Going to give up coasters for lent.

Thats why i am baptist the religion of clinton. We do nothing i have never heard of a babtist that has done any lenting in there life.
Golioath Rocks the west but Millinnium Force Rules The Rest
Uhh...Clinton is a Baptist??? Sorry, I seriously doubt that. None of his primary spiritual advisers in the past have been Baptists. Instead, he opts for folks like Jesse Jackson who clearly have little or no higher moral standards than he does.

This isn't intended to start a religious debate, but Baptists are more strict and serious than most denominations and Clinton obviously doesn't fit that description. I've never heard of a Baptist participating in lent (not that I know a huge number of them), probably because the Bible doesn't mandate it. I don't have a problem with the rememberance part, but I don't think anyone should feel obligated to follow something just because it's tradition. *** This post was edited by StandUpFan on 3/6/2001. ***
well,you can still go to that new "bibel"based theme park in flordia.they have no coasters.lol

StandUpFan said:
"Uhh...Clinton is a Baptist??? Sorry, I seriously doubt that. None of his primary spiritual advisers in the past have been Baptists. Instead, he opts for folks like Jesse Jackson who clearly have little or no higher moral standards than he does.

This isn't intended to start a religious debate, but Baptists are more strict and serious than most denominations and Clinton obviously doesn't fit that description. I've never heard of a Baptist participating in lent (not that I know a huge number of them), probably because the Bible doesn't mandate it. I don't have a problem with the rememberance part, but I don't think anyone should feel obligated to follow something just because it's tradition.

*** This post was edited by StandUpFan on 3/6/2001. ***"

Well actually the new testimate doesn't actually require us to not be "naughty" but it says that we wouldn't want to sin if we truly love Jesus.

What is life without SFA?
This is kind of neat: a discussion of religious issues that hasn't gotten nasty!
Forgoeing anything for Lent has never been much of a tradition for me (I'm a Protestant: a Christian of the German rite, you might say... :) ), and I've never quite 'got' the exact significance of Lent. Oh, sure, it's six weeks of spiritual preparation for Holy Week; forty days of the liturgical year devoted to the significant acts of Jesus and how it all relates to the Passion and to Easter, the most important event of the liturgical year.
I guess it's because I've never had much use for numerology. So the whole 40 day thing doesn't mean much to me. But just as Advent serves as a preparation for Christmas, Lent serves as preparation for Easter. Another way to look at it is that liturgically, from Advent to Pentecost the Christian church focuses on the life of Jesus (prophecy, birth, life, teaching, death, resurrection, ascension) while the remainder of the cycle concentrates more on the work of the Church (meaning mostly the writings of Paul...)
Now, if you want to see a truly meaningful fast: do we have any Muslims here? The month of Ramadan includes a complete fast from sun-up to sundown. Makes the Catholic meat thing seem rather trivial, actually...

(Hey, I graduated from and work for a church-related school. Whatever that means, now that we're not actually owned by the ALC (ELCA) anymore...)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I gave up religious traditions for Lent ...
SFAdvocate, it seems you completely missed the point of my other post. Let me explain it as best I can.

There are many things that the Bible is very clear on the meaning of, the least of which is not "choosing" whether or not to love Jesus. If we are Christian then we do, period (but simply loving Jesus doesn't imply Christianity; please don't take it wrong). If we don't then we can't call ourselves Christian. However, I do not know of any chapter in the New Testament (not Testimate) in which God implies we should give up something for a specific 40 days during the year. I really don't know the Old Testament well enough to say if any such passage or verse is in there, but even if it is the ritual was most surely an "offering" to God of repentance, something which Jesus has already done (and thus we need not obey the ritual commands anymore). As for Jews observing Lent, I disagree with them but they could have Biblical grounds for it (since they only regard the Old Testament as God's law) and I can't argue against that specifically.

The point of my previous post is that Baptists tend to follow the Bible, not tradition. After all, God's Word is supreme to everything, including tradition. They are NOT on equal ground (sorry to some Catholics, but that's the truth). To be honest, I disagree with many ideas when tradition is the focus, but that's another story. Again, I'm not saying Lent is necessarily bad, but God should be the focus; nobody should give up something simply because some tradition says they should.

Sorry if this is a little too religious for some, but it should at least clarify what I wrote earlier. As always, no offense intended. (I always say that because people take my statements personally sometimes; it must be the way I write...)
I've found that the most strickly Bible adhering Christian demonination is actually not Baptist, but Lutherans, more specfically in this country, Missouri Synod. The go so far as to actually believe that women should not be pastors of churches (the biggest difference between them and the ELCA Lutherans).

Catholics beileve that the Popes (starting with Saint Peter) are the "Vicars of Christ", in laymans terms, the Pope is Christ's spokesman. Therefore, the what the Pope says is Christ's words, so in their opinion the papal traditions are on equal footing with the Bible, because they are both the Words of God.

As for Clinton, he DOES claim to be a Southern Baptist. Also Jesse Jackson is a Baptist Reverend.

And, according to the Bible, to be saved in the Christian tradition: "He who confesses with his mouth that Jesus is Lord, and belives in his heart that God hath raised him from the dead shall be saved." That is the only requirement. All the other stuff, isn't necessary, but if you truely believe, you will be compelled to try and uphold the "Law" (10 commandments).
--Who was raised Lutheran, currently attends a Baptist church, but really claims no demonination.
Jeff's avatar
OK... that's where we cross the line. I'll have no part of who is right or wrong or on "equal ground." That's hate disguised as religion, period, no matter how pretty you try to make it.

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