Fisrt Drop yet not the Largest Drop?

Can anyone think of coasters where the first drop is not the largest. Amazingly Kennywood has two: Phantom's Revenge and the Thunderbolt - in fact the largest drop on the t-bolt is the last one.

Don't count the small drops out of the station that take you to the lift hill?

"We ride rollercoasters into the ocean, with no emotion, we spiral down..."
- Jeff Magnum, Neutral Milk Hotel
Cyclops, Big Cheifs.

- Peabody
The raven gets close, but not quite.

Don't touch the watch.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the first drop on the Beast is 135 feet, while the last drop into the helix is 141 feet. Of course the angle on the last drop is 18 degrees, so I'm not sure if it really counts as a "drop."

I saw an old drawing of a coaster from the Golden Era, an out-and-back with a turnaround that dropped *way* down into a valley. I think the book said 150 feet...*much* larger than any other drop on the ride. I can't remember where it was though.
Soggy's avatar
I forget where it was too, The name of the coaster was The Blue Streak. I have a book at home with a pic and info on that one.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
Don't forget about Kennywood's Jack Rabbit.

Webmaster: Theme Park New England
I believe the Screamin Eagle at SFSTL is one. The third drop is the largest, I believe. Well, that isn't counting the little turnaround at the top of the lift hill.

For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Your right Den almost. The second lift drop is 144ft. Any elevation change is considered as a drop. So there for, you were right!
-Charlie Weingartner

You can't run and you can't hide...The Beast at PKI
*** This post was edited by PkI FaNaTiC on 4/19/2001. ***
Hmm... is Kennywood's Exterminator's first drop the biggest? I doesn't really seem that way, but I'm not sure.

That'd make 4/5 of Kennywood's major coasters fall into this category. ;)

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Many B&M's could sneak into this category. That little dip at the top is an elevation change and after the lift hill.
Quite a lot of Arrow coasters as well...the Cedar Creek Mine Ride at Cedar Point comes to mind. And how about the Big Dipper at Camden Park...or for that matter, any coaster that has a turnaround at the top of the lift hill before the big drop.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Le Monstre at La Ronde in Canada.
What about the coaster at Camden Park? I forget the name right now!

This wonderful post was brought to you by the CoasterBuzzer formally known as MindBender!
You're right Pumpkin Head, the third drop on the Screamin Eagle is the largest. The drop goes down into a ravine. Not sure what the specs are though.
kpjb's avatar

Lynch said:
"Hmm... is Kennywood's Exterminator's first drop the biggest? I doesn't really seem that way, but I'm not sure.

That'd make 4/5 of Kennywood's major coasters fall into this category. ;)"

Actually, ALL of KP's coasters do this:
Jack Rabbit: 3rd hill is biggest
Racer: 2nd hill is biggest
T-Bolt: last hill is biggest
Revenge: 2nd hill is biggest
Exterminator: 2nd hill is biggest

I refuse to add a signature. Damn, too late.
Racer was the only one I was unsure about. I wonder if Lil' Phantom's first drop is smaller than the second... ;)

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
The Mine Ride at SfStl. The first drop seems like it is two feet tall! The best drop is the one into the tunnel, but it still wasn't that good.
Vortex-dip into drop
Beast-last drop
SOB-dip, skip, and drop
FOF-last drop
Top Gun-dip, turn, drop
KC-dip, turn, drop
AdvEx-2nd drop
Face/Off-1st drop, 2nd drop, 3rd drop ;)

PKI-Wooden and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
The First and Only Gigabuzzer bigger than Millie, rising Faster than Maggie, and pulls more BS than MS ever will!!!
You are the Weakest Link! Goodbye!!!
That last drop on the Beast, does it get to ground level? Because if it doesn't, it wouldn't count.

Looking for ideas... *** This post was edited by APForce on 4/19/2001. ***
Could SOB be included? It is about a 60 foot drop from the station to the base of the lift, and it is steep enought to be a real drop.

I think the the second drop is also the big one on Manhattan Express in Vegas.

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