How about a forum where we can just talk...

like a misc. section. I really would love to talk about other stuff...
Been suggested already and Jeff shot it down.

The former CPJunkie. CB Club Member. 122 coasters :)

nope, It would be to hard to moderate.
stoogemanmoe's avatar
More noise? noooooooo..... don't need it.

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

Congrats! You are the 400,000,000th person to suggest this very idea!

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Don't need it? Why not.... and it doesn't need to be mod. It could be called Uncensored.
Congrats again! You just suggested the dumbest idea of all time - an uncensored forum. Yeah, that'd work out reaaaaal well with the legal department. Common Sense. Perhaps you lack it?

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Can you imagine the amount of topics that would be submitted if we could just talk about anything? There would be so much spam nobody would know what to do with it.


if you want an uncensored board, startup your own. this site is for coaster talk, etc...

Albany Entertainment: isn't a dumb idea... many boards have it. And it handles pretty well. It would work even better hear and you know why? Well, I thought that would work beause (a) we have some pretty decent human beings here. Who don't opress people for their opinions....oh wait.
if Jeff closed down the Rumors, then there's no chance he'll open an open forum. the only thing that came close was the special forum that was added for a while after Sept. 11 2001 and that was for a special occasion.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Knott's Berry Farm Cuba ~South Park
"Your proctologist called, he found your head!" ~Jerry "The King" Lawler

pkifanatic said: isn't a dumb idea... many boards have it. And it handles pretty well.

You hit the nail on the head. Many boards have one. If you want to talk about your favorite band, what's on TV tonight, how many girls in your class are wearing a thong, etc., go to one of those boards. J-Pizzie states pretty clear that the purpose of these boards is coasters and theme parks, not noise. Go read the search results that BrandonR posted and you'll see a million other reasons against.

*** This post was edited by bigboy on 8/28/2002. ***

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