Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Lord Gonchar said:
It's latin for "Don't ask me what my screen name means or I'll kill you." ;)Ever look at (that should answer all your questions :) )
This will help if you can understand poorly translated gibberish.
- DJ
"When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always twenty years behind the times." - Mark Twain
Also keep in mind that revenue from anyone who decides to visit because of the coupon will be money Geauga Lake would not have had...not a bad deal since parking doesn't really cost them anything if the lot isn't completely full.
In my experience in life, this is exactly the situation I'd expect. The owner of a nicer car would probably not care about the $9, and someone with less of a car - well, it wouldn't be a Z4 getting towed, I guess. The Z4 owner probably has moderate income and pushes that to the limit to acquire nicer things in life. Middle bracket income pushed to the limits - that's exactly who'd have a "nice" car, but park for free and walk. Step back the car payment and that $9 doesn't mean so much.
Just what I tend to notice, YMMV.
On a related note, I'd have way too much fun watching cars get towed. It'd probably be worth the McDonald's job. ;)
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