Expedition GeForce

After looking at the video from www.themeparkreview.com of Expedition GeForce, I have just seen what looks like a really incredible ride. It's first drop looks nuts, the layout looks better than Millenium Forse, wow does this look like a great coaster. What are people's thoughts who have ridden it? How does it compare to other similar Intamin designs?

the only thing that bothers me, is that 4-5 years ago, i had visited both holiday park and europa park...and now both of them have great coasters.

no, i have not ridden, but my assumption is that it is airtime filled, and that the 1st drop is crazy.

#1-MF #2-Apollo's Chariot #3-S:RoS

-Why a car if i could have a coaster train on wheels??

I feel the same way. I can't wait to ride it someday. It may take SFNE Superman's spot as my favorite. Definitely a better layout than MF. It reminds me of Revolution or any of the speedracers winding through the trees. MF could benefit from more tree coverage.
-Matt in Iowa
195 coasters ridden -- Faves: Shivering Timbers, Ghostrider, Twister, Hershey Wildcat, Lightning Racer

I have been on EGF about a month ago, and I was really amazed. I heard a lot of good things on every Intamin mega, but EGF really exceeded all of my expectations. The ride has amazing ejector airtime on every single hill, and with some wicked laterls on the crokscrew hill, the headchoppers in various parts of the ride and that absolutely insane 1st drop, EGF gives an amazing, one-of-a-kind ride.

I can't compare it to other Intamin designs, because I havn't ridden any, but I can compare it to the other mega coaster I have ridden (which are Silver Star, Nitro and Goliath@SFMM), and EGF is so much but better. EGF has a lot more airtime then any of them, and even though it's smaller, it's much much better.

If god were a coaster- I would be a rabbi.

I can't wait to go on it next year :)

where are you going to find some 300ft trees matt?

Of course it's better than Millennium Forceless...

Adam Black | adam@mouseinfo.com
www.americacoasters.com | www.mouseinfo.com

crash said:
"where are you going to find some 300ft trees matt?"

Seriously, I wish the island portion of the ride would be filled in with trees. It's too open. Do some nice landscaping of that area to make up for the lack of excitement in that part of the ride.
Same thing with Cedar Creek Mine Ride. Fill in all that open space (excluding the water of course) with some trees. Trees rock! :-)
-Matt in Iowa
195 coasters ridden -- Faves: Shivering Timbers, Ghostrider, Twister, Hershey Wildcat, Lightning Racer

Does GeForce also have a cable lift system, like Millenium Force's?


I believe it does.

*** This post was edited by General Public on 10/26/2002. ***

Matt Scott said:
MF could benefit from more tree coverage.


I agree with all of your comments. I also can't wait until the trees among S:ROS at SFNE grow and the entire end half of the ride is in the woods!


*** This post was edited by nelson324 on 10/26/2002. ***

Rctycoon2k's avatar
Yes, EGF has a cable lift, the second in the world, to MF, my home coaster ;-)
GeForce's first drop is hands down my favourite on any coaster that I've been on to date. Sitting in the back left hand seat you get completely launched, and then thrown hard to the right while out of your seat, it's incredibly sick.

IMHO the layout puts MF to shame, it has loads of air hills, some nice snaky turns, and makes great use of the terrain.

Of the Intamin Hypers I've ridden I'd rate them:

#1: Expedition GeForce
#2: Superman (NE)
#3: Goliath
#4: Millennium Force

I haven't been on the original SROS layout yet, but looking at it in pictures it'll likely fall underneath Goliath for me; as Goliath has just as many hills with the addition of the Stengel Dive to spice things up a bit.

In any case, you really can't go too far wrong with Intamin Hypers...

I was told that the ride was incredible, but wasn't as good as SRoS at SFNE due to the heavy trims. Are the trims really on so hard that it hurts the ride? Which of the two is better EGF or SRoS at SFNE? On a poll of enthusiasts that had all rode both coasters SRoS won by only a couple points due to its ejector air I believe. The poll had different catagories that you rated each coaster on, it is the best and most accurate I have ever seen because each person who submits a ballot has been on at least 100 coasters so it isn't a popularity contest. I wish I had the link to it, but I don't sorry.
EGF has a couple of trims, and I wouldn't characterize them as heavy in the least. People seem to forget that SROS NE has trimming as well, but that doesn't seem to hurt the ranking of *that* ride :-)

The airtime on EGF is equal to SROS IMHO as well, the hard floats you get on the parabolic hills is there in both designs.

The thing that puts EGF over the top for me is:

1) Superior terrain. I like heavily wooded coasters.

2) Superior first drop. As I said, the in-line twist is sick.

3) No helixes. The helixes on Intamin Megas do very little for me, it was good to ride a design without them, I think they kill the pace of the ride.

The poll you're talking about is the Hawker Steel poll from last year, and yes, I think the majority of enthusiasts would narrowly pick Superman over EGF because most enthusiasts are air fans, and SROS has a touch more air. I'll take the bonus trees, snaky turns, and first drop on EGF over it (albeit narrowly) though.

SRoS does have one trim, but to my knowledge it has never been on. Out of the 30 times I've ridden SRoS the trim has never been on, which is a good thing. EGF sounds and looks like an incredible ride that would give SRoS a run for its money, I really wish I could ride it but that won't be happening anytime soon because my family just came back from Europe without going to one park. I was so mad we didn't go anywhere!

crash said:

where are you going to find some 300ft trees matt?

well, california... the sequoia trees or redwoods that grow there have exceeded 300 feet tall.. http://www.americanparknetwork.com/parkinfo/sk/flora/compare.html

but, they are protected and wouldn't have a coaster next to them (and they shouldn't)

why aren't you?


Quick random question about your handle. Does it have anything to do with a game called "Shadowrun"?

Getting a B&M will always beat out having to take a BM.

Homey G. said:

Quick random question about your handle. Does it have anything to do with a game called "Shadowrun"?

Why yes, yes it does :-)


goliath=life said:
"SRoS does have one trim, but to my knowledge it has never been on. Out of the 30 times I've ridden SRoS the trim has never been on, which is a good thing."

The trim is *always* on, you can't turn magnetic brakes off...the reason you didn't notice it is because magnetic brakes are very smooth, they brake in direct proportion to the amount of speed you're travelling at, so they're nowhere near as obvious as fins or skids.

*** This post was edited by CortexBomb on 10/28/2002. ***


My favorite SNES game of all time. What a gem that nobody seems to know about. ;) You'd kinda have to be a big fan to pull that knowledge outta nowhere huh?

Getting a B&M will always beat out having to take a BM.

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