Holiday World to cancel all enthusiast events in 0

Sad, sad news from Santa Claus, Indiana. :(

Looks like they have decided to cancel SRM for 04. I hate it for Holiday World 100x times more than I hate it for me. They were trying to do something nice for us as a community and we screwed it up.

God bless the Koch family and everyone else at Holiday World.

-Brian, who enjoys long walks on the beach, wooden coasters, avoiding being called a "jobber" while keeping it real in the 9Quad.

I suppose this is what Jeff was referring to as enthusiasts being put on notice.

Too bad... really too bad, for enthusiasts and the park.

A.C.E. member since 1990
Posting @ Coasterbuzz since 2000
E.C.C. member since 2002

coasterqueenTRN's avatar

I am upset but I respect their decision. I am sure it wasn't an easy one to make. My support will always be with Paula and the Koch family.

It certainly won't keep me from going to the park many, many more times, whether it's with one person or a group.



<-----looking forward to a possible SRM '05

Gimme speed, height, airtime and plenty of LAUNCH!!!

Not to sound like a typical self loather, and Rob, I know your posts enough to know you feel the same way here, but I could really give two rat's behinds about how "enthusiasts" feel about it.

I hope there's no backlash to this in any way. Holiday World will continue to get my patronage in 04 and in the future, and frankly.. very little if any of my feelings on the subject are linked to their two world class wooden coasters or their sensational waterpark.

-Brian, who enjoys long walks on the beach, wooden coasters, avoiding being called a "jobber" while keeping it real in the 9Quad.

I like the zero tolerance attitude. Frankly I think that parks should form an alliance and refuse admission as a group to any 'black listed' individuals.
Of course, how do you enforce something like this... post photos in every ticket booth of 'Most Wanted Enthusiasts?'. Even on a one park scale it seems like it would be tough to enforce.
Anyway, as for SRM... sigh.
Touchè, teacher, touchè.
While I am sad about them canceling all events for 2004, I am also very happy about their new Zero-Tolerance Policy. I hope more parks set up such a policy. People who have a disregard for rules SHOULD be banned. Once again I applaud Holiday World.
What I do when I'm not riding roller coasters!
Kick The Sky's avatar
I cannot say I blame them. With the remarks alone made in the response thread to Jeff's editorial I can see why this decision was made. While I will miss SRM dearly next year, I will make it a point to visit the park because it really is the best park I have visited. I know I am wishing really hard, but maybe this will act as a wakeup call to enthusiasts to get their sh*t together because I fully expect more of these press releases to come out in the very near future.

EDIT: One last thing. I think enthusiasts really need to look at how big a tragedy this is to the community. The community has lost the trust of the ONE park that loves enthusiasts and supports them and bends over backwards for them. That is a huge blow. I am sure this was a tough decision for the park and it won't be such a tough decision at other parks around the country.

Bob Hansen
Resident Airtime Whore
*** This post was edited by Kick The Sky 9/18/2003 1:51:50 PM ***

rollergator's avatar
I feel bad for Will, Pat, Paula, and my adopted family at always, my respect for HW only grows...if that's even possible...

I will still get to see most of my friends at other parks, other events, other times....and I hope to see my friends in Southern Indiana sometime in '04 as well...

This family reunion will be taking a hiatus, and it is a sad day....hopefully, those who need to learn the most will take notice and do so...
This sig brought to you by Planet Express, providing intergalactic package delivery for aliens and earthlings alike...

Homey G.- thanks for "understanding" me well enough to know that I'm not thinking about enthusiasts, first and foremost. Obviously, my regrets are for what Holiday World got put through because of all of this. I have never been (but seriously plan on going in '04, SRM or not), but I can tell that they are very serious about everything that they do, and to see such a dedicated bunch of people suffer because of someone's carelessness is really a shame. I can completely understand their decision, and honestly couldn't blame them if they never held another enthusiast event. Enthusiasts are supposed to support parks like theirs, not mess things up.

I feel bad for enthusiasts as a whole because of the simple fact that a few ignorant people can mess things up for everyone. The majority of enthusiasts I know are very responsible when it comes to riding and are as serious about being safe as the parks themselves, and it is really too bad that an overall good group of people have to suffer the repercusions of the mistakes of a few.

A.C.E. member since 1990
Posting @ Coasterbuzz since 2000
E.C.C. member since 2002

Rob, you bet man.

