Hercules Deconstruction?

What's going on with Hercules? Dorney Park Online hasn't give us an update since 2 weekends ago. I want to see what they are doing over there. What do you think?
janfrederick's avatar
They got the lighter fluid ready... ;)

Either that or they are planning to film Smokey and the Bandit III...

Sorry, bad joke...

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
*** This post was edited by janfrederick 11/11/2003 3:52:25 PM ***

haha i bet they do
I was wondering why Hollywood would not jump on the possibility to wreck the ride for Dorney.

Well, Roger Corman might be more likely, but I guess he is not the man he used to be...


How I rode a million coasters in Hollywood and never lost my lunch.

I should be going by the park on Saturday to see if anything has happened. It's only been two weeks, so I don't think we are going to be seeing any major deconstruction yet.

I just checked Dorney Park Online, and a member who works at the park posted this:
"Dismantling started today. The area directly behind the queue area, the transfer and the track above the transfer, the hill that goes under the station are all gone."

So there you go.

*** This post was edited by J2S 11/11/2003 4:28:08 PM ***

Any word on what kind of dismantling? Is it dismantling with hammers and chainsaws or dismantling with a big yellow bulldozer?

A.C.E. member since 1990
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Yeah, the transfer shed area has been dismantled and the drop under the station is partly gone. Pics will be posted on dorneyonline.com soon by a park employee. Also, in defense of dponline. They have thoroughly covered the deconstruction process as much as they could up until closing day, not much went on then though, just survey markings, taking the trains off the track, and boarded up entrances. DP waited until the park closed to do anything major. They are wasting no time on taking it down now that the park is closed. The park employee said the wood is being sold. (no this isn't the lemon chill guy, this is a guy who works in the marketing dept at DP and is a trusty poster over on dponline.) Check over there for anything concerning the situation, it would be your best resource. Rob, to me it sounds like neither carefully dismantling nor completley wrecking, somehwhere in between, but I could be wrong, we'll have to wait and see.
This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules at Dorney Park 5/89-9/03
*** This post was edited by DorneyDante 11/11/2003 9:09:23 PM ***
CDI - Controlled Demolition, Inc. Wouldn't that be cool? :)

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

tricktrack said:
I was wondering why Hollywood would not jump on the possibility to wreck the ride for Dorney.


How I rode a million coasters in Hollywood and never lost my lunch.

As far as I know they're not filming a sequel to Rollercoaster. ;)

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I doubt that Hollywood would concoct a movie featuring the destruction of a roller coaster just because one becomes available.

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Heck, film the destruction of it and then concoct a movie script around it. It's not like the movie would be any worse than the big budget tripe that's put out nowadays.

-Brian (member #1), become a CoastererĀ®!
Down with the enthusiast bureaucracy!

That movie would be one of the saddset I would ever see. Its like that episode of Monster Garage where the team tore into a Richard Petty stock car. I cried. It hurt. Pretty cool what they made though.

SOB crew in 2002
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.....Yeah, I think that smoke is supposed to be there.....

*Major News Alert*

As of today, Wednesday November 12 early in the morning (11am) it was reported on dponline that the deconstruction process is rapidly progressing and it is has been described as a destructive dismantling process, so its not "carefully dismantling" like I said previously. The station is totally gone and the lift hill is gone. The park employee over on dponline reported that when they removed the lift hill they took pieces out from the bottom and the whole top half came crashing down. A PR person at Dorney took video of it. Pics will be posted soon on dponline of it. Tis a sad day. *hummmm*

This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules at Dorney Park 5/89-9/03

Who'd they hire to do this demolition work? I mean, pulling the bottom out from a structure and watching it fall doesn't seem particularly safe or anything.

And, what's the big deal if the park's closed. Isn't Hercul (I'll assume the 'es' is now gone) partly outside the park, anyway? It's not exactly hard to see.

What do I Listen-To?
Hot stuff.

It seems that CF:LP here of late prefers the "destructive form" of taking out coasters, as they did it with Windjammer, and now they are doing it with both Orient Express and Hercules.

However I think DP is getting the better end of the deal -- I'm just hoping that WOF forgot to mention a large coaster is replacing the OE. ;)

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Maddie: That's rcules to you if the station and lift went first...
Sounds like the demolition is being done in-house. Yeah it does sound kinda shady but I don't think their are any building codes to follow when demolishing coasters.

This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules at Dorney Park 5/89-9/03

Probably not in Hercules case, since there is no danger of it falling on something not owned by the park. I could see if there were houses a few feet from the ride, but Herc seems to be pretty far away from anything non-Dorney related.

A.C.E. member since 1990
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DorneyDante posted this last night, but it seems to have poofed in the forum changes.

DorneyParkOnline (www.dorneyonline.com) has posted a demolition update.

Strange how empty that area looks without the Hercules station there. Bad ride or not, Hercules definitely added atmosphere to that section of the park.

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