing Earl does much better flats. His latest is the Tilt a Whirl.


A review on Gamespot was posted on 11/05:

Family Guy: "Oh no,Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, Oh yeah"

Anyone else have trouble installing Time Twister? It installed everything, but it won't load when I start the game and when I try to open the scenarios, it says I don't have the add-on pack installed, even though I obviously do..... Don't ask why I even wasted my money on it in the first place!

-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen

No troubles installing it. Ran fine for me. If you did install it right, you will notice on the left of the screen "+WW" or "+TT". In my case, its both.
I am not who you think I am.
Has anyone noticed that Neptune and that thing in the Dino Egg ride don't really rotate- if you rotate the screen you keep seeing their front- you never see their backs!
YES! I have noticed that coasterpig...and it bugs me a little. But the Neptune is such a cool ride that I can't complain too much. Actually I like this add-on quite a bit. Then again, the 1920's is my favorite era so this add-on fits with me and there has been nothing like it out on the net. The airplane runway and sea plane graphics are very cool as well. I will use them a lot.
Ive noticed it on the neptune ride but not on the dino egg one.

AE's working on yet another custom ride,this time a new version of the swinging inverter ship & it will look more like the kamikazee/typhoon style rides commonly found at traveling carnivals.

I'll be sure to download this new toy just as soon as it's ready. *** Edited 11/14/2003 10:25:58 PM UTC by BATWING FAN SFA***

jkpark's avatar
Can someone please list all of the new scenery categories in Time Twister? I'm curious to what I can make use of if I purchase it. Thanks.

-Uncle Jay

There are six new themes added to TT.

Jurassic-includes all the standard dinosaur themeing & scenery.

Roaring 20's- includes all the art-deco scenery & the giant gangsters.

Future-probably the best themeing in the expansion,includes new items such as pyramids & lit paths.

Dark ages-next to the future theming it's probably the best in the game with the huge castle walls & themed rides.

Mythology- includes alot of greek/roman style scenery similar to that found in the movies in the 50's & 60's.

There's also a 60's hippie theme which has some of the most ugliest paths in the entire game,still the B-movie spider ride is worth running the scenario for.

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