GCII Not One But Two Rides For 2006!

I just heard from the IAAPA floor that GCII not only has the ride for Power Park but also one going to Beech Bend in Kentucky!

I know beeck Bend has been talking about installing a wooden coaster.
rollergator's avatar
I knew I was "saving" that park for a reason, LOL...

Thanks for posting the great news, always happy to see more *Great Coasters* in the world....esp. when they're closer to home...;)

You have got to be kidding me! A GCI less than an hour away from me...best news I've heard since Thunderhead was announced. Bring it on! Thanks Coasterpunk!

And now SFKK really better step up to the plate and soon.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Mamoosh's avatar
With HW to the west, Beech Bend to the south, and PKI to the east SFKK will soon be circling its wagons ;)
Make that 2 circles with a bridge between Moosh.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Any stats for the Beech Bend woodie Coasterpunk? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some MilF's!

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
No stats on either ride yet. You just need to wait for the park to announce all the details. I can just say they are building the 2 rides for 2006. I don't know anything other than that. *** Edited 11/20/2004 7:29:01 PM UTC by coasterpunk***
GCI did say it would be a smaller ride with only one train operation.
Two of my fav woodies are small (Raven and Big Dipper), so if it's anything like those I'll be VERY happy. It's interesting that Beech Bend didn't choose to move Starliner there.

I survived a Japanese typhoon and the Togo flat ride of death!!!!!!
Bosshawk, If you've ever ridden Outlaw in Adventurland. BOODLEY can do amazing things with only 60ft tall and 2000ft long. That coaster could fit in some peoples back yards.

Outlaw isn't fantastic but it isn't no kiddie coaster either. It's a good solid ride for that park that everyone wants to ride more than once.

Chuck, VERY HAPPY and dosen't miss his Flyers or that park very much right now.

Don't forget about Jeff Pike too. Jeff does just as much designing as Mike Boodley. He just doesn't get the credit for it.

Doesn't Jeff do most of the design on the rides now? Wasn't Thunderhead mainly his design? I do remember hearing that Lightning Racer was about 50/50 him and Boodley.

Plus Chuck, imagine Outlaw with the MF trains and GCI construction! *** Edited 11/21/2004 4:42:01 PM UTC by Cory Patrick***

Thunderhawk was Herbert Schmecks work from 80 some years ago! ;)

Thunderhead I believe they both worked on I'm not sure if it was 50/50 but i'm sure it was pretty close. I know they both have input into the ride. Somtimes they both layout rides other times they work together.

The Outlaw is a really fun ride... that first drop, with the B&M-like dip before it is just totally amazing in the back car. Ejector airtime.

There are a couple fun little dips in the ride, and it doesn't let up. A great ride for CCI's second coaster.

While mini-marathoning the Outlaw last June in the back seat, I kept thinking to myself "why does this ride feel so familiar?" I then realized that it felt like a mini-Thunderhead and that Mike Boodley was involved in both designs. It's a great coaster for a great park.

I'm really happy that Beach Bend is going to be making a big leap forward with this new woodie. I've been wanting to travel a little deeper into the state to do a tour of some of the caves there and visiting the park in a couple of years will definitley be an added bonus.

Mamoosh's avatar
Don't forget about Jeff Pike too. Jeff does just as much designing as Mike Boodley. He just doesn't get the credit for it.

...and he's a mean go-kart driver, too ;)

I don't know about mean. More like wreckless!
I'd love to see what GCII can do with a small wood coaster (like the one that Beech Bend will most likely be getting). Whatever the design, I'm sure it will be spectacular.
Mamoosh's avatar
They sure have some cool ideas on their website ;)

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