First Trip to Great America

Hey Folks! First post to this group.

We are going to SF Great America this Saturday. It will be my first time there.

Any advice/inside hints?

Can't WAIT for V2 and Raging Bull!



Dream Out Loud

MF Laps = 14 Lifetime
Shootin' for 10,000!

You're going to have a hard time going this Saturday - the park doesn't open until May 4.


Well, saturday shouldnt be too busy. Be sure to ride all the rides at least once. Even if you have heard bad things about a ride, ride it anyhow.


If the world was perfect, we would have a rollercoaster at every corner.

As Coasterdude316 stated, the park doesnt open to the public until May 4th.

If you are going this Saturday because you got tickets through Advocate for the buyout, then you are good to go.

If you didnt, dont waste your time trying to go. Just warning you.

Im going to grab a cold one! WHAT? Walk to my computer! WHAT? Turn the thing on! WHAT? Log on to Coasterbuzz! WHAT? I said log on to Coasterbuzz!! WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?

if you don't have time to ride Shockwave or Sprocket Rockets, don't worry. Eagle: back row, any seat. Batman: front row, any seat or back row, right seat. Deja Vu: can't comment. Demon: any seat. Wolf: front row, any seat, stick your head out and prepare for the transitions. Bull: front row, any seat for visuals or back row, any seat for air. Shockwave: any seat, prepare for transitions. Sprocket Rockets: any seat. V2: front row if its a short wait. Viper: back row. Whizzer: any seat, watch out for the trees in the final helix.

Giant Drop is fun if you have the time. Tripple Play is cool. the old cars in the back are nice if you have kids as are the bumper cars in the front. Space Shuttle America is a nice simulator and the new show sounds really cool.

that's about all I can think of right now, although that may be enough for two days! :) get there early if possible and hold off for Deja Vu until the end of the day when crowds are lighter. Shockwave, Iron Wolf, and Eagle should have the shortest lines. Whizzer depends. I've seen it super long and super short. have fun!

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Knott's Berry Farm Cuba ~South Park
"Your proctologist called, he found your head!" ~Jerry "The King" Lawler

I would disagree with SFGA Bob on a few things:
-Raging Bull: Back row. Anywhere else is a waste of time.
-Viper: Back row or seat 1.3
-Deja Vu: Back seat, outside. Definitely.
-Eagle: Back seat...and go for the backwards side if it's running.
-Iron Wolf: Back seat if you can handle the intensity.
-V2: Definitely back seat
-Batman: Back row, left side. I couldn't tell you why, but the left seat is my favorite.
-Shockwave: Skip it. :-) (or if you really need a ride, don't sit over the wheels or in the front)


front row on raging bull is quite raw but good luck getting since it'll be closed...

I have a few things to add. All of SFGA Bob's stuff is good, except Shockwave. Only ride back row, it's the smoothest of them all, and has some very powerful Gs in the double-loops.

He mentioned Triple Play. This is across from Whizzer, and a Troika ride. I haven't been on any Troikas but this one, but it's awesome. It feels like you are going to fly into a window every two or three turns. Also, Fiddler's Fling, a Calypso III, is across Iron Wolf. Ride this alone if you are not on the inside... or is it outside? Well, ride it alone, or you might get squished. Then the last of the best flats is the Orbit, an Enterprise IV, I belive (well, some version of Schwarzkopf Enterprise.) It is located near the bridge that leads up to Deja Vu.

When going around the park, it is set up as a circle. If you want to get the majority of the inverteds done first, head left out of Carousel Plaza.This will bring you past Shockwave, then B:TR, and V2. After those, you'll enter the Yukon Territory, where Sprokets is. 10 paces later, you'll be in front of Iron Wolf, then American Eagle, then Deja Vu and Demon. Before DV and Demon, you can head to the SW territory for RB and Viper. Viper is the best ride in the park. When leaving SW or going past Demon and DV, you will come on Whizzer, then Carousel Plaza again. Just do it in reverse if you want SW first.

Webmaster of Travis's Websites of Infinite Boredom!
Less than 2 months until SFGAm opens!

great plan of attack, Biggar. its the plan I follow almost every time I visit. only I've never tried Fiddler's Fling (which I'll try out this summer since you suggust it), I doubt I ever will try Orbit (or, as I like to call it, Pukeit), and I never bothered to find the best seat on Shockwave.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Knott's Berry Farm Cuba ~South Park
"Your proctologist called, he found your head!" ~Jerry "The King" Lawler

I would highly recomend riding both the back of Raging Bull-greatairtime- and the back of Shockwave. If the park is open and you do go get their early and head for V2 or DeJuVue first!!! Both rides have low ride capacities so if you dont ride them first thing the lines will be awful. other than that have a great time.

PS the food in the park is awful and high priced. You are better off eating before you come and after you leave. The food at the park makes McDonalds seem like great food!!

Well I don't know what "the guy" is saying, but unless Bull didn't get its certification sticker then it should be open. V2 was running, but not sure if they worked the bugs out yet. Eagle blue's trains were missing seats and lap bars last week, and the 2nd train wasn't on the track. This is all from last week but with the good weather, a lot can change.

