Family of Spanish woman files suit against Disney for death following Indiana Jones ride

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

A Spanish woman died two months after riding Disneyland's Indiana Jones ride, passing out originally a few hours after riding. The lawyer currently handling the suits against Magic Mountain for the aneurysm on Goliath and Knott's Berry Farm for the apparent aneurysm on Montezooma's Revenge is representing the Spanish family. The victim had a pre-existing aneurysm, but the lawyer believes the ride triggered her death.

Read more from The LA Times.

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Sorry Wackokid, but this one was also due to a preexisting aneurism. Says so right in the article, as are all three cases that this one lawyer is representing.

In every single case this guy has, the person died from a pre existing aneurism that could burst at anytime or anywhere. Like the guy I knew in high school that died from one while brushing his teeth.

In other words we have one scum-sucking lawyer ripping off hurting families by leading them to pay him to file frivolous lawsuits that they can't possibly win.

This lawyer bites to the nth degree. Be nice if the bar would step in and strip him since he fairly obviously doesn't have much in the way of ethics here.

Willow? Yes, my name is Willow. Would you stop pecking on me on this big droooopppppppppp......

dawg bite ii: I have never stated what ride I was on while injured.. I would warn you to be careful about putting information online you are unsure and I have never U do not know first hand...thank you.

WHY ME; email me and we can talk.. I wasnt trying to be "affective"..I was trying to express myself about this news...and by the attacks; I think I did very well LOL!

Does anyone remember the lawsuit of the woman who had traumatic brain injury from this ride? and how it settled with Disney within the last month or so? Through that settlement they did not have to disclose the knowlege of this accident...

Remember how you attacked the investing firm that wanted disclosure of accidents at Disney to see if the investor's were being well served?

So they didnt know about her death..did they know she was transported by air ambulance after never waking up while honeymooning at their park? I bet they did!

Most of you have never seen internal memos or records...I have.. I know first hand how they manuever to avoid public knowlege of injuries and problems with rides involved in injuries.

I will always be skepticle untill the parks can give accurate data. IT would NOT take tons of federal money to do that...these parks make hundreds of millions of dollars a year.. all they have to do is add up the numbers, make a few copies and post it on their web sites...untill they are upfront..I will be leary...Im not attacking rider fun... I am talking about white collar buracacy!

I sure hope that parks don't take a knee reflex test and even THINK about medical screenings at the front gate. 

Policy: "each guest will have their palmprint taken by an electronic machine after a breif medical screening.  At each attraction, the guest's palm is scanned and the turnstile will only unlock if the guest is medically capable of riding"

If that happened, it would be bye-bye parks for me.  I've had high blood pressure for a long time.  I elect to take the risks involved.  And hey I've ridden Indiana Jones and Goliath with no negative repurcusions, so I'd say in my case it's not a big deal. 

It's funny that they are warned at the entrance of the rides and they still go on. It's just like when I work at Dorney and the parents would beg me to let on a kid who is too short. It's almost like they don't care about their son or daughter!

I want in this CoasterBuzz record that I do NOT believe the parks maliciously hurt patrons or want injuries..OK? I do believe through my first hand experience of reading internal records that some parks have a weak link in safety and have knowlege of these weaknesses.

Through their own decision making process they have not shown a good faith effort to inform patrons of potential risks that are outside the normal ride riding risks...

Many sites have elaborate pages online for investors of their financial situations to encourage investment.. how hard would it be for these parks to put forth information they already have tabulated( injury and death numbers) on a safety history page?

That would circumvent any need for outside angencies to gather this information and publish that data.. as well as make a gesture of good faith to the patrons who visit their sites..

And for the record, these parks are too big for insurance comapnies to cover.. that means they are usually self-insured...even Lloyds of London could not afford to insure these parks. So when these parks are taken to court, for whatever reason, they make the pay outs..not insurance comapines.

actually Coaster131, that happened to my dad. Some old lady was walking on our side walk and tripped and fell later on she tried to sue us >: (   As for these people dying from riding a coaster it just angers me to much how the media and people make out rides to be sooo.... unsafe when theres a more likely chance of being killed in a car accident
"Sorry Wackokid, but this one was also due to a preexisting aneurism.  Says so right in the article, as are all three cases that this one lawyer is representing."

oh sorry i was too lazy to read the article

"All in favor of open MRI's at the entrance to Disneyland, say I" I   i, IIii,, III!!!

