Funny On Ride Photo Ideas

A friend of mine was riding the flume ride at great adventure with his girlfriend and she was wearing a halter. She was sitting in front and when they took the pic he put his hands in two very interesting places.

"One good thing about all this, with all this fresh air were gonna sleep like babies"
Oh yea, just remembered. S, you reminded me of this one.

This was on a school field trip.

On Logger's Run, there are two sections where people can seat. THe front is smaller, and the back is bigger.

My friend was in the back, with his legs spread, and had a great look on his face suggesting that he was horny. To make all the things better is he had a girl laying in between those legs and looked surprised as if something was touching her... hmmm

Then in the front seat, I was sitting there, and I had a good-looking girl friend in front of me. I had my arms down on her hips, and was also looking down. We looked like we were doing something naughty. That ride was great.

Too bad I didn't have enough money to buy that one. :)

May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois, "I'm sprinting for V2"
I figured out a way to pull my legs up by my socks on Raptor. My other friends did some other faces and hand gestures ;).

I just may put it up as my photo some day.
On Apollo's Chariot, my boyfriend, on several occasions, posed with his chin resting in his hand like he was extremely bored. It was funny for the other people looking at the pictures after the ride.

When we kissed for the camera on Apollo's Chariot, the employees at the picture booth took it down. I know they screen the pictures as they come up, but what was wrong with this? It was very innocent and there was nothing wrong with it. They did that to us two different times when we tried that. Come on!
When I'm unsure if my glasses will stay on during a ride, I'll where one of those sports lanyards that keeps them in place. On the Mean Streak, I loosened the strap and turned the glasses as if they spun around my head a bit. That, with my hat on cockeyed, my hands flayling, and an expression of fear with my face. It turned out better than I thought it would.

If I'da thought about it a little longer, I'da spent more time thinking.
That's sad, Lorrie, when I went on Magnum, a girl flashed the camera and they didn't take it down. A great sight, I may add.

With the limited amount of coasters I've been on the best ideas I've had are, making my face as red as I could for Mantis and sleeping on the Hulk.

"...And maybe I'd impress her by being in a band and maybe if I act real tough, she'll let me hold her hand and maybe I'll win her heart by writing this song about her..."

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