Ever get sick on a ride?

Like Lost Kause, I can NOT ride the simulators. Or any Imax or Omni type theater. I found that out on a 5th grade field trip to the local science musem and went to see "The Big Bang" in their Omni theater. The SR-2 at local malls are the WORST!

I think it's just my general lack of disbelief at a metaphysical level. My brain knows it's not actually happening and decides to fight the sensations. On that note I can't do any first person shooter games like Halo or Medal of Honor. Equal to someone's shakey home videos. Blech!

As for the spinny rides, nothing in large doses. The Monster at VF almost did me in this season but I didn't feel sick until it was over.

Last edited by WildThingNative,

Thanks for another great season, VF!

Alexx Argen's avatar

I have never got sick but I was close. Dont indulge on $1.00 double cheeseburgers from McDonalds then go ride coasters.

Its sad when your best friend asks you the exact running time of a ride. Good thing I didnt know.

Brian Noble said:
I haven't ever lost it, but I did (stupidly) try to watch the edge of the screen at Soarin' in Epcot of all places. The fact that I was moving, and half the image was moving, but the edge of the screen wasn't, almost sent me over.

Since then, each time I ride it, I get queasy. And, this is a ride that doesn't make anyone ill.

It made me kind of dizzy and disoriented for a few minutes. I didn't want to give it a 2nd try on my last WDW trip and probably won't ride it again unless it is a short line. I was surprised since I don't really have problems with motion simulators and this was even more tame than Star Tours and Body Wars.

My favorite sick story has to be one from an operator of Morey's Piers' Zipper. One time, when a person in his car hurled while flipping through the air, the upchuck landed all over people on the ground and in the queue for the ride.

That started the first wave of those vomiting "chain-reactions" of lore. After that, the seagulls came down and started feasting on the chunks, which promptly started a second chain-reaction wave. Supposively, you had to be there.

You stepped up, you stepped in, now I'm going to take you for a little spin.

LostKause's avatar

lol, Alex. Reminds me of the story that the kid told about the pie eating contest in the movie Stand By Me.

No, but the worst I ever felt was when I rode Mission Space and then hopped on Body Wars. I thought Star Tours was jerky until I discovered Body Wars is 10 times worse. Wont ever ride it again even if it does open again!

rsscbell's avatar

My brother and I made a kid puke after the teacups at WDW in'72. Still proud of it till this day! I have been taking my daughters on spinning rides since they could walk and all they would say was FASTER! My youngest's first ride on the round-up at age 7 was close though...

I do get nauseated in the omni-max theatres if I don't put my hands up to limit my field of vision.

ROLLER COASTER RD rose twp. jeff co. T843
coasterqueenTRN's avatar

rollergator said:
As a kid, my brothers decided to torture me on WDW's teacups. Haven't actually *gotten sick* from any ride since then, but a couple have gotten me close. Notably, The Dungeon at Miracle Strip (indoor tilt) and BB's Scat2. Spinning coasters have more than enough directional motion to keep "the queasies" at bay. :)

Yikes! You weren't feeling so hot after that Dungeon incident! If I remember correctly that evil Kamikaze wasn't exactly pleasurable either!

BB's Scat2 is the most evil flat rides of all! It wouldn't be so bad if there was padding to protect the back! :(


Last edited by coasterqueenTRN,

Technically not on a ride, but @ Geauga Lake in the 80's I made a poor decision. It was sunny and hot; I hadn't eaten anything and pounded a souvenir cup of coke immediately before riding the double loop. I puked it all up as I was walking out the exit.

Just the once - a Huss Frisbee at Nottingham's Goose Fair. It was late at night and quiet. So For the first 2 minutes or so the ride was fun and really disorientating. But by the time the ride cycle tipped over the 5 minute mark I was feeling more ill than I ever have on any ride. Thankfuly I was able to hold back until i got off! It never helps being so squeezed into any ride with over shoulder restraints - am yet to find a spin ride with them that does not contort my body before it starts!

coasterqueenTRN's avatar

I think it's always a good idea to let your meals "settle" a little before going on a ride, especially if it's something greasy. Keeping hydrated also helps! Depending on how hot it is, I usually stick with water and/or Gatorade.


Last edited by coasterqueenTRN,

I came darn close to losing it on Break Dance in Coney Island. Not the point in the ride when everything moves...but when it stays still and the hubs spin hard. (The entire cycle was close to 15 minutes) I also can't do a tilt a whirl. Yet I love rides like the scrambler, calypso and thier ilk. Go figure. Simulators (including first person shooters) usually get me.

My wife (Who is very prone to any turning motion and who is considered a non-rider) got very sick on the "Cat In The Hat" ride at Islands of Adventure. She asked the op if there were any drops. We were told "no" which was the correct response. The gentle turing motion of the vehicles got her and she was gone for the rest of the day.

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coasterqueenTRN's avatar

^The worst one I saw was on Raging Bull. We were getting ready to get in the front row. Well, when the train pulled in some kid just let it go, ALL over the floor in the front seats. It almost started that "chain reaction" too. Even a few of ride ops almost lost it. Eww.

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