Geauga Lake Monorail Closed Indefinately!

That could be. If the Frontier Lift was taken out in 1985 for the addition of Iron Dragon, I would have been two years I don't know. :)

Jeff Young
CPLady's avatar
CP's Skyride also provides a great view of the gardens below. Ever notice the flag and the other "pictures" made with flowers in the gardens below?

The year Raptor opened, one of the gardens had a Raptor theme to it.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

DawgByte II is correct, it is extremely slow due to what Six Flags did in reconfiguring it for the now dormant wave pool.

There is a section where the monorail used to turn to go into the station but was straightened out to continue along Route 43. This change was not done smoothly. It would not have been pleasant if taken at a higher speed. That's why it is taken extremely slow.

DawgByte also said:

but for the love of God... please do not remove that ride! They've already removed what seems like a half a dozen rides since Cedar Fair took over (the Enterprise & Mr. Hyde's for example)...

Six Flags was the one responsible for the ride removals, not Cedar Fair. They took out the Enterprise in mid-2003, the Musik Express, the Rotor, Casino, Flying Scooters, Tilt-a-Whirl, and Rocket Ships. Mr. Hyde's was a piece of crap and I bet many are happy it's gone.

X Factor

Im not shocked with many others, just because the ride has outlived many of its usefullness. It would be hell to put over the lake, because of breakdowns.

I think the main factor is the nasty state of the waterpark because it isnt nice to look at. Maybe cedar fair might close it for construction, if they finally start working on the waterpark, which would help because it really is disgusting back there.

I will miss it though for one reason, i remember it being one of the first rides i can remember ever going on when i was young. And also the only ride at an amusement park i went on with my grandmother who has since passed away. So some sentimental value, but if they other plans whos to stop them, from trying to make the park better.

Resident Arrow Dynamics Whore

I really don't think it's gone for good, I do know that the ride is down due to something with the car (not too sure about it), but I know that the ride is down, but I wouldn't count this one out YET! :)

2006 - 2009 Cedar Fair Ride Operations
2009 - Walt Disney World Attractions.

MagnumBarrel, I feel your pain. I have a similar attachment with Spaceship Earth due to my now decesased grandfather. Around the mellienium celebration when there was a bunch of talk about gutting the attraction I was very sad. Thankfully, it appears that that ride is part of the structual support holding up the ball so it will never be removed

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

LuvRaptor's avatar

Avalanche Sam said:
Today I learned that the Bellaire Express monorail at Geauga Lake & Wildwater Kingdom is closed indefinitely. From what I was told by the manager of ride operations, this may be due to the condition of the old waterpark. It could be for mechanical reasons though, but I doubt the park would tell us if that is the case.


So where are you now Sam? Hubby and I looked for you during CoasterEXT and couldn't find ya! :)

Lifetime Raptor flights: 1113 :)

'00 '02 '03 '09 Raptor Crew
2018 - present Mako Crew

I'm long gone! Just a season pass holder now, who comes to the park way too often. (My record so far is four visits in a week).

Interestingly, I ran into Bill Spehn on a visit a week or two ago, and he asked about where I was for CoasterEXT. I was somewhere in New England that day, though I did not go to SFNE like I did last year.


I would like to think they will remove most of, if not all the track and put some rides in the old waterpark.

Then here's my suggested route for the monorial. Down the midway, making a stop near dominator/raging wolf bobs, then heading up the walking/tram path to the waterpark making a stop near happy harbor nets or behind riptide run, then cross the lake near the stadium (old ferry boats) to the far side of the lakeside pavilion and around big dipper to the origional station. With three stations, that would allow for three trains minnimum, maybe 6 (3 in station, 3 on route). With no seat belts, and just the "doors" to worry about, it could be a very high capacity ride. It would need to be high capacity becuase of all the new rides GL will be putting in :)

Geauga Lake is a park that would benefit greatly from having a real transportation ride. An expanded monorail would fill that void very nicely.
Are you saying that two golf carts with batteries that can't even last most of the day aren't considered a real transportation ride?


Is the "tram" from the GL side to the WWK side really just a golf cart?
Yes, they are golf carts that hold seven to ten people each.

X Factor

Looking at pics from IOA's "new" Suess Ride (Mack power coaster) me thinks that if the monorail is too expensive to "plus" placing one of those is a ring around the lake would work too.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

I keep reading "gross" and "disgusting" describing this water park. I looked around a little but does anyone have any truly disgusting pictures for my nosy eyes?
^^ Does that ride even count as a coaster, becuase it probably changes ellevation about 10 feet through out the whole ride.
DawgByte II's avatar
Yes..... for the gross & disgusting photos


AND HERE (not as bad, but you can see some disgusting stuff with it).

That's just rainwater that has some algae growing in it after it's sat there for a while. Every swimming pool shut down for the season looks like that within a month or two. Nothing that a high pressure hose, and some elbow grease won't take care of in less than a week. The chipping of paint, that's something else.
Why havent they moved Shark Attack yet? Its weird to think that I was there the only season it was open...

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

Jason Hammond's avatar
Bill Sphen said they would likely be relocated to the WWK side. He didn't say when though.

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