Eye candy: Flight of Fear without shoulder restraints

Posted | Contributed by Peabody

Here's is the photographic evidence you wanted regarding Paramount's Kings Dominion's Flight of Fear. Now, you can do without the head banging:

Visit Sam A. Marks for the photos.

[CoasterBuzz has confirmed that the same arrangement with lap bars has been made at Kings Island on their Flight of Fear. -J]

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I guess growing up in Texas, I never thought loopers with just a lap bar was all that strange (we've got two Schwarzkopf's like that here at Astroworld, and Arlington has one too).

Here's to the hope that Six Flags retrofits its Flight of Fear clones (like Poltergeist, AKA Mike Tyson: The Ride) with these new restraints.
I agree w/you coastersrz. My legs and elbows were bruised badly on SOB. But I loved every second of the ride.

Does anyone think they will change the Min. Height requirement on FOF since the OTSRs are gone. It would be great if I could take my oldest for a ride on it.
At Kennywood on the laser loop there was no bar.
Dorney Park's Laser Doesn't have them either... who cares
Great. What was already a great ride, will be even better. I wouldn't have minded OTSR's if they weren't so head swalloeing! Is there a another bar for your ankles I saw? It looks like it is connected with the main bar.

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
Yeah, what is that padding at the base of the bar? Is that to hold your feet down?
ShiveringTim's avatar
Dare I say that modern designers learned something from Sonny?? :)
Is it just a loop on that rie, or like corkscrews?
What is that orange thing near the lap bar?
On the side it looks like a seatbelt, and it looks like there is a shin pad as well.

MF Drops-15
SOB Rides-2
I also haven't ridden Flight of Fear yet, and one of the reasons is because of the many head injuries I've heard!

No, I'd be glad to hop aboard! JOY!
"Lets shot Spitballs at Al Gore and make him all Confused!"-Brain

Favorite Park: Paramount's Kings Dominion!

Favorite Coaster: HyperSonic XLC!
I rode FOF on Saturday. It was like a new ride with the lap bars. I was able to sit in the back seat about half an hour after having a beer and not get even the slightest headache! It was the best ride modification I've ever seen. I hope SFA does it to Joker's Jinx
coasterfreak52: FOF has a cobra roll and a corkscrew. I have heard that there is a fourth inversion in there somewhere but for the life of me I've only noticed three, and that's been in near 20 rides on the FOFs and JJ.
It took me a long time till I found all 4 inversions. Check this out:
The train is in the cobra roll (2), goes right into half a cobra roll (1), and on the bottom right, the last ride element is a corkscrew (1).


Is the layout twisted enough for you?

Check this out, notice how Premier doesn't have footers for their Mad Cobras. It's one giant concrete footer!

- Peabody
Is FOF the only ride that performs corkscrews with lapbars? I thought that was impossible because there wouldnt be enough G's to keep the riders in. That's what I thought the whole point of OTSRs were. To perform Corkscrews and in-line-twist maneuvers.

If coaster's don't need OTSR's to perform 'screws, then whats the point in having them?!?!

Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
-Max Cavalera
I think the short answer is there is really no point, and it's often because of insurance companies.

I thought about it for a while, and if there "weren't enough Gs" in a loop, you would have airtime! :) The sharp laterals and intense air on some woodies provide much stronger forces trying to cause your body to exit the train, and a simple lapbar keeps us all safe just fine.
What's OTSR's stand for, overhead...
Over the shoulder restraint
coo man chu, you just summed up a WHOLE lotta enthusiasts feelings about the issue. ;)

Acme Forum Signature v3.0
Sounds like fun...but not too comfortable for tall guys like me! :) That might be an issue. Although, I can fit into Space Mountain...barely. Does anybody know of any height restrictions? Thanks!

Nathan C. Mellenthien
Coaster Designer
SFDL Viper- 20 times in a row!!!

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