Flight of Fear: One of my new favorites

Actually, RCTfan, it's a Paramount park, so you have to rate it 19.8/22 stars. :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Soggy's avatar
Thanks Jeff & RideMan, I think I get it now. Is there any chance that Poltergeist will get the retrofit, or is this a "Paramount only" thing?

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
Someone asked what caused the roughness...I don't think it can be explained because the entire ride was one big headbanger. Even on the launch my head was all over the place...and this is coming from someone who could ride Drachen Fire all day without any problems.

I rode it and I liked it. But then, I can see how it use to be a headbanger.

I'm just a question knowing my answer. I hope I'm wrong. - Jets to Brazil

RideMan said:
"Actually, RCTfan, it's a Paramount park, so you have to rate it 19.8/22 stars. :)

Call me Dumb, or you can, but WHY?
HaVe YoU hUgGeD yOuR rOlLeR cOaStEr ToDaY?

Favorite Park: Paramount's Kings Dominion!
Favorite Coaster: HyperSonic XLC!
Jeff's avatar
There are 22 stars in the Paramount logo.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I rode it when it first opened and only a couple times more in the past year or so becuase of the thrashing my head would experience. But, I just rode it again last weekend and it is now my favorite steel coaster by far! Excellent speed, twists and turns. And to be able to keep your hands up and out is pure heaven! A total rebirth of what is now a great coaster.

*/me Slaps Forehead!

Stupid Me...Thanks Jeff for clearing that up...Or...I would've been lost forever...or for the Topic Length.

HaVe YoU hUgGeD yOuR rOlLeR cOaStEr ToDaY?
OoOoOo...Rolly Coaster!
Favorite Coaster: HyperSonic XLC!
I loved the ride from the first time I rode it. I couldn't quite see what all the fuss was about.
I can not believe PKD or PKI did not say a thing on their websites about it!

This wonderful post was brought to you by the CoasterBuzzer formally known as MindBender!
Please, stop with the FoF stuff. We all know they have lap bars, we all know it's now a great ride, and we all know it's pain free. Let's cut the crap and move on to something else!
News: Kings Island put their second train into service yesterday (4/21/2001).
The ride also seemed slightly darker than it was two weeks ago.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
If they could actually run the ride with out having it shut down half the day, I would really like it too. Why am I complaining? Check my trip report. http://www.coasterbuzz.com/forums/thread.asp?ForumID=13&TopicID=6275

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
I have to agree, that it made a good ride great in my book!
I just rode it today...noticed they were running 2 trains...that's right after I ran there at 10:15 to ride it. Oh well, it was a walk on. I still think it's rough, but A LOT more enjoyable!!! The last part of the ride after the block brake (which used to bring the trains to a near stop) is now insane...gotta love whipping through that corkscrew! Overall, much more enjoyable!


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.
beast7369's avatar
Let me just say...OH MY GAWD!!! I just rode it on Saturday as part of ACE appreciation day. DRASTIC IMPROVEMENT! I now can enjoy this ride repeatedly without getting a headache.

What is life without it's ups and downs
I think I was one of the few people who didn't come off the ride with headaches from banging around. I never really had mine bang around that much, don't know why. However, I do like the lapbars much better than those OTSR's. I actually felt a little disoriented after getting off the ride this year. Kinda like that, myself. FOF is definitely better with the bars. Also, I never even realized they took out the OL part. I wondered why the intro to the show didn't come on when I was in line...

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."

Craig the Coaster Freak said:
"If they could actually run the ride with out having it shut down half the day, I would really like it too. Why am I complaining? Check my trip report. http://www.coasterbuzz.com/forums/thread.asp?ForumID=13&TopicID=6275

Who Cares if it breaks down. Was it your first visit to a theme park. Things like that happen, and if you go to a theme park then learn to deal with crap like that or do not go. I am terribly sorry,but people who complain about a ride breaking down is extremely annoying. That is why I am replying. I go to parks realizing that this will happen so why don't you try it!!!!!.

Well, this certainly raises my hopes a bit. I rode Flight of Fear last year and was nearly knocked unconscious. Too bad I won't be heading to PKI anytime soon, I'd really like to give Flight of Fear another try with the lap bars.

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