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Why did I point out the FAQ, even though I'm not a moderator? a) Peer pressure. b) I like to read articles that are well spelled and correctly capatilized c) Everyone should've read the FAQ after the new software update last week.

Nitro, you're only 15? I would've never guessed (laughing hysterically). Calling someone you've never met a loser is pathetic.

*** This post was edited by Intamin Fan on 8/25/2001. ***

LOL, made me fall off my chair :) :)
To break the typical teenage internet-surfer stereotype, I'm 15 as well... However when you read my posts you'll certainly notice a differnet from some of the others written here.
.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
P>kay everyone...get over the stupid name calling and childish "comebacks." /P>
P>I did not have any trouble reading the trip report. I thought it was very interesting to hear about The Chiller. I have been to Great Adventure many times and only got to ride Robin once out of all the times which was a real bumber. I hope they reopen Viper too. I, luckily, got to experience it though.  I rode Nirto, too this summer and thought it was awesome! I love B&M coasters. I love all the many different style coasters at that token though. /P>
P>I think that Intamin Fan should drop it. There's nothing you can do about it now. It's written. You should not have critizeFNT color=#ffffff face="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" size=2>FNT color=#000000 face="Times New Roman">d Nitro230ft, because there are people out there that haven't read the FAQ that are just tryong to spread their great, fun, interesting, thrills at a park. I think that your point was made right away. I do agree with you to a certain extent, I mean, if it is atrocious then, I can inderstand. But this wasn't too bad at all. /P>
P>Anyway, Keep riding them coasters and lets just all get along. I enjoy reading the reports, so lets keep up the good work!/P>
Gotch! I hate all these new members trashing the place! I am 15 to and have been posting here scence I was 13! I have never had problems like this and it really annoys me that people like you wreck this place. Once again: THIS IS NOT DANIMATION!

SFMM line cutters are the braviest in the world.

Do they teach spelling in school anymore? Obviously not from some of follow-up post to mine.

Batwing-Bow Down

To which ones are you referring? I learned spelling a long time ago brother.
.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Hey Nitro have you ridden S:ROS at SFNE?  I have ridden both coasters several times and while NITRO is a great coaster it is no match for Superman.  Superman has more airtime, better themeing (NITRO has NO themeing), an awesome view of the Connecticut River on the lift hill, and two incredible mist filled tunnels.  NITRO does have more graffiti though-----lol

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