First time you went to Six Flags Magic Mountain?

I remember the first time I went to Six Flags Magic Mountain. My dad surprised me. We just woke up REALLY early and left. It was a long drive for me back then. Now that I've gone so much, it goes by fast. Well any who, It was on a Saturday and it was during their kick butt Fright Fest. The line for the Haunted House near Ninja started near the now Laughing Dragon Pizza Co.! So we skipped that but the first ride I ever went on there was revoloution! My brother and I got front row! That ride was great! Viper's line started near the ride murals. And I saw a lot of walls up were Superman-The Escape is now. It said "Coming 1995, SUPERMAN:THE ESCAPE." Little did they know it was delayed for a year. Well we went over to Gothan City and the line for Batman:The Ride was all the way out of the main enterance for the ride. I was too short so I couldn't go on it:( So I went on ACME Atom Smasher and Grinder Gearworks. Those are 2 GREAT RIDES! We went over and rode Tidal Wave, That was really fun for it's time. They should tear it out and build a new one taller and better than Perilous Plunge. That would rock. I saw a crazy ride(Free Fall) and decided to go on it. The line was 30 minutes long so about a quarters way in, I left. We started walking over to Psyclone and saw that the line was over 2 hours! That is the longest line I have ever seen for it! It was worth it. We then went to Viper, to my dissapointment, I was also too short for it. After we rode Ninja and Rev. again, we finally went home. That was a real fun day. So what was your first time @ SFMM like?
"There's no air in space."
"There's an Air & Space Museum." *** This post was edited by sfmmlord on 6/14/2001. ***
1995 Viper Looked HUGE Then
the return of Intaminrocks
My first time was back in the early 1980's when I saw on TV for the first time... National Lampoons Vacation. That was the first time I was at Six Flags Magic Mountain (or Wally World, take your pick).

I think that's about as close as I'll be getting there unless I win a trip out to L.A.
"Bugs Bunny or Marty Moose"?

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
Mine was in 1999. My dad and I took a father son trip from the Bay Area and we had a great time. It wasn't crowded at all and it was about 70 degrees. I had a great time. Over the summer I get to take my best friend down for HIS first time! I'm really looking forward to that.

AKA V2 at CCN! AKA SFMWManiac at SFMWOnline!
Never. Is all your posts about SFMM?

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
My first visit to SFMM was in 1991, I think. I was 6 and terrified of roller coasters so I just rode the kiddie rides.
It sucked. All they had was Revolution and Colosus.

What's next at Knott's? Anyone know?
My first time at SFMM will be this September. I hope they've gotten X and Deja Vu to run until then...
boblogone's avatar
1984, I rolled a Fiat X1/9 on the way home. :(

Reaching for my 100th in 2001, currently 4(1 if some defunct rides get added to the list) short, I guess I should have ridden more clones and boomerangs. NAAAAAHHHHH!!
Batman was pretty new when I went for the first time. I was scared of the "Big 4":Colossus, Psyclone, Viper, and Batman. I remember going on all the other coasters there, and then my friend had to try really hard to get me on each of the above four. Of course I loved them all, even though I was terrified going up each lift, and the insanity began that day.
My first time was last month.... :)

It wasnt as good as I ws hoping... :(

Alan Jacyszyn
SFDLnet: The Ultimate Darien Lake Guide - NOW OFFICIALLY OPEN!
I went to Six Flags Magic Mountain just last January for the first time. Before Sfmm i was terrified of coasters. I would go on all the kiddie rides at knotts and thats all. But My brother forced me to go on revolution,Viper,Superman and Riddlers Revenge and i liked it a lot.
July 2001! We were dricing to San Deigo to visit reletives then to Anahiem to Disneyland. We were supposed to go to Knott's but had some desision to make! We drove by SFMM and immeadatly changed our minds! SFMM was AWESOME! I didn't get any re rides or get to go on S:TE but in April 2001 I went and rode everything I could mostly 2 times! I remember being absoulty scared at the top of RR!

Steel top 5
4. Riddler's Revenge
5. Goliath
Um, I went back in 1976, I don't remember it at all, but I know I went.

1995 or 6. The only coasters I went on were Revolution and Ninja. The Goldrusher was closed then. I loved Revolution! I also went on some of there flat rides.

BrandonR said:
"Never. Is all your posts about SFMM?

Why most of the time it is. You gotta problem with that? Huh? Just kidding! So what if it is, I'm in love with the park. My ENTIRE wall is covered in SFMM souvineres I got from there. As well as Kennywood and Knott's stuff. But mainly SFMM stuff. It kicks butt.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

" target="_blank">"

"There's no air in space."
"There's an Air & Space Museum."
never yet.. hope i go this summer

sfmmlord said:

BrandonR said:
"Never. Is all your posts about SFMM?

Why most of the time it is. You gotta problem with that? Huh? Just kidding! So what if it is, I'm in love with the park. My ENTIRE wall is covered in SFMM souvineres I got from there. As well as Kennywood and Knott's stuff. But mainly SFMM stuff. It kicks butt.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

" target="_blank">"

"There's no air in space."
"There's an Air & Space Museum.""

Odd, I don't remember saying that second paragraph.
.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Opening day for Viper. I have never been so intimidated by a coaster in all my life. This coaster changed my life, it was an incredible experience. I still say Arrow coasters feel far most intense and out of control than Intamin and B&M put together.

"Hi, my name is Lara Croft. Welcome to my world". *** This post was edited by OutKast on 6/14/2001. ***

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