Hershey 2009

Granted... given the choice, I would rather be watcing a game in HPA than in GC... however, that isn't going to happen. And they also let HPA deteriorate with only doing minimal maintenace I have heard.

So... all that being said... as much as I liked (preferred) the old building... its time to move on. The park is land locked... no room for expansion. If expansion means bringing down the old barn, as much as I would hate to see it go, I realize that perhaps the time as come.

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
Please forgive my ignorance, but whats the big building on the hill adjacent to the complex?

*** Edited 4/9/2008 3:07:32 AM UTC by crombiedude11***

2006 - 2009 Cedar Fair Ride Operations
2009 - Walt Disney World Attractions.

You mean the "castle" lookign building?

Not sure what it called now, but a few years (decades?) ago it was "Milton Hershey Industrial"... kind of like a trade school... NOT to be confused with the "Milton Hershey School".

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
Yeah that one lol.

2006 - 2009 Cedar Fair Ride Operations
2009 - Walt Disney World Attractions.

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