Hershey/Knoebels/Dorney: Tips?

Well, The Big Trip 2001 is only four days away. Three other buddies and myself will be packin' into a car and headin' East. More specifically, Hershey Park, Knoebels Grove, and Dorney Park.

Day 1: Early up and drive to Hershey, where a day will be spent tasting their selection of rides and coasters. Spending one night in a hotel near Hershey.

Day 2: Drive from the hotel in Hershey to Knoebels, where I'll finally get to ride Phoenix and Twister. After the day is done, drive to a hotel near Allentown and spend the night.

Day 3: Spending the day at Dorney Park, getting a third hypercoaster under my belt (still haven't ridden PR, and I'm not going to KW before this trip, so Steel Force'll be my first Morgan), not to mention Talon. After a day at Dorney, head back to the same hotel near Allentown.

Wake up the next morning and make the trek back West.

Here's where you come in.

I know a lot of you out there really love Knoebels, and I've heard great reviews of Dorney and Hershey as well. Since I've never been to any of these three parks, I'd like to know if there's anything I shouldn't miss. There's an awesome food stand or crazy statue in every park, and I want to try to catch the best parts of each place.

Suggestions? Where to eat in the parks? Specific seats on rides? Flat rides that look uninteresting but are actually great fun? How about tips on the Flyers?

Basically, tell me what you've learned makes for a great day at these park.

I'm really looking forward to this trip. It'll be my first major trip to an amusement park since going to Cedar Point 11 months ago. Plus, this'll be the first trip I ever take away from my parents. Shaping up to be a real blast!

Thanks for your information!

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I thought pug dogs weren't allowed to ride coasters. :)
Ok, for Dorney Park a good suggestion is get to the park at opening time(10 a.m. I believe) and then get in line for the coasters you want to ride. Hercules, Steel Force, and Talon are probably going to be semi-large lines, but Thunderhawk is a walk-on almost all day. Laser, all depends on if it is running or not, if its running on one train, then you will be in for a good waiting time.

Dorney Park is da bomb!
I'd love to see some Hershey & Knoeble's suggestions also. I'm making a trip in 2 weeks to KW, Knoebels, & Hershey. My plan so far is similar to Lynch's with the exception of Kennywood instead of Dorney.

E Blitz Entertainment
Bay City, Michigan
Can't say about Dorney (its been 20 years since I have been there!) but for Hershey...

Here is my normal strategy...
get there when it opens

1 ride on Comet

1 ride on Great Bear (wait for front seat)... if line is not bad, go for a re-ride or two

If the line is not bad (and you just HAVE to ride it), 1 ride on Coal Cracker

1 ride on Sidewinder

1 ride on Wildmouse

1 ride on Wildcat... if line is not bad, go for a re-ride or two

1 ride on Lightning Racer (lightning or thunder)
(unless the park is really full, don't worry too much about getting a re ride in right now... Lightning Racer has very good throughput and the lines move fast all day long)

1 ride on Lightning Racer (which ever side you did not ride first time.

from here hit what ever you like... flat rides, coasters again, water rides, etc. Fit sooperdooperlooper in when you can, lines are never that bad. If you HAVE to, fit Trail Blazer when you can.

Rides (aside from coasters) not to miss: Flying Falcon, Giant Wheel (about the last of its kind? in the US?), Chaos, Pirat, Cyclops, Whip, Canyon River Rapids and Tidal Force (you WILL get SOAKED... take along dry clothes if you want to do these two).

Since the park is laid out the way it is, on your way out you will pass very near the Comet station... I always do my last coaster ride of a vist on this one (sentimental) and my last ride of the day is usually on their PTC Carrousel (sentimental once again).

If you wish to do Chocolate World, either arrive there at 9am(when Choc.World opens) and then go the park at 10(when it opens) or do Choc.World on your way out (you will pass it on the way to your car).

For Knoebels...

1 ride on Twister... if lines are not bad, do a re ride or two. When I rode it they still were only at 1 train operation (1999) and lines were about 45 minutes.

1 ride on Pheonix... if lines are not bad, do a re ride or two. A walk on or no more than 5 minute wait when I was there.

The Haunded Mansion (Don't miss this one!!!)

The Carrousel (okay, I'm a sentimentalist... ALWAYS have to do the carrousel at a park!)

