Ever get annoyed by tagging on new rides,old?

Ever get annoyed by tagging?

I just went up to MM, and already, there is crap corved in, and pen markings all through out the line.  I'm annoyed by this.   MM puts a new ride in, and all they (anyone) is destroy there property.

Any other parks have this problem?

"Fly like the American Eagle"

YES!!! On Medusa @ SFMW ther is gum all over the wall and there was a park map stuck to it! Then people think it's cool to engrave stuff in the handrails. :( PGA isn't as bad actually, I mean sure there's some stuff on Top Guns queue but for being "old" compared to Medusa it's not bad.

We're not White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian. We're American!

Raven-Phile's avatar
Oh, they don't want you to that? Since I've seen employees look right at people that are tagging at SFWoA, I assumed they didn't mind....Or maybe I mistook not minding for Not CARING. It always gets me so pissed off when I see people writing things on walls and wooden queue rails (Alpengeist, Villain) I realize that most of the patrons are different between CP and SFWoA, but  just have to wonder how CP does it. There HAS to be some mix of people at both parks, but CP hs no vandalism.

OTOH, I once saw a group of teens trying to carve into the metal Disaster Transport walls by using a portable fan, blades taken off,as an ingraving tool. I yelled at him "hey,what do you think you're doing?" he eplied ack with some smasrt-ass comment, then tucked his fan away and stopped.




Once this kid ran up behind me in line for Revolution, and laughing he said, "don't tell anyone, don't tell anyone." Then he took out a big marker and tagged all over the trash can. I told the ride up, but he didn't care. The worst tagging I have ever seen is in line for Grizzly at PKD. It could have been so beautiful, the way it goes off into the woods, but it was slightly marred by EXTREME tagging all over the floor and poles.
I just can't understand the logic behind tagging. It's so UGLY. If a person LOVES amusement parks (and that is why we go there) WHY on earth would they want to do things to the park to make it look like a dump? That not only goes for tagging, but for littering too...when there's trash cans all along a ride queue, why can't people put their soda bottles/cups and other trash IN THEM? I've never seen anyone in the act of doing any of this, yet it gets done. I'd say something for sure if I saw it. I feel like (SFGAdv) is MY park (I'm sure we all feel the same about our home parks) and HOW DARE people vandelize it in ANY way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd guess that the people who are tagging don't love amusement parks but they are there because they are bored and their parents are at work. 
Or the don't have any kind of intelligence in life, all they can to is deface property.

Parks should say this in everyv line, "Defacing [park name] will result in a 500 dollar fine or cops will come"

Raven-Phile said:
"Oh, they don't want you to that? Since I've seen employees look right at people that are tagging at SFWoA, I assumed they didn't mind....Or maybe I mistook not minding for Not CARING. It always gets me so pissed off when I see people writing things on walls and wooden queue rails (Alpengeist, Villain) I realize that most of the patrons are different between CP and SFWoA, but  just have to wonder how CP does it. There HAS to be some mix of people at both parks, but CP hs no vandalism.

OTOH, I once saw a group of teens trying to carve into the metal Disaster Transport walls by using a portable fan, blades taken off,as an ingraving tool. I yelled at him "hey,what do you think you're doing?" he eplied ack with some smasrt-ass comment, then tucked his fan away and stopped.




Yeah, Villain's queue is horrible. It really bugs me when I see it everywhere. Although I always used to laugh at the "secure your asses" sign on Magnum (secure your glasses).

I find it easy to ignore. I wish it wasn't happening, but all in all it doesn't detract from the RIDE, which is why I'm there.

Putting the Amusement back in the Park

The worst I've ever seen is in line for B:TR at SFGAm. You should see it, all along a wall there is with true spray paint graphiti. ;) It looks great!
Hey, SFGAm management, can I buy a couple cages of Sky Whirl?
The Batman graf is OK. It was done by a friend of mine, Dezine, who is a graf legend in Chicago. The work in the Batman queue isn't as good as his other work, but it's still pretty cool to go through the line and say "My friend did that."

As far as the regular tagging that you see at the park, I don't mind it. I'm pretty used to seeing it, so I hardly even notice it. I actually like the tagging on the Hoosier Hurricane trains at Indiana Beach. It kind of adds to the "seedy" vibe there.

I do, however, realize that I am in the minority, and with good reason. Most people don't want to go to a park and see vandalism, and I don't blame them. Nor do the parks want to see their property value diminished, and I would feel the same way.

