Former SeaWorld trainer says Blackfish film was "180" from what was presented to her

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Bridgette Pirtle, who contributed footage to the film Blackfish, tells fan site MiceChat that the film lacks context and has an agenda. The former trainer said:

It seemed to me, with the information that was given at the time, that maybe there was someone capable of telling Dawn’s story and defending her in a compassionate and respectful manner.

Blackfish was a complete ‘180’ from what was originally presented to me. Now, it’s almost like my worst fears are unfolding in front of me. When I first spoke with Tim and Gabriela, I truly felt like they were as passionate about the animals’ welfare as I was. I felt they believed in the relationships and respected my experiences and insight.

Read more from MiceChat.

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ah HA!

BUT, BUT, BUT!!!!! We can't have facts get in the way of a good story.

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

Very poorly written article. I read it twice and still didn't understand it. If she is going to get her side of the story out she will need a different advocate.

Jeff's avatar

There wasn't a lot of writing around her words... I would frankly prefer that you can read what she said in context.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Vater's avatar

Lance at Screamscape made probably the most comprehensive post I've seen so far about Blackfish and SeaWorld on Facebook.

Jeff's avatar

He would know better than most people, certainly. The part about OSHA is actually the thing that annoys me the most. I've been saying that since they made their decision, that the feds have no business regulating something for which they have no expertise.

I don't think I can try to watch the movie, in fear that it will anger me and be at odds with my NDA.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Vater's avatar

Jeff said:

the feds have no business regulating something for which they have no expertise.

Couldn't agree more. But that goes way beyond OSHA and SeaWorld.

Jeff's avatar

The hits keep coming...

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

All of these rebuttals are all well and good (they do add some needed balance) but unless I am mistaken, little is making its way into the mainstream media.

Sure, it’s floating around social, but until CNN or another major news network runs a story on “the other side” of the Blackfish story, I don’t see the public opinion needle moving that much.

However with the record performance recently announced by Sea World, maybe this all doesn’t matter anyway and in the end, amounts to nothing more than some “noise”.

Last edited by Hanging n' Banging,
Jeff's avatar

That nothing nefarious is actually going on isn't news, apparently.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Just yesterday I had lunch with a good friend who's a very liberal thinker, (nothing wrong with that, mind you), who out of the blue mentioned someone had recommended Blackfish for her to watch. "But I don't think I can bring myself to watch it," she said. "I'm afraid it's just going to make me angry."
"Oh, it should make you angry, all right", I said. "but I suspect we're thinking of different reasons."

Then I watched her finish her vegetarian pasta with a nice caesar salad...

Rihard's avatar

Another recent former trainer shares his thoughts on YouTube...

- R.A

Raven-Phile's avatar

I really loathe that being liberal-minded automatically lumps me in with the kinds of people who would boycott SeaWorld over this movie. (not saying that you're doing that, MAC) - but any time I talk to someone who claims to be liberal, it seems that they're always surprised that I shoot guns, eat meat, support SeaWorld etc...

I'm my own person, I form my own opinions, and I dislike the writers/producers of Blackfish.

As has been stated by the rebuttals, some of the stuff is true, but it's blown way out of proportion and there's a definite spin there that will get the less informed people riled up. It's the same tactic that Fox and other major "news" networks use to present the story *they* want you to see/believe, while claiming it's fair and balanced. (I only used Fox here, because they're pretty extreme, and actually claim the 'fair and balanced' angle, not because I have an agenda of my own)

Last edited by Raven-Phile,

You forgot "wear leather".

rollergator's avatar

^You've seen Josh's chaps? :o

I use the term "progressive" ever since "Liberal" was outlawed in the 1980s....but I eat meat, wear leather, go to SeaWorld, and support Josh's right (or practically anyone else's) to own a gun...

Oh, but I *do* have an agenda of my own...I just don't think it should be enforced on everyone else :-P

Last edited by rollergator,
Raven-Phile's avatar

I don't have guns to shoot at people, though. I just like going to the range for fun. I've taken to shooting a BB gun in my back yard for close to the same effect.

I'm glad the film didn't get the Oscar nomination for Best Documentary Feature that I'm sure the producers were desperately hoping for.

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

Jeff's avatar

That was a relief. I think even people who suddenly find themselves to be orca advocates but understand film as art recognize it as a one-sided fluff piece.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

rollergator's avatar

Important to note the growing list of musical acts that have pulled out of scheduled performances at Sea World (now spreading to Busch Tampa, apparently):

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