Your village called. They're missing their idiot.

Make sure you defently hit Raging Bull front row along with V2 Vertical Velocity and Batman The Ride also dont forget about Viper and American Eagle.

But check before you go. The park doesnt open till May 4th for the public.

Valleyair Security 2002! 8Years Working at Valleyfair :)!

The park has four first-tier rides that must be ridden: Bull, V2, Deja Vu, Viper

Bull -- definitely back

V2- Back, unless line for front is not huge


Deja Vu-Back, outside seat

Everyone has their's mine:

As said by others, V2 or DejaVu first, low capacity, long lines, unless you get there early. I haven't ridden DejaVu yet, but the bakc seat of any coaster is good.

V2 - wait for the front if you can. If it's too long, go for the 2nd or 3 from the front. People often don't realize how short the wait for the 2nd row is because the line for the first row keeps it hidden. The front is best, but 2nd is nearly as good. The back is good too, but not as good as the front, IMHO. It's definitely worth riding it in the front and back, if you can bear the waiting.

Shockwave isn't as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. Like someone else said, try to not sit above the wheels, as it will be smoother. I still haven't decided which I like better, the front, or the back, but if you catch it at the right time of the day (usually near the end of the day), the lines are -very- short, so you can ride it multiple times, in multiple seats, and find out which you prefer.

Demon - I prefer the back seat. The first drop has surprisingly great airtime.

Batman - The wait for the front is usually very long. I say go for the back, unless you have the time. The front is best, though...just rarely worth the wait.

Iron Wolf - Front. Wait, it's worth it (save this one for when the lines are short).

American Eagle - Back seat has the best ride, front has a great view. Red side is supposedly faster, but this year the blue side is backwards. Ride 'em both if you have the time.

Giant Drop - If you've ridden other drop rides, especially S&S ones, or the larger Intamin ones, you can skip it, as it is low capacity and often has a long wait (although not always, and sometimes you can get really lucky with short lines - esp. at the end of the day). To me, it's a must ride, 'cause I love the rush, but if I were limited on time, I would skip it in favor of coasters.

Raging Bull - My favorite coaster, even more than MF. Last row. Without a doubt. Don't worry, the line will mover way faster than it looks. Max wait, 1 hour, even with a full que. Ride it again and again. If it were the only coaster in the park, I'd still be thrilled. Again, I have to stress that the last row is best !!

Viper - A great cyclone clone (except mirror imaged). The best woodie @ SFGAm. The last row is best, without a doubt. Ride it at night for a faster ride.

Whizzer - Fun for the kids, or if you have a date. A nice 'lil coaster, but if time is limited, no big deal to skip it.

Have fun !

Current favorite coasters:
Wooden: 1) Beast 2) Raven 3) Son of Beast 4) The Boss 5) Timber Wolf
Steel: 1) Raging Bull 2) Millennium Force 3) V2 4) Wild Thing 5) Mr. Freeze

Ron, welcome to CoasterBuzz! I grew up in a cornfield much like yours, only in Indiana. :) Enjoy my home park.....seems as though most of my suggestions have been covered above, except that Shockwave is a blast near back (you avoid the neck-breaking curve after the 3rd loop), and be sure to hit the Eagle, as they have tuned one side backwards this year! Whizzer may not be around much's the last of its kind so try to hit it. A true family ride, which GA seems to have less and less of each year :( I'm sorry you'll miss the famous Triple Wheel.
Brad Sherman
Don't.....look.....back! The Headless Horseman awaits you in 2002!
Model coasters and rides
I have to disagree with hitting Deja Vu first. unless you're the first person in the park and the ride is up and running before you get there, you're going to encounter long lines at any time of the day. if you save it for your last ride, you aren't guaranteed a ride if it breaks down, but you also know that you were able to hit everything else in the park before you wasted your time waiting for it.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Knott's Berry Farm Cuba ~South Park
"Your proctologist called, he found your head!" ~Jerry "The King" Lawler

I forgot to add, the best seat for Viper is not back seat. The best seat is left or right side, row 1:3 (last row, first car)

I rode it twice in a row last year, first back seat, second 1:3, and 1:3 is far better, providing just as much, maybe more airtime, and excelent visuals, as only 2 rows are in front of you to obstuct your view.

The park is on a buyout on Saturday and we DO have tickets for it. So getting there and finding the park closed is not an option.

Ron is in my group so he will see the park from all angles. hehehehehe.

So what do you mean about Bull being closed?? Can you elaborate on this? All it would do is settle the argument over what to ride fisrt, V2 or Bull.

Just call me MPG...

My only comment would be that I prefer the 3rd for Viper. This is my favorite coaster and I've ridden in every seat front-to-back. And I believe the 3rd row gives the most air on the ride. Keep the lapbar loose and you'll be standing over the hills. It's a great coaster.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

*** This post was edited by DEK on 4/18/2002. ***

TrBiggar said:

I forgot to add, the best seat for Viper is not back seat. The best seat is left or right side, row 1:3 (last row, first car)

This can't be repeated enough, as it is indeed the magic seat on Viper. Probably the best place to sit in the entire park!


Cameron Silver

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