Cedar Point does have graffiti but i think they cover it up very rapidly.  In the Mean Streak queue under the structure in the chain-link fence area, someone wrote "I've been waiting here for 142 minutes and 32 seconds"  I remember it from a few years ago and last time I was there, it still wasn't covered up but all of the regular graffiti was.  On Raptor, there's the infamous gum wall/roof and Mantis's structure near the queues are covered in gum most days.  I wonder how often they scrape it off?  Someone had tagged the MF station, at the front seat queue and it was painted over the next day.  Maybe CP pays more attention that other parks. 

*** This post was edited by ucdaap42 on 10/25/2001. ***

In the enormous queing line for The Boss at SFSTL people had tagged the top wooden board that was really supposed to be kinda like a lean-on-thing for when you have to wait, so the park(after tons of graffitti) painted it black.  Now in the summer when the sun heats it up you can't hardly touch it for the heat.  The other really bad mess I saw was at SFWOA on X-Flight: the queue line goes really close to the supports of the coaster and it looks like everyone who was tired of waiting, (narrows it down don't it) stuck their gum to the leg of that ride.  It's like a multicolored leg.  Pretty gross.

God please let SFKK get something in 2002. ANYTHING!!

Working at a park, you see it all the time. However, catching somebody in the act is unfortunately a differant story. The worst things I've caught somebody doing, which aren't too bad are sticking a huge wad of blue gum on one of B:TR's signs and peeling paint off of East River Crawler's fence.... I wish I knew why people did stuff like this. Pointless and immature.
Of course it's annoying. It's annoying in the public sector also. Guess what-it's not going away anytime soon. I think the best approach I've seen is at Hersheypark where some of the lines have queue fence made out of fiberglass (I think). When someone tags it, they can just sand it down.
One of the things that Disney usually manages to do a good job of is keeping the line away from the walls, not really allowing people to reach them.  This is not always the case, but it seems to have worked better than at most parks.

PKI has always had a problem with people defacing the park, but it seems as though they're doing a better job taking care of the situation.



There's always the "gum wall" inside Conneaut Lake's Devil's Den.  That has to be THE most disgusting gum collection I have ever seen.  And the worst part is.... the park scraped all of last year's gum away, only for it to be replaced by a fresh supply. 

The worst thing I heard at SFWoA was a kid who was upset that his blue pen couldn't be used to "tag" the supports on Batman Knight Flight, so he said "I'll just bring one of those paint pens next time".  I guess I just don't get the whole fascination of defacing park property. 


The worst tagging/destruction I saw was at Disneyland during Grad Nite 2001 on June 13th. Inside Space Mountain in the first tunnel someone punched a HUGE hole in the wall. I mean big enough to where you could put a person in there. Then they took the drywall and used it as chalk to graffiti the rest of the queue. To top it off they busted open a metal box full of fastpasses so everywhere there was little pieces of paper.

In the mix of it all the dumb***es decided to write the name of thier schools so they got a call the day after telling them that they arent allowed to go to Grad Nite again.

A few basic reasons here:

1. Tagging in its most basic sense is a person's way of "marking" their territory. This is a primal instinct.

2. The "look what I did" show-off deviance to look "cool" to their friends

3. Pure Boredom. While standing virtually motionless getting nowhere fast, people find way to entertain themselves. There is no detraction about doing it because it is not their own property. I see this on the wooden workbenches at my work.

4. Follow the leader. Everybosy else has put a piece of gum on, I should add mine. Or look at everyone's name. Maybe i should write mine. I will admit, that I was in line for Villain and wrote my name and date on the wall because everyone else's was there. Somebody behind me yelled at me before i realized what i was doing. He was right. My cousin with me wanted to say something back but I stopped him. They were right. What a f$%#in' idiot! Even I got sucked into the follow the leader rule. I would never have done it JUST to do it, but found myself involved. Sorry.

On my next visit to SFMM I found Goliath had gang tags carved into the trains and someone used thick black magic marker on one of the seat backs. Each time the train arrived at the station, a ride op was waiting with windex and a cloth and tried to scrub a little off between loads. It wasnt coming off too easily. I wanted to CRY. This beautiful masterpiece, just over a year old was already being destroyed by juvinile punks.

Sad as it is, people will never be "stopped" from vandelizing. It's part of the human nature, and younger people dont stop to realize what they're doing. They just DO IT.
My other car is a Giovanola! And Somebody keyed it!

*** This post was edited by LoadedG on 10/25/2001. ***

How about the watinting line for batman and robin th chiller at six flaxs great adventure? It was so digusting in there that you couldnt even touch the walls because there was so much gum!! in all the cars of all the trains on steel force the sticker that says "pleas keep all body parts inside the ride at all times"  all the "parts" have been changed to "farts."

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