"All oppose?" .........................................................

The I's have it! There will now be open MRI's starting at the opening of the next season at Disneyland!

Puh lease! If this were to ever happen, I would stop going to Disneyland completely. I mean, I love IJ. The ride is fun, bumpy, and thrilling all at the same time. I hate the fact that they have a lot of WARNING signs all over the stupid thing. And yes, I do obey them and I do abide by them (same thing, isn't that funny?). I also do things that apparently some people don't - GO TO THE DOCTOR!! If a person went to the doctor without a warning of a medical condition, I can guarantee that the person will know after that visit what they do or don't have. This includes the people with the ready - to - burst anyeurisms, high blood pressure, etc. If they can't simply go to the doctor to find things like this out, well, no wonder many people are considered stupid. It's common sense, I mean come on, now! Hello? Are you awake you "indestructible" people? No, apparently not, right? My point in all of this rambling? GO TO THE DOCTOR!! And maybe these tragedies (if we can call them that) will cease to exist. One thing for sure will not cease. Rider unawareness, or, in other words, stupidity. Anyway, Disney will guaranteed win this case, so what's all the commotion about? As for KBF? What was the woman doing in the first place trying to stand up?! Hello?!? Ride ops always say, "Please keep your hands and arms in the vehicle at all times, and don't stand up!" ( X will kick a** whenever it opens! ^u^; )

*** This post was edited by SFMM Lover on 9/28/2001. *** *** This post was edited by SFMM Lover on 9/28/2001. ***

I may live on the other side of the country, but I've ridden Temple of the Forbidden Eye (i even have one of those decoder cards from opening week ;o) but anyway, yes it is a rough ride, and that very well may have contributed to her death.  What strikes me here is that no one seems to notice that they transported her to Spain, not another hospital in the area SPAIN.  How ever many thousand miles away that is, think about it you have a pressure problem with weak blood cells in your head that was just aggravated, and you go up into a high pressure plane.  To me that's just pure stupidity.  And yes last time i was at Disneyland, Temple of the Forbidden Eye did clearly label like any coaster about "high stress ride" and all of those warnings.  I think Ed Markey is gonna have a field day with all these deaths this year.  uhgg, I can't stand that guy.

"She was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, then was transferred by air ambulance to Spain"

Cedars-Sianai is one of the best hospitals in southern California, if not the west coast..I am sure she was stabilized before returning her to Spain.

She was most likely brain dead, and allowed to die with her family, at a hospital near her home. They do that often, transport people who are terminal, for the grieving family.

Jeff's avatar
I don't think some of you understand... doctors don't find these kinds of problems in everyday physicals. Unless you're doing a test that looks for it, you're not going to find an aneurysm in the making. Unless it bursts right there, the "turn and cough" thing isn't going to find it.

So before some of you start making these ridiculous statements about how people should go to doctors, understand what the problem is, first.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

Yall know how much I despise the "Amen Corners" that pop up on these pages WAY too often, but in this case I think people should re-read Jeff's last post. DOCTORS ARE NOT INFALIBLE! If you are looking for some medical conditions, you wont find it. Hell for all some of you heartless bastards know, the chick could have been to the doctor just days/weeks before (which is highly likely as you have to take SHOTS to fly internationally!)

Recognize, that sometimes spit happens...PERIOD. It's human nature to want to understand everything, but face it, there are still unexplained mysteries that occur everyday. A blood vessel popping in an otherwise healthy person among them.

As for the particular lawyer, I cant say that I really blame him for representing them. Seriously, people here have taken the attitude that HE is seeking out clients. Perhaps it is the other way around. PERHAPS this family sought him out; maybe because they knew he would handle a case like this. Once again, the CoasterBuzz community has quickly judged someone without all the facts (another recurring theme...).

