Hellevator: Best drop ride period!

Upon pulling into SFKK this morning hell did not describe how ugly this drop ride looked. It has like six sides but 2-3 was not running, it is so plain its disgusting.

But this is where its the best drop ride though, the theming is awsome. It does indeed look like your going to hell in a device made by the devil himself.

Hellevator: The best name in drop rides as well as the most fun.

Which sounds better hellevator or a ride like supreme scream or power tower?

I thought Hellovator was a corny name, I hate the red paint job, it broke down 3 times in 2 hours, and after riding Drop Zone the day before, I passed.

I think S&S towers far surpass those generation of Intamin drop towers.

Among other things, shouldn't this violate the TOS? ;)

Meh. It's fun, sure. Better than Supreme Scream? I'll even give you that. Best? Nah.

PKI's gotta better model not too far away, I prefer VF's PT (even that silly bouncing) by far but frankly, the 1st gen Intamins and those portable droppers put them ALL to shame.


(closes eyes, prepares for thread nuking)

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

I am not trying to violate the TOS. I am just curious of what others think about this masterpiece.
In the ToS, and I'm not Modding here, just a piece of advice, Jeff and the gang discourages 'best' topics.

Straight from the TOS:
and threads that contain best... favorite... top 10... worst... versus... most... are simply not interesting to read by anyone other than the person who started the topic. Don’t be surprised if these get closed or deleted as well. If your topic has any word ending in "-est," think twice about posting it.
But if you really have to know, a lotta people may feel you need to get out more.

'Best' is a big name for a lil' ride like that one. Perhaps a little too big...


*** Edited 4/6/2005 12:08:47 AM UTC by CoastaPlaya***

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

nasai's avatar
^^Clint, it's an opinion. Not a "what do you think is the best ride out there" thread. :)

I love Hellevator, and personally, I think it might very well be the best one of the 2nd gens.

The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch

Hellevator? Besides the fact that Acrophobia (when working) is better than the other Intamin towers, and that it isnt even the best on the Ohio river, you almost got me ;)
BullGuy's avatar
I've always enjoyed that generation of Intamin Drop Towers (Giant Drop, Hellevator). The drop feels more intense than on a gyro-drop, and S&S Towers have never done anything for me.

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

I haven't been on Hellevator in a while...

But I do think there is something to be said for those shorter towers (Hellevator is only about 150') because you get so close to the ground before the brakes kick in!

Oh, and TeknoScorpion, please spare us the netcopping, it's more annoying than the fanboy threads.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

I dunno... I like Hellevator don't get me wrong but Drop Zone is just the best IMO. To me it's all about height with a drop tower and DZ is just about as good as it gets. I like the rotation of the ride as you go up the tower as well.

I guess the thing that gripes me most about Hellevator is that it never runs all of it's sides. I've never been there and witnessed all of the sides actually working. Why is that? (I'm not being ugly there, I'm really looking for a good answer) Is it because it is an "older" ride and it's breakdown rate is greater? Is it a poorly maintained ride from the word go? Or have I just went a bunch of times on bad days? LOL

I do agree with Dave that the short towers have a big kick to them for sure. It seems like it takes a greater time span to stop than on DZ and that is pretty cool.

Just a quick question here: What theming does hellevator have? I know it's painted red/black and all but other than that... have I missed that too? Is this something new for '05?

This ain't no book you can close, when the big light hits your eyes. Cropduster-Riot Act-Pearl Jam
While it may not be the best, it *IS* an excellent drop ride. Like Dave said, the shorter Intamin drop have brakes positioned lower on the tower and that really adds to the experience.

Mamoosh's avatar
Hellevator schmellevator...give me Tower of Terror or PKD Drop Zone.

Joey Stewart said:
I dunno... I like Hellevator don't get me wrong but Drop Zone is just the best IMO. To me it's all about height with a drop tower and DZ is just about as good as it gets. I like the rotation of the ride as you go up the tower as well.

I guess the thing that gripes me most about Hellevator is that it never runs all of it's sides. I've never been there and witnessed all of the sides actually working. Why is that? (I'm not being ugly there, I'm really looking for a good answer) Is it because it is an "older" ride and it's breakdown rate is greater? Is it a poorly maintained ride from the word go? Or have I just went a bunch of times on bad days? LOL

I do agree with Dave that the short towers have a big kick to them for sure. It seems like it takes a greater time span to stop than on DZ and that is pretty cool.

Just a quick question here: What theming does hellevator have? I know it's painted red/black and all but other than that... have I missed that too? Is this something new for '05?

The theming is awsome. The ride control building looks like it is a 1000 years old. I did not know that was even the ride control room, there were all kinds of weeds growing over it and the window was so hazed up. There is one ride op that does all the work on the outside. Its red and black, it looks to be so evil. Just looking at it makes my heart jump.
Only half the side works, it is a masterpiece. I worry when i am at the top if the brakes will fall of or the ride will fall over,lol.

Mamoosh's avatar
Perhaps with the lack of gardening and upkeep Beast Tamer is being a little sarcastic? ;)

Mamoosh said:
Perhaps with the lack of gardening and upkeep Beast Tamer is being a little sarcastic? ;)

I acutally thought it was for theming.

If you want themeing for your Drop Ride look no further than Dungeon Drop at Astroworld (2nd generation Intamin). It has an indoor queue with actual themeing, and it's 220ft. tall (if memory serves me correctly).
lol...themeing...yeah right!

It's a nice drop, but not quite the best. Best one I've ridden is the giant one at Korakuen. The brake section is under roof so it plays with your midn like nothing else.

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Chang was themed as hell last July! :)
nasai's avatar

Peabody said: It's a nice drop, but not quite the best. Best one I've ridden is the giant one at Korakuen. The brake section is under roof so it plays with your mind like nothing else.

*jealous* :P

The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch

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