Superman, first I want to say that I agree with you, so I'm not 'bashing' or anything. But seriously, all of a sudden I feel like I'm back in my cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence classes in college. :)
They Live. We Sleep.
Horrible lighting, power lines, Walls, and the Gaint being a half mile away makes for a great picture too!
--George H
- R.A
Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC
on a side note.. anyone think there'll be faded views of the ghost of Hercules in pictures for Hydra? You know.. like you're taking a picture of your buddy on the lift, and when you look at the picture later you see the faint outline of the old Herc train going up the lift behind the hydra train? :) *** Edited 12/28/2004 4:52:25 AM UTC by dannerman***
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