Excalibur and Frisbees from Intamin, Huss, Mondial

Aye, it is! I think ^Word had it right when he said it was more fun to watch than ride though. As an alternative, may I suggest spinning in an office chair and then trying to do a back flip. It will produce nearly the same effect.

River King Mine Train Op 2004
Mr. Freeze Op 2005

Rob Ascough said:I'm drawing a blank here... what Morey's ride is a Fabbri Evolution?

Lonnol said: I was at Morey's twice this year and never saw an Evolution. Doing some poking around I found out that FunFair Amusements used to book thiers into Casino Pier when the Bennett's used to own it, perhaps that's what Jeff was thinking of?

I must have the piers mixed up, it was probably Casino Pier. I did both parks in the same trip a few years ago.

john peck's avatar

We hit every peir last summer (August 2003) and there were no rides like you described anywhere. Whoever it was must have taken it out.

I was going to say that I didn't see one at Seaside Heights either. And speaking of these types of rides, I wonder why none of the NJ amusement piers have one?
I rode it at GAdv using that program and I must say that despite a fear of heights (which I manage to keep in check on rides), I had a blast on this ride, especailly the slow down at the top where you see the other riders. It spins really fast and comes down quickly after that, so it was more exhilarating than scary. I truly miss it even though it rarely ran.
There was a website depicting a traveling version of the ride in Germany being set up... anyone remember that site and able to point me in the right direction?
St. Louis does not run the same program as Great Adventure though sadly.

River King Mine Train Op 2004
Mr. Freeze Op 2005


Some are at:



Thanks Adam!

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