Funniest park moment

I can come up with a thousand incidents, most of them are more funny than the one I'm gonna describe, but those incidents may promote the type of bad behavior I'm so often guilty of at parks, so I'll do a more tame story.

Okay, this is before I got to go to SFGAm too often (my homepark). Whenever my friends and I went it was a big deal and we wanted to make the most of it. We were only in jr. high, so there was no way for us to drive there or anything, and the park's an hour away by car anyway, so none of our parents were always in for driving us there. Anyway, my friend decided that to the park, he'd wear this shirt he thought was the coolest. It was a pretty nice silver and black shirt, I believe it was a Quicksilver shirt or something, not a bad shirt at all, not the style I usually wear (t-shirts fit me fine), but it was a nice shirt. He had been going on about it all day, making a huge deal about how cool his shirt was and how awesome he looked in it. We were all kinda getting annoyed with it, but he was right, it was a cool shirt. Finally at dinner, something was done about it by some divine force. As he was getting a mustard packet open for his hot dog, something went wrong and he got mustard ALL OVER his shirt, every last drop in the packet somehow wound up scattered all over him in a way that defies modern physics in every way, it was amazing. We helped him try to get it cleaned up as much as we could. We got it pretty well done, but we didn't get everything off. He didn't brag much more about the shirt the rest of the night, and he also got himself the nickname of "Mustard Boy" for about 2 years (yes, we knew it sounded corny, that was part of the fun of it).

Vortexguy said:
"On the weekend, I was working at Shockwave at Canada's Wonderland, and a group of particularly rude teenage/early twenties women came on. They were acting all "cool", etc. Anyway, they got on the ride, and it started spinning. About half way through, a black object came flying off, and landed in the first loading area. When it landed we realized that it was a wig. We were trying not to laugh, and the whole queue was cheering and laughing. When the ride stopped, one of those "cool" young ladies reached up to her head, only to find that her wig was gone, exposing her unwashed 2 inch hair... she ran off, only to return a few minutes later to retreive her wig, with the queue roaring with laughter. It was quite amusing


LOL.......See, she shoulda had her hair done at Migdalia's in the Bronx.....The #1 Weave and wig specialist

You're so contagious, you turn ma pages!

*** This post was edited by Antuan on 5/8/2002. ***

Two things from this year-

I went to PKI with my brother and two friends earlier this year. All four of us walked into the men's restroom near SOB. Three of us used the urnials and the fourth, Martin, went into a stall. So, after we're done using the urinals, Martin was still sitting in the stall. My brother, who is a fairly large guy, kicked the stall, screaming, "Get out of there, you $@%&!" Laughing, the three of us ran out of the bathroom, only to see Martin standing outside...guess it wasn't him inside the stall after all.

Just this past weekend, I went into the queue for Aero 360 at KP, and I had a cold chill, which caused me to drop my soda. I tried to catch it in mid-air, so i quickly bent forward to try to grab it. It landed on the bottom of the cup and ejected the entire 32 oz drink all over my face from about 3 inches away, soaking me and the poor lady standing next to me. Oops.

Proud CB club member

At Adventure Land in Iowa, they have a Chance? Rotor and a girl puked on it while it was spinning and it flew back and hit the two people next to her (on the left and ride) it was haliorous and I was on the ride at the time!

My funniest park moment was actually relayed to me by my BF...

he was in the mens room at SFGAm during Fright Fest and there was a dad in there with his two little boys, about ages 4 and 5 maybe less. ANYhoo, the boys were using the same "fixture" and the dad was screaming "DON'T PEE ON EACH OTHER!!" repeatedly.

When my BF told me about this, I ROLLED. In fact, "I'm ready to pee" has become our catch-prhase for being "done for the day"...hehehehehe.

Just call me MPG...

Kick The Sky's avatar
Last year at CP I was riding Magnum as a single rider(the Mrs. doesnt do roller coasters) and I get seated with another person I dont know. Anyways on the return trip through the tunnels I feel this wet spray hit my face. I look towards the front of the train as we hit the brakes and see this woman leaning over and puking. I knew exactly then that I had been puked on in the tunnel. The thing that made it funny though was this complete stranger looks at me and says, "That was really awesome! When did they add the water sprayer in the tunnel?" I couldnt get out of the train because I was laughing so hard.

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member
"We are not responsible for anything the Demon takes or breaks"

Loved the story by "Kick the Sky"...LOL, ROTF!!

I gotta share my Magnum Story...this happened, oh, five or six years ago when I last got to visit Cedar Point from Texas. (I MISS CEDAR POINT!!)

I'd ridden the Magnum (AWESOME ride, BTW), then had to use the facilities. While I'm in there, some woman comes running in there, and in a panicked voice, asked everybody around, "Any one have any shampoo? Any one have any shampoo??"

When I came out of the stall, it was obvious why she was asking...a big ole seagull had downloaded on her head!!

With the straightest possible face (believe me, it wasn't easy), I asked how it had happened; she told me she just got off of the Magnum...I am thankful it didn't happen to me. Another lady came to her rescue with a little bottle of Pert shampoo.

When I got out of the restroom, I just lost it...I laughed so hard...still get tickled when I think about it (heehee).

Stupid seagulls.

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