
It appears that you're club isn't aware that Dorney Park is already planned for June 10th, 2005 for all coaster clubs every year. Why are you going in May also? Why are all the events planned for May and June and nothing in July, August, September, or October? Are you planning on adding more events to the club? Do you have a Christmas Party? Are you paired up with GOCC? You seem like a very organized club and I want to join your club but I would like to see more events throughout the season not just May and June. Maybe you could pair up with another club and plan more events together and have more members and schedules wouldn't conflict as much. You have your Beast Buzz 2005 scheduled for the day after Coaster Madness at Dorney Park. I want to go to both events but I can't because if I go to PA I can't possibly be in Mason, Ohio the next day. These are just a few sugestions to help your club out.

joe.'s avatar
I'm no planner for the CoasterBuzz Club and its events, but dates are picked in advance, and there always seems to be a thread from Jeff asking which date is best for the populace of people who plan on attending. If they don't work out well for other coaster club events, so be it. I'd rather go to a CoasterBuzz event more than any other group because they've proven to be great each time I've been to one.

Planning events is a time consuming thing to do, or so I've gathered. I've had to plan shooting dates for films and those only emcompassed around 15-20 people. That was difficult enough. I can see why Jeff only wants to do two events a year -- CoasterBuzzCon and BeastBuzz. PKI has shown great love for the CB clan, and make it a not-to-be-missed event each year. Dorney should be fun this year too.

Jeff's avatar
No date is ever best for everyone. That's just the way it is. I'm aware of Dorney's schedule overall. I know the former GM fairly well, and he agreed it would be fun to do the event, so there we are.

CoasterBuzz is not, and probably never will be, about events. That has never been the focus. It has always been about supporting this site first, where we meet every day. The club is very different from others in that respect.

BeastBuzz was planned and announced well in advance of any other event. That's why I was able to keep the price the same and get 2004 rates (which were actually 2003 in the first place). I'm not sure why you'd be in PA the day before BeastBuzz unless you live there. :)

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Coaster Madness is June 10th, 2005 and it's available to all recognized coaster groups. Is Coaster Buzz a recognized coaster group at the parks?

If you are a coaster club that gets together to ride coasters , meet friends, and have fun how can you do this if you only see each other 2 months out of the year? What parks recognize Coaster Buzz as a coaster club?

How do we do it? Like this.


Lord Gonchar's avatar
Oh man, I joined the club expecting a Spring Dance, Pot Luck Dinners and Bingo Nights.

Jeff, you slacker!

Lord Gonchar said:
Oh man, I joined the club expecting...Pot...

Wrong thread, Gonch. Wrong thread.


Jeff's avatar

cstrwomann said:
If you are a coaster club that gets together to ride coasters , meet friends, and have fun how can you do this if you only see each other 2 months out of the year? What parks recognize Coaster Buzz as a coaster club?
All of the parks I can think of that have general events recognize CoasterBuzz Club.

The fact is, we're not a traditional coaster club. We "get together" every day, online, right here. A couple of times a year we meet at our events, and even more frequently meet each other at our "home" parks.

If that isn't enough for your $20, then that's cool. I'm not offended at all. The club is what it is.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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