forum "etiquette"

Chitown's friendly reminder post got me thinking, but the question probably belongs in this forum.

Does Coasterbuzz allow "arguing?" I know there's a fine line between discussion and flaming or insulting others, but I personally like to see people voicing their opinions as long as they don't step on anyone else. I've seen such debate in some threads, but I got railed once -- twice -- for posting stuff that was considered obnoxious (which it was, don't get me wrong). So I figured I'd get some input from other folks...
Jeff's avatar
Flames get deleted... period. I don't care who is right or I who I agree with.

People can disagree all they want. I don't have an agenda and I don't care if you disagree with my opinions or those of the moderators. As long as you're making a point, and preferably backing it up, you can debate whatever you want.

The normal rules about dead horses and such still apply. Neil is actually compiling an FAQ on how we moderate. It'll get up eventually (maybe after Coasters' Choice is over... you have no idea how much work that really is going to be).

Webmaster/Admin -
Excellent, Jeff, it will be good to have a place to direct those that are rapidly going over the top.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
Agreed, the FAQ sounds like a great idea. That pretty much settles it, for me at least. Thanx!
Hang on folks.... I just moved into my new house, and somehow inherited chores in my free time! FAQ is coming soon!

Pittsburgh, PA

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