*** This post was edited by WoodenCyclone on 6/27/2002. ***
Actually, I rode Poltergeist (same ride, but newer, and I believe faster) at SFFiesta Texas when it had the OTSRs (this would have been May 2000) and I found it to be quite enjoyable.
I haven't ridden FOF though (lap bars or OTSRs), so maybe it was that much worse w/ the OTSRs.
"Maybe the restraints will work better next time!"
SOB crew in twenty 02
82 SOB laps, and not tired of it yet!
Ok.... here we go....
FOF has only operated a maximum of 3 trains at once. PKI's version has 4 trains though. (I am not familiar with PKD's) The first train that ever ran on the track lies in a state of dissaray behind the Timberwolf Amphitheatre where it has been since FOF opened. It is used for spare parts and was never intended by the park to be used for a 4 train operation.
The coaster, however, is able to run 4 trains if necessary because there are enough blocks to allow for it. However Paramount Parks over-compensate (And IMO rightly so) by requiring that there be at least one completely empty block between trains on their coasters.
PKI currently operates only 2 trains, yet the third is stored in the "drum" of the FOF attraction.
There were never doors that opened or closed between the waiting brakes and the station or between the station and launch tunnel.
The drum on both PKD and PKI's have always operated for the GP with some sort of lighting. It does not, nor has ever, run for the GP in total darkness. I personally HAVE ridden PKI's in total darkness since I was a ride op on the attraction. We were able to convince maintenance to turn the lights off completely a few times for some after hours ride sessions. Those totally dark rides I took were during the time period in which the trains still had OTSR's. If you think it was rough with OTSR's and the lights on, imagine it with OTSR's and having no ability to see any directional change and prepare. Easily the roughest headbanging I ever had..... but unforgettable.
The cameras are infra-red and see in the dark. Thus the ride ops can see the coaster no matter how many lights are on. The dim colored lights in the drum serve no purpose other than adding ambiance.
The music remains and is still timed to the trains as it was when the attraction first opened. Actually the music itself isn't really timed, rather a special effects "blast" emits from the sound system on top of the music when the train is launched and passes a sensor. One addition to the sound system that was added after the coaster opened was the fact that the ops can turn down the music or override it with speaker announcements. Now that PKI's ops have to announce "Clear!" before a traun launches, you will notice the music stops for a second so all hear them.
The exit music was not used for a season or two, but has been restored as of last year. That was thanks to a persistant Mr. Siebert.
Some added special effects alien narrations have dissapeared over the years. These were heard in the station and in the exit and really added a lot of charm to the ride. They were very clever statements such as "If we are the ones under survielance, then kindly explain why you are trapped in your seats?" or "Nothing is more permanant than... oblivion." Those of course are not exact quotes, but you get the idea.
Finally, the dummies in the tubes have never had names like Elvis as someone suggested (??!). But look closely at them next time you are in the station and you will see that they are all wearing PKI clothing such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, fanny packs etc.
The cameras are infra-red and see in the dark. Thus the ride ops can see the coaster no matter how many lights are on. The dim colored lights in the drum serve no purpose other than adding ambiance.
Ok Lets see who knows more Shaggy (AKA The God of all that is PKI) or someone who just posted there first choice.
The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly
Ok Lets see who knows more Shaggy (AKA The God of all that is PKI) or someone who just posted there first choice.
Believe what you must. :)
Yes, I work at Paramount's Kings Island!
Flight of Fear Crew 2001 & 2002.
MagnumForce said:
Ok Lets see who knows more Shaggy (AKA The God of all that is PKI) or someone who just posted there first choice.
The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly
Ok do what you want, Shaggy does know a lot about coasters but remember he only worked on Flight of Fear for not even a year.
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