How about, 3 strikes, your out!

Well, it also depends on the scenario.. but lets say a member does a post like "Cedar point sucks"... they would get a strike. Basically, closed topics, but even other ones that stir up noise etc. they should get a little reminder, but still get a strike. After 3 strikes, your outta here for good.

lol.. that might be an idea, but I don't know if it would solve anything. Obviously if something is more extreme than that, they could be booted right away :)

Alan Jacyszyn
SFDLnet: The Ultimate Darien Lake Guide - NOW OFFICIALLY OPEN!
That's a good idea but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Although, I think they should keep it to themselves if it is negative.

Talon laps: 171
You'd have to be really careful what you consider a strike, because everyone is entitled, of course. But stuff that's specifically targeted to annoy or harass maybe needs to have some sort of penalty. Maybe some way of just putting a "temporary ban" of sorts on them? Like, no posting for a week, rather than throwing them out entirely.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
That is totally at the discretion of Jeff. If one of us mods sees something that doesnt abide by the rules here we will contact him with the all the information that we have and then he makes the decision on whether to ban someone or not. The 3 strikes rule I feel would be to cumbersome.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""

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