And let's face it, big businesses are so "gunshy" when it comes to lawsuits (and the inevitable 'bad press') that the plantiffs have a better than 50/50 chance of receiving some form of compensation (though nothing replaces a life).
--Laugh now...then figure the (deleted) out when you get home!

To slightly expand on what Jeff and 2Hostyl have said.  An aneurysm in the brain almost always has no symptoms until it bursts and you die.  The tests that would detect an aneurysm are sufficiently expensive that they are not performed unless there is reason to believe that there is a problem.  In a relatively small percentage of cases an aneurysm may be detected before bursting if it leaks blood or presses on something that results in symptoms, but this is the exception to the rule..
oh no they didnt... seriously, its about time these people stop getting so greedy to the point that they are suing amusement parks because their family member had a medical condition that the park didnt know about (obviously), and the woman didnt know about.  what do they want the parks to do, put a friggen x-ray at the entrance to see if you have an aneuryism or not?  seriously, parks need to avoid this by putting, "we are not responsible for any injuries during your stay at our park" on the back of ticket stubs (in big print of course).  it was so not the parks fault, SHE decided to go to the park, SHE was the one with the aneuryism, SHE decided to go on the ride, SHE is responsible for her own actions, if she knew about the aneuryism or not, the park had nothing to do with this, it could have happened anywhere.
t h e r e s a monkey in my pocket and he stealing all my change, his stare is blank and glassy i suspect that hes diranged.....
Jeff's avatar
Simply putting a disclaimer (which might already be there) doesn't mean that the park can drop you off of a building and not be responsible. You go to the park and ride with the rightful assumption that you'll be safe.

Now, in this case, the parks have done everything they should, indicating the extreme forces you might be subjected to and such. They can't possibly be expected to do more, and the risk at that point is your own.

What the lawyer is suggesting is that there's some false pretense here, and I think it's obvious that there's not.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

Monkeymaster99 you make me want to vomit! Why not look at this from the other side, why is it that only upper body injuries are occuring on the Indiana Jones attraction, upper body injuries out weigh lower body injuries 80% to 20%. Surely Monkeymaster you don't have the credintials to under stand what is going on here, so why explain, you only see the one side....

I'm working on 2 cases and I see how narrowminded you guy's are, and hey SFMM lover you're the brightest one here MRI's are for muscle tears and broken bones, not brain related injuries, that's for a CT scan genius, you guy's sure aren't the sharpest knifes in the drawer I'll tell you that.

That's why I never wanted to become a doctor. And no, I don't need your smart comments. An opinion is an opinion and you should respect that. I might be stupid, but you Mr. Why Me are just plain rude. And as for the case, whatever happens, happens. Nothing can be done about it if no one knew. The park certainly didn't, and most likely, this woman didn't either. Its similar to Sept. 11. We can't live in fear for something that happens. If we die, we die, and it's not for us to decide. The Guy Upstairs probably wanted her at that point in time. So what? Can't go against Him. You might try, but, think of who your going to spend your time with after you're gone, huh?
I respect opinions just no moronic ones with no resonable backing. Am I rude, I think not, just someone who knows what's going on and is bringing it forward, next time you make a moronic comment such as the MRI comment, think and use some common sense...
Jeff's avatar
You need to understand that under the veil of anonymity you have no more credibility than SFMM Lover does. So until you tell us why you know so much, why don't you cut the kid some slack?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

All I'll say is that these boards have helped me in understanding the coaster enthusiast thoughts and concerns of amusement park safety... Some comments are thoughtful and some are down right ignorant.

The world of amusement park safety is a very difficult arena, it envolves patients and time. Everyone is a critic, and no matter what is done to increase safety for the guest there is always that bozo who has to complain. I read coasterbuzz almost daily and have used some suggestions or comments into my work, but finally some comments got pretty ignorant so I had to chime in. If you're going to speak about amusement park safety you'd better know what you're talking about.. this is serious buisiness for me not some game or joke. I make a living off amusement park safety, I guess I know my stuff, bu I'll tell you this, I'm like the rest of you, I enjoy a good day at the park riding rides and having fun, heck I'm only human like the rest of you... *** This post was edited by Why me on 9/29/2001. ***

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