Geauga Lake: now serving pornography

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

While Ohioans continue to call Six Flags Worlds of Adventure by the name Geauga Lake, the old Internet domain name now appears to be owned by a Russian pornographer.

Read more from Cleveland's Plain Dealer.

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Jeff's avatar
I'm surprised they weren't holding on to that name for the next few years, if for no reason other than to redirect people to the Six Flags site.

Webmaster/Admin -
Jeff, maybe they're trying to get more "thrill-seekers"...LOL. Seriously, though it seems a little early to sever all their ties to the former Geauga Lake. It kinda reminds me of the way Six Flags is handling the parks formerly known as Wild World (SFA) and Riverside Park (SFNE). I think they should keep an eye toward the past history of these old regional indies.
john peck's avatar
More bad publicity about my park..... God, when will it end?

Its not like the park has had minor problems, the employee accident on Batman, the near drowning, being fined for safety... this is getting ugly!

Clean it up Six Flags!
John, relax. The park's called Six Flags World's of Adventure now. If someone typed the wrong domain they need to get with the times. So someone grabbed a domain name and used it for pornography. It happens all the time. I've even heard of government sites were someone types the wrong extension and gets porno. Is it right? Not exactly, but does anyone want the government regulating the web?
Jeff's avatar
I-Fan... be careful, you aren't playing nice with people.

Yes, is porn. Still, to suggest that people "get with the times" is a bit out of line. The locals barely got used to the idea of the park being called Six Flags Ohio, let alone the new, ridiculously long name.

Webmaster/Admin -
This stuff makes me sick. Why does there even have to be porn out there. It's desparation in my opinion

God Bless Coasters!!
I think this was an oversight on SF part. Whoever was the hired webmaster should have been a bit more vocal on when whatever expired they needed to keep the site going. Jeff is right. Out of respect to the name, the should have been kept running, and a link be placed on the page. Easy as that. I am sure SF will resolve it in due time.
bet that was quite a surprise when you accidentally went there
Isn't the article wrong? I thought the new website was not, /Ohio.
Mr. Moss,

I am offended by your assertion that porn is destructive and is desperation. This is a narrow minded view.

I'm sure some folks "out there" would view a bunch of propeller-heads like us endlessly debating CP vs. SFMM and what constitutes an inversion as desperation.

Actually, is not even supposed to be a mocking of our federal government. It's the official site of a British pornography magazine.

Whitehouse has been around since the early 70's, and its name does not come from the American presidential residence, but rather, from Mary Whitehouse, a conservative British woman who tried to get all sorts of new liberal shows and publications censored in Britain in the late 60's. She was sort of the forerunner of Tipper Gore and the Hollywood Wives. The founders of this magazine named it after her as a way of insulting her and her viewpoints about censorship.

I know this has nothing to do with coasters, but I thought it was interesting. And for the record, to save my reputation, I'M NOT SOME SORT OF PORN FREAK, but just a history student studying the conflict of liberal vs. conservative viewpoints in the late 60's!!! I use the internet ONLY for wholesome purposes (coasters, news, the occasional game)


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.
I believe you MooreOn, seriously. Anyways, this is great. How comical. Just by chance an old park website would noe be a porn site. God, there is so much porn out there it is scary! LOL!

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
john peck's avatar
I think you have to renew your domain name every two years if I am not mistaken....

I don't think the SF attorneys can do anything about it, the name expired and has a new registered user.

I wonder what "Geauga" means in the German language....
I think that is kind of stupid because many people still refer SFWOA as Geauga Lake I find my self still doing it.
I bet Geauga is getting ALOT of hits because of the article also from courios buzzers and perverted ones.
That is a real shame. It sickens me to think that such garbage is so easily available. In all due respect Doug Rowe, if you are honest with yourself, the pornography industry has nothing but negative effects on society. I'm not here to start any kind of debate or shouting match. However, I feel it necessary to share my beliefs.

Is it just me or does Hypersonic look like one of those coasters you would see on Looney Toons?
Jeff I believe that most people have agreed that Geagua Lake was not a national tourist attraction, so it's stands to reason that the main people who went to this park would definitely know that the parks name has changed. Nobody that I know calls Six Flags America Wild World anymore. Why would you point out something that most people would never have stumbled upon? Now all the kiddies will have to look.
The name was changed only 3 years ago. Many still call it Geauga Lake. Guess we can't call it the anymore or else we'll be advertising a porn site. I'm not going to look, I'll take Fox8's word that it is a porn. Those sites are too easy to find. I typed to find something for english class and it was a porn. What's worse is that I told my teacher that it could have teachers stuff but I said it before I knew it was a porn. Then she found out, I got called down to the office; ug, what a mess. Sick.

Roller coasters are the secret of life!
Forgot to say, why couldn't SF pay the simple $15 (at to keep it. I saw the story on Fox8 and thought "Better check CB" :)

Roller coasters are the secret of life!

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