How about weather links on park page's

Anyway of putting direct weather link's on each park's page. It would make it a little simpler than finding city or zip code of the park your going to on a weather web site.

Army rangers lead the way
Jeff's avatar
That's a possibility.

Webmaster/Admin -
It would be a cool addition, thanks for answering

Army rangers lead the way
Yes, I agree, fantastic idea.. plus I am sure it wouldn't be *too* hard.. but I could be wrong.

Alan Jacyszyn
SFDLnet: The Ultimate Darien Lake Guide - NOW OFFICIALLY OPEN!
This is a very good idea, I'm not a computer expert so I don't know how difficult this would be for Jeff. But it seems like a link to the national weather service for each park wouldn't be too hard.

I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit to keep riding roller coasters
Depending on how he has the park's address setup in the database table, he could link to a site (or other ones that use similar systems) like

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Jeff's avatar
There's the issue... the parks do not have zip code records in them.

Webmaster/Admin -
Well, you could start off with the major ones, and have members keep sending them would be pretty cool.

I'm going to be at CP July 10th & 11th. I'll be at SFWOA the 12th of July. See you there!

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