Ever get annoyed by tagging on new rides,old?

The worst tagging I have ever saw was at the most unlikely place for it, at one of the oldest themeparks in the country.  When you wait in line for the Yankee Cannonball there are some witchbacks and than the line turns around the side of a wall and up to the station.  From about 30 feet away with a quick galnce I thought that the wall was painted rainbow or something else, but when I got close I realized it was over a thousand pieces of gum.  There wasn't a spot on the wall that didn't have gum.  It was really horrible to look at and definitely the opposite of the image Canobie Lake maintains.
In the line for Batman at SFoG, in the tunnel approcahing the loading platform, there was gum covering the lights, you couldn't see anywhere!!

Millennium Force: The 8th Wonder of the World!

Aplie's "gum" tree pisses me off so badly. And, I think PKD was smart to use METAL rails and crap for H:XLC, cuz i guaruntee it would look like a load of tagging now. The worst I've ever seen is for the Grizzly at PKD. It is cool how it goes through the woods and all, but people ruin in all by taggin! It could have been so beautiful!

Up Your Nose With a Rubber Hose!
I know the trains on Goliath, carved in, is so horrible to see that everytime.  I know i would not tolerate it one pit if i was Del.  And i'm sure Del pretty much gave up with those tagger punks...!
I hate that  supose that the people who do this wanna be treated like animals so they act like them but unforchantly they always get away with and get a treat at the end! The worst i have seen in a part was on batman the ride at SFGAdv on a few of the ride restrainets there was tags all over it and that was in about two rows  each and it go me so sick becuase those people but there lives on the line with those harnest and seatbelts, and distroy them. i hope one day the coaster gets a mind of its own and pops open the restainet on them to scare them a little. but it wont happen and they will remain to get away with it.Oh yea i forgot about the chiller at SFGAdv there is gum like 20 ft up from the Queue and i still wonder how these pole get it up that high!
The worst I have ever seen is Volcono at PKD.  Most of the queue isn't near a wall but the few parts that are a completly defaced. 
I have four words:


The chiller isnt that bad. The worst discrace has to be B:TR. First, theres gum all over the gotham city billboad/blocker thing. Its so big, that i bet some of the pieces are 5 years old. Second, when you finish the ride and are in the transfer area, If you look down, theres a carpet of gum.

*My Personal Top 5*
1)-Nitro, 2)-S:ROS(sfne), 3)-Kraken, 4)-Alpengeist, 5)-Incredible Hulk

GreatAdventureAddict said:
I have four words:
The chiller isnt that bad. The worst discrace has to be B:TR. First, theres gum all over the gotham city billboad/blocker thing. Its so big, that i bet some of the pieces are 5 years old. Second, when you finish the ride and are in the transfer area, If you look down, theres a carpet of gum.
*My Personal Top 5*
1)-Nitro, 2)-S:ROS(sfne), 3)-Kraken, 4)-Alpengeist, 5)-Incredible Hulk

Oh yea thats right! when ur  inline right before you go into the suposed urban section of the queue the the whole is covered in every color,shape and size or gum.its so disgusting.

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