How is Millennium Force?

I'm planning to go July 2001 to Cedar Point...I have been there three times before, two in 1999 (Before MF, I just got to see track pieces from Magnum's lift hill :) ) and once in 1995.

Is July a good month to go? And what days are best to go...I want this trip to be perfect!

Also, getting to the main topic here...How is Millennium Force? I finally saw footage of it on TLC Christmas Eve...I never realised how banked some of those turns are!

Need Info! :)

If you want to go in July, I would recommend you go early July on a Tuesday or Wednesday. Those days are usually the slowest days of the week.

~Eric L.~
AOL Name: Eric24G
How much you will like Millenniuim Force depends on what kind of rides you like, Millennnium Force is about speed and not airtime. If you want to know what i think of it look at my signature.

#1: Millennium Force
#2: Raging Bull
#3: Tie B:TR/Raptor
#4: Viper (SFGAm)
#5: Goliath/Magnum
As a confirmed 'airtime-whore' I can honestly say MF was not my favorite all time coaster. However, it is still my favorite ride in the park. The entire ride is very smooth (almost to a fault), the lift hill is kinda freaky. The overbanked turns did very little for me, though admittedly I enjoyed the last two somewhat. The side-by-side 'bunny hops' were good spots of air. I expected a little more from the station flyby but it was still decent. I rode it twice (day and night) and had a blast! If you like coasters, you'll like the ride. Just dont go in thinking it will be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Just "Sit upright, hold on tight, and enjoy your ride on Millenium Force!" :)
Jeff's avatar
I avoid the place in July. It can be a real zoo, especially on weekends. The good thing is they've reached a point where, The Force aside, lines are pretty well distributed throughout the park.

The Force isn't like anything else you've ever been on, and anyone who tells you otherwise is what I like to call a coaster snob*. The word that comes to mind is "powerful." The float down that impossible drop and the subsequent pull into your seat around the first and second turns at high speed is pretty amazing. The floatage over the lagoon and back is something of the Gods. It won't pop you out, but that's a long time to be out of your seat. The speed past the station and queue is pretty insane, and to see it on the ground, as you exit from the queue, is also stunning.

Best coaster ever? I don't know, I have been on enough to make that call. However, if I was dying and had one ride left, I'm fairly certain it would be this ride.

* A coaster snob is someone who has been on hundreds of coasters, and generally finds faults in rides using words like "airtime" and "lateral" to make it sound like their experience has some real bearing on what you should think.

Webmaster/Admin -
Amen Jeff :)

Whats so great about sliced bread?
jeff: you mentioned what i thought was the most incredible thing about the ride: from the ground it looks fast. Most coasters that I have been on feel fast while you are on them, but dont really look that fast from the ground. But when you see MF whip into that last overbank it's like Man that sucker is fast!
---sliced bread can be shared easily with friends
How is Millennium Force? In my humble opinion, it is the best of any coaster I've ever been on and I've been on quite a few. Not as many as some of you though...

I gotta tell you sitting in the left seat and going up that hill and about half way up saying to my friend "Oh s!@#! Aren't we at the top yet?" and realizing there was a ways to go when suddenly you take off even faster and hit the top glance over the side and all you see is water then all you see is the ground in front of you and you're screaming your lungs out then you come up and bank around the corner - your legs go numb (at least mine did) then just when you start to get the feeling back in them you are up and then down again getting that numbness again and the whole rest of the ride just takes your breath away - I gotta tell you it is such a rush.

Just makes you glad to be alive and jump right back into line. Although my friends wouldn't set foot near it!! They probably feel it's a good thing that I live 700 miles away from it!

Been there. Done that. Doin' it again.
hmm MF no airtime? Maybe height and/or weight has something to do with it, but I never touched my seat during the first drop, the side by side hills, and the final bunny hop. The Gs were awesome, the speed insane, it didn't hurt me, and what other coaster glues bugs to your shirt? This was my favorite roller coaster easily.
I think Jeff said it best:"The floatage over the lagoon and back is something of the Gods. It won't pop you out, but that's a long time to be out of your seat. "Also the airtime on the first drop is great. The first drop is one of the world's greatest first drops imo.

Ride with full FORCE *** This post was edited by Andrew on 12/27/2000. ***
One side note about MF - don't just ride it once. Ride it at least three times, no matter how long the wait. In the back for the great "pull-over"; in the famous car 5 for sustained airtime on the 182' hill, and the front or as close as you can get for the view. One ride won't let it soak in.

And honestly, July? Go about the third week of June on a Tuesday or Wednesday. All of July and about the first three weeks of August are way to busy.
john peck's avatar
Essentially, Force is a ride you wait for 3 hours, and then hop back in line immediatly to wait for it again!
Does anyone know if they are going to do the ticket thing again? My gf and I didn't know about it until all the tickets were gone. :( We had to wait for the late rides.

The ride itself is undescribable. I still have dreams about it. I can't wait to go on it again but that might have to wait two years. Sucks living on the East coast.
Try living on the West Coast. Not that I'm complaining with the crazy stuff being built here. I will probably get to CP and SFO in July, but I doubt I'll get to ride my favorite coasters at all next year. Those would be Superman at SFNE, and Legend at HW. BTW, I was less than thrilled at my first ride on MF. I was probably a little peeved that I had to ride in the middle of the train when I didn't want to. A later ride I got in the second row was pretty amazing.

Life consists of two kinds of people, those who accept, and those who sit back and cry...
I might also be going up this year. Although I thik that it might be wiser to next year, seeing that Cedar Point isn't adding any coasters this year and might next year.

What is life without geniuses?
Unfortunately, I think I'm getting a cold, but thanks for asking.
Bravo! That's one of the funnier things I've seen on this board.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
A lot of people complain that the lift-mechanism takes the train up the hill too fast and that it doesn't give the riders time to realize how high they really are. I disagree. I still remember my first MF ride, and I remember the speed of going up that hill absolutely freaking me out. About halfway up, when they increase the speed even more, I looked at my friend and we exchanged some words not fit to reproduce on this board. The speed of the lift adds to the intimidation and helps build the excitement for this ride and for the drop that is like nothing else ever experienced on a roller coaster.

MF's airtime is great (although it comes in 2nd to the Magnum) but like Jeff said, the best attribute of this coaster is its sheer power and presence. The first hill almost doesn't look real (Remember, the angle of ascent on this thing is the same as the angle of descent on the first hill of the Blue Streak!)and the speed is unlike anything you've ever experienced. Also, the first drop is so steep that it feels like the train is going to curl under the supports.
I think you should take off from work and go to CP on Tuesday or Wednesday in May :)
The only problem with going in May is school trips. May should be called physics month! By the middle of June, schools are out, and the vacation season hasn't hit fill tilt yet. I consider the 4th of July the start of vacation season.

Although, it's always a gamble. You could get lucky in May, and have the park virtually to yourself.

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