Good question invloving rumors.

janfrederick's avatar
I think the reason Jeff doesn't tell is because he would like to maintain good relations with Cedar Fair.
If you know something, out with it. Of course nobody will believe you, but you can gloat when it comes true. You can jump all over us and say "I told you so!!!". You may as well because if you are wrong, nobody will remember anyway...unless of course, you are...ahem..shall we say, "Pulling our chainlifts".
To answer your question, while working as a ride operator, everybody knew someone who knew someone. Rumors were rampant. I never knew anything until the general announcement to the employees, which usually happened in conjunction with the press release.
Yeeee Haaawwww!

*** This post was edited by janfrederick on 10/18/2001. ***

The reason that this information is such HUSH HUSH, is because, although the parks might have a plan, there are other factors involved before it is a definate go-ahead. Zoning, permits, land area, contracts, subcontractors, etc etc etc. Before ANY official annoucement is made, ALL of these variables must have a definate Go-Ahead. The exceptions are those who are brought to public attention because of complications in the public sector (see Stratosphere,SFNE and SFWoA public hearings regarding new rides). If the parks were to annouce these rides before having everything in place, there would be rebelion! I will be disappointed if the Stratosphere Fishhook doesnt eventually get done, because I have seen the plan,models, and already I am waiting for it. It may NEVER happen. Hold tight and await official annoucements. 

Paula (RAVEN MAVEN) from HW could probably give a much better explanation as to how long a park has a ride planned and what needs to be done before it is officially announced. If you read this thread,Paula, please indulge us.

I agree with Jan Fredrick. If I knew something, I would find the threads about it and "make eduacated guesses". When it comes true I would gloat that i "guessed right". All the while never giving in to the fact that I KNEW ALL ALONG.

You wanna know my "guess" for KBF????  JK

My other car is a Giovanola!

*** This post was edited by LoadedG on 10/18/2001. ***

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