The train. (not sure of the name... its the one that is on the "left" as you walk in). It sounds silly, and the train is nothing to get excited about, but it passes directly through the structure of Twister twice!

Spend the rest of your time hitting flat rides, eating, re rides on coasters, etc.

"Resistance is futile... you will be assimilated." The BORG's (and Six Flags') motto.
Hersheypark tips: [assuming you get there right aroud opening]

My recommended plan of attack:
1)After entering the park, walk up the hill, past the carousel, and down another hill to the Comet.
2)Ride the Comet [it has longer lines in the afternoon]
3)Hit the sooperdooperloop [no-line and it's on the way anyway]
4)Up the path to the Great Bear [this sometimes gets a line -- wait for the front, not the back]
5)Walk from the 'Bear to the Wildcat. Skip the trailblazer, Sidewinder, Tidal Force, and Canyon River Rapids for now.
6)Ride the Wildcat [this one gets long lines]
7)Ride the Wildmouse [it's right there]
8)Ride the Chaos [Chance flatride, right next to mouse]
9)Walk over to the Lightning Racer [hit the Whip, if there's no line, and Music Express, if there's no line]
10)Ride Lightning Racer [never more than a 10 minute wait. Get the front of red and the back of green]
11)Follow the path adjacent to the Lightning Racer back to the Tidal Force.
12)Ride Tidal Force/River Rapids if you want.
13)Hit the Sidewinder [Vekoma Boomerang] on the way to...
14)Trailblazer [Arrow Mine-train]

**Now you've ridden every coaster + some water & flatrides in the park. IF you get to the park at opening, you can easily do all of this before 1:00pm. Use the remaining time to get re-rides, check out some other flatrides/monorail, etc. At the end of the day, grab a ride on the carousel near the front.

1)My favorite food area is right in front of the Sidewinder. You can get tacos, burgers, hotdogs + ice cream and drinks. Tables are in the shade of a few trees and you can watch the Sidewinder while you eat.
2)If you're in the mood for pizza, check out Mama Ilardo's near the Wildmouse. It's pretty expensive [what isn't??] but the pizza is REALLY good.
3)If you'd rather be indoors with shade and air conditioning, there's an inside food cafeteria near the entrance to the Great Bear. It has a great view of the Comet area. The food is good too.

MUST RIDES: [in order of importance]
1)Wildcat [front and/or back seat]
2)Great Bear [front seat]
3)Lightning Racer [front and/or back seat]
4)Comet [front AND back]
5)Sooperdooperlooper [front seat]
6)Chaos [flatride]
7)Kiss Tower [it's Hershey ;)]
8)Coal Cracker [log flume, near the Bear]

Get on all the major coasters, hit the flatrides, hit any "unique" attrations, get some good food, hit the coasters again, and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!

A friendly Hersheypark Ride-op :)
You've never been to Knoebels? Wow, you're in for a treat!

Knoebels isn't a huge park, so if you spend the day there, you will have no problem seeing everything and doing everything. Don't miss out on Cesari's pizza, its by the Haunted House (and supposedly expanded this year), and they have some of the best pizza I have ever had (amusement park or otherwise). Also don't miss the Phoenix and Twister after dark, those are religous coaster experiences not to be missed!

As for Hershey, I would head to Midway America first (Wildcat, Lightning Racer, Wild Mouse) because I have found that area gets very crowded at night (although you will find that area of the park looks unbelievable when its lit up at night). Like Knoebels, there really isn't much bad at Hershey.

Dorney is probable my least favorite of the three parks (I think I still miss the old, traditional Dorney... perhaps I will finally get over it when I ride Talon this weekend) but by no means is it a below-average place. I still love Thunderhawk, and Steel Force and Laser are both great. The Laser gets long lines for an older coaster (and is at the point in the park furthest from the front gate), so you might want to hit that one early on.

Have a great time, you are visiting three great parks and there is no way you won't have fun!
If you get any more time you may want to slideo n over to Kennywood to ride Phantom's Revenge. Trust me, you won't regret it!