Me and a lot of my coaster friends grew up a lot that day, and I'm 29 years old. I'm ashamed of things in the past I have gotten away with and bragged about later (though never on the internet). Now if we can get the rest of the "enthusiast" community to straighten up, grow up, and maybe more importantly LOCK UP their restraints, we can avoid more of this in the future.

-Brian, who enjoys long walks on the beach, wooden coasters, avoiding being called a "jobber" while keeping it real in the 9Quad.

Its not a matter of sucking the fun out of riding, its just about being responsible and using your head. Which, unfortunately, a great number of people have a hard time doing.

You know, for years, I have blamed the insurance companies for pushing the use of racheting lap bars, OHSRs and the like, but now, I see where really to place the blame.


A.C.E. member since 1990
Posting @ Coasterbuzz since 2000
E.C.C. member since 2002

I for one think it's a bad call to cancel SRM. Instead of hiding from the problem, the park could have taken the opportunity of SRM 2004 to gather all the attendees together and tell them exactly what sort of behavior they don't want to see. Couple that with a warning that further misbehaviour would result in cancellation of the event for good.

I respect the park's decision, but don't agree with it. Maybe if I had been there this year I would understand it better. This definitely affects my plans to visit the park next much as I love the place, event or no, it costs a lot of money for me to get there and the loss of the SRM atmosphere is easily a deciding factor for me.

Mike Miller - Hoping HW will re-engage with enthusiasts in 2005

Jeff's avatar
Bob: I think (actually know) that you hit the nail on the head about the responses posted here and various other places on the Internet regarding the Cedar Fair letter. The "I'm innocent, not my problem" stance taken by some people was I'm sure offensive to some, and duh, the industry types visit this site and read this stuff.

I said it then, I'll say it again... this isn't the last you'll hear on this issue.

EDIT: Bass... they did warn everyone on Friday night last year. They already made their point, and someone ignored it and paid with their life.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - - My Blog
Blogs, photo albums - CampusFish
What time does the water show start?
*** This post was edited by Jeff 9/18/2003 2:20:20 PM ***

TheRealCP's avatar
It's too bad that enthuiasts go overboard so that cancellations happen... :(

TheRealCP :)

BaSSiStiSt said:
I for one think it's a bad call to cancel SRM. Instead of hiding from the problem, the park could have taken the opportunity of SRM 2004 to gather all the attendees together and tell them exactly what sort of behavior they don't want to see.


We did that at SRM '03. We put it in writing *and* I said it quite loudly and clearly during the welcoming ceremony.

We're not hiding from the problem. We're trying to end it.

Paula Werne
Holiday World PR

Once upon a time a 'coaster enthusiast' visit involved a few oddly-garbed dorks and the good times they shared.

It had nothing to do with free food, discounted admission, special T-shirts or ERT.

And frankly, it never did.

It's not even a privilege, much less a right. It's a gift.

I, for one, will still make my first visit next summer. I don't need anyone to bow and scrape to elicit my presence. Just gimme sunshine and a good day. That's all I ask.


(flying his cape at half-mast)

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.
*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 9/18/2003 2:25:22 PM ***

Oh, I didn't know it was in writing also, Paula. I think I see things a little more clearly now, thanks for the info.

Mike Miller - Still counts Holiday World as his favorite park, mainly cuz of Paula ;-)

Its really sad. It was my 1st enthusiast event and most likely my last. Patrick the enthusiast doesn't like it BUT Patrick the ride op says a good idea and I have to go with the ride op in me. The whole event almost turned me off to rollercoasters in general.

Honestly I don't blame them in the least.

Hi.....whats your name again? Theme park photos and more. Your new home for the Jeff Siebert fanpage

It's not even a privilege, much less a right. It's a gift.

Amen. I you are 100% right CoastaPlaya. It is a gift.

What I do when I'm not riding roller coasters!

It was stated, written, and wrote plain as day.

If one thing comes of this I hope it makes the idiots realize that what they are doing is entirely and completely stupid. Why risk your life for a thrill that lasts a minute or so. Would you have unprotected sex with someone you know has AIDS? Seems about the same difference as me.

All I know is that on the last weekend of May 2004 I will be at Holiday World and I hope many others will be there with me, if for nothing else then to show support for the Koch's and the park.

If I was part of a coaster, I would be an upstop pad on an Arrow Mine Train.
*** This post was edited by MagnumForce 9/18/2003 2:34:44 PM ***

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