Going to give up coasters for lent.

It's gonna be hard, but I think I can do it. I have to give something up. See ya after easter.
john peck's avatar
I just stopped eating meat on Friday
That is smart, seeing as how it's so early in the season! Good Luck!
Well, it wouldn't be too terribly hard for me to give up coasters for Lent... seeing as my first time back to a park (when it's open ;)) will be April 14. Although... Easter Sunday is April 15. Ouch.

But no worries, really. It's never been my practice to give anything up for Lent.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Good luck! I stopped eating meet on friday too.

"Does anyone know what type of dog spot is?
A Cedar Pointer!"
Actually, I meant going to coaster web sites and playing rct. Just giving up thinking about them I guess. OK, I'm really going now.

Two things make me high: Coasters and music. Oh, and uh, alcohol. And food. And Alcohol.
Fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, meat-free Friday's, and cutting back on harshness around friends and other people is my sacrifice. Coasters. Too tough (besides, I have BGT and Kennywood on the agenda before Easter)
Jeff's avatar
That's cheating! If you live up north, you can't ride anyway!

A friend of mine gave up beer... not sure what he was thinking there.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Is this what lent is all about? Just giving up something? I thought it was just based on meat.

ROFLMAO! Lent? Does that mean giving up meat for Easter in the case of Christians? I dunno cos I'm Jewish!

Anyone else Jewish? Chitown?

Home Park - Wonderland Sydney, Australia.
Not Jewish. I just thought Lent was giving up meat. Shows how much I know.


Chitown said:
"Not Jewish. I just thought Lent was giving up meat. Shows how much I know.

No Chitown, it's not just about meat. Lent is a symbolic rememberence of the 40 day fast that, according to the Bible, Jesus did while he was in the wilderness. Many Christians take this period of time to fast (or give up) something as a symbol. Traditionally, many Catholics abstain from meat on Fridays. I'm a Protestant, so my past fasts have included candy, red meat, liquor (very difficult that year ;)), cussing, etc. It's completely up to the person.
Historically, catholics didn't eat meat on any friday. Now, the church tries to confine this "terrible" sacrifice to only lent.

Being a vegetarian and an ex-catholic, its all a moot point to me anyway!

2Hostyl said:
"Many Christians take this period of time to fast (or give up) something as a symbol."

I always thought the term "fast" was specifically giving up food, not just anything.

What do most people do in the morning? Get up and eat, thereby ending their fasting from the previous night... "Breakfast."

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
To some religions, a "Fast" is, indeed, doing without food for a certain period of time. Catholics have modified it. To "fast" for a day means you can only one full meal. you can even get of it if you're a special case (very young, very old, pregnant, sick, etc.). Maybe instead of giving up coasters you can just have a coaster fast. Only one full coaster (of course you could ride as many incomplete circuit coasters as you wanted)!
Lynch, I meant that some Christians fast (specifically abstain from foods) OR give up something else. Fast DOES specifically refer to food, but biblically, people who fasted often also abstained from other 'creature comforts', like shaving, wearing perfumes, etc.

Also, there are degrees of fasts. A full fast is no food or water whatsoever. A partial fast would be like juices and vitamins, etc.
--who will break his coaster 'fast' in 13 days!
Man this brings back bad memories of Catholic school. I was going to give coasters up for Lent (mainly cause I live up North), but that would mean I would miss KW's Preview Day (day before Easter) and there is still a possibility I will go to PKD/BGW the first weekend of April.

Joe Cernelli
Head Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I don't know much about lent or the background of it or about the bible or Jesus. I do know that lent is giving up the eating of meat and that Jesus was once a Jewish carpenter and that he supposedly walked on water and turned water into wine, but that's about it. I know a few friends of mine who do not eat meat on Friday nights. I am Jewish and Friday night is Shabbat, the time of rest. In our family we always eat meat on Friday night, it's a tradition, whether it be roast beef or steak or turkey or chicken or any other meat except any meat from a pig such as ham or bacon because a pig is not kosher. But I know that I could never give up riding roller coasters because that would be too big of a temptation over my head. It is impossible for me to stop riding the coasters I love.

David Feldsott
Co-CEO, RN Web Design & Hosting Inc.

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