The Pens will win the Stanley Cup in 2002!
Thanks for the tips. I know they'll come in handy on my trip! :)

E Blitz Entertainment
Bay City, Michigan
Make sure when you ride the phoenix to ride it in rows 1,3,and the last one. Downdraft is a cool ride too but it might make your neck sore after two rides. I like the cosmotron a lot, it's nothing overly exciting, but it is a bit unique and worth a ride.

Hercules at Dorney is running rough this year. It reminds me a lot of mean streak: Big drop with a big ol brake at the top, no speed throught the ride. But I would still take one lap on it. The coasters restraunt is the same as cp's and has pics of a lot of cp's coasters in it. Talon is a great ride in the front but the back is ten times better.

"Nippy!! Where the hell are ya?"
Thanks a million for these tips. I'm really starting to get a mental plan of attack for each park.

Oh, by the way, beltzies... Kennywood's my homepark, so I'm sure I'll hit it sooner or later. (Hopefully more sooner than later... it's been open for almost a month, and I still haven't ridden it! :()

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
http://kennywood.coasterbuzz.com *** This post was edited by Lynch on 6/7/2001. ***
And don't forget the bumper cars at Knoebel's - one of my favorite rides anywhere outside of a coaster. The cars themselves are gorgeous. The Haunted Mansion is a blast. So is their "kiddie" coaster, the High Speed Thrill Coaster - if'n it's just adults on it, the operator can be convinced to let 'er rip (the speed can be controlled by the lift). Oh yeah - gotta go for the brass ring on their beautiful carousel. And then there's ... you get the picture. It's an amazing place. But you have to promise a TR - I want to see a first-timer's perspective.

By the way, I'd expected coasterpunk's input on this by now - I know that's his home park. Still out there, cp?
Hersheypark: I agree with whoever said about going to Midway America first, and riding the Lightning Racer, Wildcat, and Wild Mouse. They get real bisy if its a hot sunny day because they are close to the water rides. Whatever else after. You will get to ride the caosters fast anyway unless they only have one train running. Everyone else cover everything about where to sit and all that.

Dorney Park: I find that going to the park in Mid day works well when its hot because a majority of the people are at the waterpark, so it is a good idea to go in the park first thing. Everyone else covered it.

Knoebels is good anytime. :)

They are all excellent parks, but I think that Hershey is my favorite. I guess being so close helps too. :)
Hersheypark tip: Make sure you hit the midway section of the park by Wildcat and Racer in the beginning or middle of the day. The ride lines in that section of the park will close up to an hour before the park closes due to the laser show at 10:00. If you have any other park related questions, let me know. I'll most likely know since I'm a ride op there.
Basicly just going to Knoebels it's tough not to have a great time.
My five must rides at Knoebels are the Haunted Mansion ride it on the left then right (you will miss stuff if you don't).
The Flyers are a must do these can get pretty scary even for pro flyers. The Bumper cars are superb as well when you get hit you know. The other must ride is the Grand Carousel sit on the outside and grab the rings. The Pioneer Train is a relaxing mile and a half trin ride thru the woods and under Twister. It may be the longest train ride anywhere.

No matter where you eat at Knoebels they have good food and very reasonable prices. Try the fries near the Power Surge.

What day are you going to be at Knoebels? Drop me an email and maybe I can meet up with you there. I love taking people around my homepark showing them everything.

Hello, My name is Dan and I'm a coasterholic.
Dan is a GREAT Knoebels tourguide, everyone should take him up on this offer... ;)


I too am making this trip later in the summer. How far is Knoebels from Allentown/Dorney. We were going to spend 2 days at Dorney and 2 Days at Hershey, but Knowbels sounds like fun. Are there any small rides for a 3 year old? Have a good trip Lynch...Do a trip report when you get back, I'll be very interested in how it went.
Dan, haven't seen you on in a while...I would love to take you up on a Knoeble's tour sometime this summer. Say hi to Shelly for me.


There's nothing like a woodie...
This is odd, the wive and I have Knoebels, Dorney, and either Hershey/Kennywood(very undecided, we cannot do both:() planned as our trip after Virginia. I'm soaking this all up, we've never been to Pennsylvania, so lots of people have already asked many of our questions we may have had.......as for Dorney, though, I think I wouldn't be OK if I didn't get on Laser, I would cry and cry.......
I'll definitely have a *lot* of writing to do when I get back. Longest trip I've ever taken.

Maybe I should take notes...

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard

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