Fox News Channel Talking about Ed Markey

Head over to Fox News Channel now should be some laughable material. Headline is coaster speed limits.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

rollergator's avatar
Fox News, the bastion of credibility.....'nuff said!

As opposed to what, CNN talk about laughable material. BTW Sheppard Smith took the oppisite side of the issue and they had people from the Amusement Industry talking as well was very balanced, as is all of Fox's news, as opposed to some other sources but we won't get into this one again.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

Just saw Sen. Malarkey on there. What a BONEHEAD!!! I'm sure there are some REAL problems he could be trying to solve. What do you think this guys hang up is? Think he barfed once on a coaster and vowed revenge ever since?? What a BooB!!!!!
I got to agree with MagnumForce Fox News is better at giving both sides where CNN plays to emotions.

Excalibur Crew for 2002!

Very true lauer, thats probaly what happended. Hes a little girl.

At least I dont call a vertical loop a "loopdie-loop"!

[Sorry, but this really isn't the place for political posturing that has nothing to do with coasters. Not a flame, just cutting it off before they DO start.


*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 3/14/2002. ***

Sorry Greg I got carried away therre and knew it while I was typing it. I am very emotional about the whole situation I mentioned and it sometimes keeps me from keeping my big mouth shut. Thanks for keeping me in check and from getting a mailbox full of flames.

-Brent Kneebush


*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 3/14/2002. ***

Is this story on the web. Is there a link?

I don't know scoaster check out

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

I looked there, but can't find it. Thanks anyway!

----------------- can't handle a rollercoaster huh? ARE the Weakest Link! Goodbye!
Number 1 Batwing Fan!

Any FOX news station will rip on any buisness. I feel they are the worst of all news organizations, especially when it comes to theme parks. FOX19 here in Cincy is really bad, and they don't have never have the facts straight on ANY of their stories. I don't watch them anymore.

ATTENTION: Due to budget cuts the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.

Not Local Fox Affiliates Boat 69 all local affiliates are different CBS 11 in Toledo has the best news bar none but yet CBS is not the number one national news. I am talking about Fox News Channel, cable news like CNN and MSNBC. Fox News is now in fact the number one cable news network, and for good reason. Extremely balanced well thought out news with good personalities on the air excpet for Geraldo that is.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

Oh, I just felt like bashing FOX19 here in Cincy.
Fox: The same people who brought us Celebrity Boxing and the Glutton Bowl. Enough said.
Bigboy: Let us not forget that Fox has also given us The Simpsons and Malcom in the Middle. Nuff Said. I know this isn't coaster related, and I'll stop right after this post on the topic, but I thought I'd point out that every major network has deleivered some moronic piece of Television at one time or another.

Excalibur Crew for 2002!

True, you make a good point. Don't forget that Fox also brought us King of the Hill. Since I'm from Texas, I hold that show in the highest regard. Yes, other networks serve up crap, as well. But I dare you to find anything as ridiculous and low as the Glutton Bowl. Enough off-topic discussion. Now back to your regularly scheduled program...
rollergator's avatar

sorry, I think I was really the one who started taking it OT so to speak (it's always the one-liners that I get in trouble with;))....I DID tune in at the very last second and saw a really nice-looking coaster. Hoping to get a little time in on the 21st/22nd at BGT, perhaps IoA, work taking us to soon 'til I can get myself to some "different" coasters? Shoot, I'd settle at this point for "temporary custody" just so I could finally get that long-awaited ride on PF! But a chance to see my old (ailing?) wooden friend at BGT will be nice...

Back on topic note: Even IF I should suffer some injury at the hands of one of these coasters, it is a risk I shall gladly assume if a park wants me to sign some release to satisfy the lawyers and the insurance folks...I'll always check my own restraints anyway, 'cause it's MY life I'm protecting...

Now, back to Sen. Malarkey and the non-issue of the day...

It must be March, the Madness is setting in! I'm lost in Bracketville and there's no way out...
If you can't laugh at yourself, at least stop laughing at ME!

Rush made the perfect statement the other day, "Liberals, want to tell us how to live, because they are the ones who KNOW how to live. That we are stupid and need them to make all our decisions." With Markey, Rush really hit home.


Most Democrats aren't "true" liberals. True liberals could give a darn how you live.

Political lables are meaningless.

Current favorite coasters:
Wooden: 1) Beast 2) Raven 3) Son of Beast 4) The Boss 5) Timber Wolf
Steel: 1) Raging Bull 2) Millennium Force 3) V2 4) Wild Thing 5) Mr. Freeze

I've mostly found that "liberal" and "conservative" are not the peoples views, but more how they feel about passing laws to define 'appropriate' behavior. "Liberals" tend to support more laws that restrict behavior (being "liberal" with law writing) and "Conservatives" tend to oppose writing laws and rather go about things another way (being "conservative" with law writing).

But many say liberals are for the "little guy" and conservatives are for the "fat cats"

...methinks it's all crap...
who likes FOX News simply for the agitation...

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