Funeral services for teen killed at SFOG and a problem.

By 2009 expect every park regardles of what chain to change fencing around these rides. Just like seatbelts on every coaster because of a poor decision made by a guest at a park in Indiana. The actions of a few result in changes for the many.

Ronald Witrzek
And then every park will look like East Berlin.
Great! Gestapo around the rides!

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Alexx Argen's avatar
The solution is to Enclose the ride so it is not out side at all. Cedar Point did this with Avalanche Run (Disaster Transport) and now i dont see any people walking in front of the cars. I hear now they are planning on enclosing Top Thrill.

Its sad when your best friend asks you the exact running time of a ride. Good thing I didnt know.

That outer fence and BTR are the first impressions many guests would get walking up towards the front gate. So the fence was there to keep people but also to be aesthetically pleasing to people getting ready to hand over money. This would be to avoid the walking into a prison with rides thing.

The paremeter fencing that's in the woods has barbed wire on top of it becuase people would try to sneak in that way. I'm not sure what there now, but there was at least one, but possibly two barbed wire fences back on the hill behind the Log Flume before Scorcher was put in.

Whatever happened to Darwinism? I say let the dumb people weed themselves out, that way they don't continue to spread their seed. Our country spends too much time trying to protect stupid people from themselves.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Has the other kid talked yet so we can find out what they were really doing in that area?
LostKause's avatar

CP Chris said:
Whatever happened to Darwinism? I say let the dumb people weed themselves out, that way they don't continue to spread their seed. Our country spends too much time trying to protect stupid people from themselves.

Starting with you?

That's very insensitive. I see that attitude a lot these days, and quite frankly, it's wrong. A people are strong when they take care of their weak, poor, and sick. You are suggesting that we become like monsters?

For example, if retarded adults can't find work without assistance, we should let them starve? That's Darwinism right there. Humanity is above that.

By the way, "dumb people" can have very intelligent children. That's a great loophole in "Darwinism".


ApolloAndy's avatar
From a totally scientific standpoint (as opposed to spiritual): Darwinism also gave us a sense of right and wrong, ethics and morals, and compassion.

The greater good of the species is often in tension with the inidivual good of its members. Saving members of our species is often inherently beneficial to the greater good, whether or not it benefits other individuals.

Summary: Having a more diverse gene pool is a good thing for our species.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

janfrederick's avatar
But what about illiterate genes? ;)

Seriously, how about fences signs along all of our highways? Ridiculous.

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Well, there are some pretty damn smart people out there, but half of them have zero common sense!

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

The only way this can be stopped is to do what has already been done. Signs and fences tell the warning.

Maybe the park could add an extra ride host position or move the crowd control host to where he/she could see the bulk of the line. Therefore the host could watch over the line and make sure nothing crazy is going on. If the host sees a guest about to hop a fence, the host could go over and attend to the guest for whatever reason they wish to go into a restricted area. My Amusement Park Photos.
Or they could just add the pictures of what happend to the last idiot to jump the fence. DO NOT ENTER, this is what will happen.
Six Flags shouldn't have to pay the funeral expenses for a kid who decided to break the rules and paid the price for it with his life.

The fences are there to protect people from the rides since it is very dangerous. I don't feel sorry for this kid at all.

I'm just waiting for the day they will have to post signs in bathroom stalls, "DROWNING HAZARD: DO NOT SUBMERGE HEAD IN TOILET!" Ah, the "play-pening" of America. A soft pillow on every corner to raise the next generation of so called adults and the sue-happy.
How true. Heck, they already have warnings on 5-gallon pails warning how a kid could drown.

Look at any new car on the road. You have ABS and airbags (great saftey features), but there's the STUPID stuff any drive who aware shouldn't need. In no particular order: Blind spot detection (it called turning your head!), Tire pressure montioring (use a tire gauge in your glove box!), driver's vanity mirrors (you shouldn't be applying lipstick or shaving at 70 mph). I think I make my point.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

matt.'s avatar

Hopman said:
Heck, they already have warnings on 5-gallon pails warning how a kid could drown.

Which is a very good thing, considering that

"Of all buckets, the 5-gallon size presents the greatest hazard to young children because of its tall, straight sides and weight, even with just a small amount of liquid. At 14-inches high, a 5-gallon bucket is about half the height of a young child. That, combined with the stability, makes it nearly impossible for top-heavy infants and toddlers to free themselves when they fall into the bucket head first. A child can drown in a small amount of water."

Let's please not pretend that reasonable requirements like signs on buckets telling people to not leave them around children have any parallel to signs telling folks to not climb 2 fences and jump in front of roller coasters.

Fair enough Matt. There are some cases where warning lables are appropiate, like on an aluminum ladder (or ANY large ladder) about power lines. That's a legit concern, but what about the one on the cup of coffee that warns about the stuff being hot? What if I put liquid nitrogen in a coffee cup? Do I have to put a warning label on it warning the contents mare extreamly cold?

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

How about some parenting in the cases of the small amounts of water? An infant or toddler shouldn't be left unsupervised in bathtubs or near huge buckets of water, right?

In the case of blind spot detection and features on cars, I think we have those just because we get a kick out of technology. I mean, my mom has a car with an actual camera that shows the back end of the car so you don't hit anything. It's not totally 100% reliable, and she doesn't need it (being an excellent driver), but we both got such a kick out of it when she first bought the car. We're a technologically fascinated world right now. Shame that that fascination doesn't translate into the understanding of said technology (big metal looping coaster might weigh thousands of pounds and could take my head off if I step in front of it).

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

In the case of rear view assist, there have been cases where small children have been struck by vehicles moving in reverse because they were too short to be seen in the rear and side view mirrors. Even my Fusion has a pretty high back end which makes me uncomfortable sometimes backing up.

Otherwise there are some pretty dumb labels out there. Like different products that are labeled "not to be taken internally." Which makes you realize that somebody did ingest some Preparation H at some time. Which also makes you realize that person probably won a lawsuit because the tube wasn't properly marked and he wasn't warned not to swallow hemorrhoid medicine.

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