Florida to get new wood [NO JOKE!]

Mamoosh's avatar
I just got First Drop #65 and it details the four new coasters at Cyrpess Gardens:

A Vekoma Jr Suspended, a Vekoma family coaster, and two wooden coaster from S&S. A junior woodie, based on Zach's Zoomer at Michigan's Adventure, will debut September of this year. The larger woodie will debut next year.

Thought you Floridians would want to know.

mOOSH - no, this is NOT an April Fool's Joke.

BullGuy's avatar
Wow, thats a hefty investment for two years. Here's hoping it pays off for Cypress Gardens. S&S is building woodies left n' right...

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

Mamoosh's avatar
$36 million total in the first 18 months, according to First Drop.

Oh, the article also mentioned a "drop ride, 80 ft ferris wheel, and other rides."

rollergator's avatar

I don't know what else to say....ummmm, I'll be there for the grand opening?


Yay! It's not a Boomerang! ;) I hope for Cypress Gardens to do well. Moosh's post reminds me that I need to join ECC; I printed out the form in February. *** Edited 4/2/2004 6:41:15 AM UTC by Coaster File***
Mamoosh's avatar
First Drop is a great magazine. Heck, it even confirms my hunch about what is replacing Buzzsaw Falls ;)
You mean you had to READ First Drop to find out what was replacing BuzzSaw Falls? Oh, never mind you are out on the west coast and are out of the heartland amusement news loop. Knew back in early winter what was going down there.


Er....what is replacing Buzzsaw falls?

Fate is the path of least resistance.

Has S&S put out a decent wooden coaster yet I know they are building a fair amount but I remember reading the reviews for the one out at Enchanted village (don't feel like looking up the name just got off of a 10 hour shift...fun fun) and they weren't to spectacular if I remember correctly........any info would be helpful, I'll ride it ether way though since I'm not terribly far from Cypress Gardens (maybe an hour or so) *** Edited 4/2/2004 2:23:17 PM UTC by Goku2216***

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Mamoosh's avatar
Goku - Considering CCI's first two coasters were Sky Princess and Zach's Zoomer perhaps its not a good idea to judge S&S on their first, Timberhawk.

Despite the lukewarm reviews, S&S gave Enchanted Village exactly what they asked for: a family-friendly wooden coaster. On that level it works great.


S&S will probably build anything the customer wants built. Timberhawk may not be the most thrilling but it is exactly what the park wanted and well built too.

I hate to say I told you so but Woodies are making a comeback and strong. Why? Simple really. Spend $20 million for a large steel coaster that is not much *if any* more thrilling than a woodie you can build for under 10 million.

Doesn't Dennis McNulty work for S&S? If so, he was responsible for many of CCI's great rides, so I have every reason to believe that S&S can (and will) design some seriously thrilling wood coasters in the future.

This is great news... not one, but TWO new wood coasters. You're right, Chuck- wood IS coming back. Look at the stats:

2004: Thunderhead, Tsunami, Avalanche, unnamed wood at Cypress Gardens

2005: Hades, relocated Thunder Eagle, relocated Little Dipper, unnamed wood at Cypress Gardens

4 wood coasters in North America in 2004. Another 4 for 2005 (which is a YEAR away)? If this continues, 2005 could be a huge year for wooden coasters... perhaps as big as 1999 or 2000! Wishful thinking I know, but its justified at this point.

BullGuy's avatar
In addition to Rob's list, there is also the Gravity Group's first woodie for 2005. (at Big Chief's) That's the one we're all looking forward to. :)

Whats more is that these coasters are being announced with plenty of time in advance. There's always time for more to be announced as 2005 draws closer. ;)

-BullGuy, who could only hope...

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

Uh, Hades is the Big Chief woodie.


BullGuy's avatar
Sorry, guess I missed that in his post.

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

This is extremely early for all these 2005 anouncements. S&S seems to have no limit on to how many they will build while GCI limits themseleves on the number they will do per year. (Them trains being hand built has to be one reason)

TGG can design for anyone and find qualified constructors.

And there is the other options. Intamin, Vekoma, Coaster Werks and Now building coasters as well as maintaining Martin and Vermilick

Realisticlly TGG is going to have to earn trust to get new buisness. HW and Mt. olympus are just two and good ones at that.

Realistically DD has had problems with SF and a couple other parks. Weather S&S over rides that in image could be a determination on if SF or SF or some other parks choose other options.

Many Parks get several submissions for bids on rides they are planning to build. The fact that S&S can survey, design and build is a huge advantage in cost savings vs a firm that contracts the job then subcontracts all the work

Something tells me the reason we won't be seeing many S&S, Vekoma and Marin and Vermilick coasters built in the U.S is shear overhead. Wooden coaster companies have almost always been small orginazations many times employing ten or less people full time and hiring local labor durring construction.


I don't believe Vekoma is involved in the wooden coaster business anymore (aside from perhaps offering their wooden trains for sale).


Mamoosh's avatar
Chuck - Cypress Gardens has NOT officially announced any rides yet. The news comes from First Drop.


Of course, First Drop also announced that the Clementon Jack Rabbit has already been demolished! But this is one of their stories that I think is fairly accurate.
So, any word if these woodies will have steel supports? Or will they be 100% wood?

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