Free parking at Geauga Lake

Jeff's avatar
Knowing the culture though, at this point, they have a budget that they need to meet, and cutting the parking fee will cut into that and piss-off the bean counters.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Maybe some marketing person told the bean counters... At 25 beans per person through the gates without a season pass we were making X beans per day and at 9 beans per car we were making Y per day. X + Y = Z. If we stop charging the 9 beans per car, all we need is A% of a gain in non season pass holder attendance to make up the loss of the Y beans from parking fees and I beleive we can get more than a A% gain by doing so. Of course that marketing person has probably been told you better make sure you make the A% growth or it's your job. *** Edited 7/11/2005 7:39:47 PM UTC by dragonoffrost***

Watch the tram car please....

Lord Gonchar said:
It's latin for "Don't ask me what my screen name means or I'll kill you." ;)

Ever look at (that should answer all your questions :) )

This will help if you can understand poorly translated gibberish.

- DJ

"When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always twenty years behind the times." - Mark Twain

The coupon makes sense as it is aimed at potential customers with longer travel distances and possible concerns over gasoline parking might tip the scale.

Also keep in mind that revenue from anyone who decides to visit because of the coupon will be money Geauga Lake would not have had...not a bad deal since parking doesn't really cost them anything if the lot isn't completely full.

He's a potter! He's a potter! Or else he used to play hockey for the Washington Capitals.
I work at the McDonalds across from Geauga Lake and if we see people park their car in the parking lot and walk over to the park or notice a car in the parking lot longer than few hours we would get the car towed. It's pretty funny watching and funnier when the people come back from the park and get all pissed that their car is gone. Few week ago we towed a BMW Z4.

#1 Steel-Nitro #1 Wood-Shivering Timbers 137 coasters in track record.
Now thats stupid. If they have enough money to buy one of those, you'd think they would be able to scroung up 10$.Sheesh.

You can't judge a book by it's cover but you can judge a coaster by the screams
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Heh, you can score a Z4 for a little over $30,000 - not exactly a high price vehicle.

In my experience in life, this is exactly the situation I'd expect. The owner of a nicer car would probably not care about the $9, and someone with less of a car - well, it wouldn't be a Z4 getting towed, I guess. The Z4 owner probably has moderate income and pushes that to the limit to acquire nicer things in life. Middle bracket income pushed to the limits - that's exactly who'd have a "nice" car, but park for free and walk. Step back the car payment and that $9 doesn't mean so much.

Just what I tend to notice, YMMV.

On a related note, I'd have way too much fun watching cars get towed. It'd probably be worth the McDonald's job. ;)

OOh sorry gonch, i was thinking of the Z8. My bad.and besides, do you expect a "kid"to know(or even care)what a good price for a car?But i'll have to know in a couple years when i get my Maclaren F1 Cogh**over a 1,000,000$**cogh;) *** Edited 7/12/2005 6:36:35 PM UTC by Tycoontitan***

You can't judge a book by it's cover but you can judge a coaster by the screams
i'm so wierd.

You can't judge a book by it's cover but you can judge a coaster by the screams

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