Homepark in Member Profile

How about adding an extra spot in the Member Profiles so we can add are Homepark into the profile?
Ive been getting alot of IMs recently and almost everyone starts off "Hey, im from Coasterbuzz, so whats your homepark"
I dont mind replying as I enjoy talking to fellow buzzers, but I think it would be a nice little addition in the profile.

Planet Xtreme - http://home.nycap.rr.com/greese1/
Planet Xtreme Forums - http://pub39.ezboard.com/bplanetxtreme20680

Yea I think that it would be a good idea, but I doubt they will put the feature in.
The Jokes on You!! Ha Ha Ha
Can't they just look at your location and figure it out?

Anthony Clauser

Some people just put the home park next to where thier location is.
I have no signature.
Remember also different people, think differently about the term "Home Park". For me Michigan's Adventure is about a 1.5 hour drive while Cedar Point is a two hour drive, and I go to Cedar Point about 5x more than I go to Michigan's Adventure. So technically speaking Michigan's Adventure would be my home page, even though I visit Cedar Point 5x more. While others may consider Cedar Point to be my "home park".

- Andrew Hyde

*** This post was edited by Andrew on 1/10/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar
BGT is actually what I call my "home park", even though IOA is closer (BGT has been around ever since I "converted", LOL, and it has wood).  Wild Adventures is closer, too, but since they're still in the growing stage, I call it my "adopted home park"...I guess it's true what THEY say:  Home park IS where the heart is!
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
I now consider CP my homepark even though SF is very close so location wouldn't do it. I just added homepark under something.
CP! Still the coaster capital of the world in 2002!
My fellow Americans; Let's Roll!

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