ERROR: Search Function

I didn't realize there was a topic for it, so I'll stick it here.

search function yields

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired

/forums/search.asp, line 74

Might want to add it to your growing list I'm sure, unfortunately.

------------- - In Search of the "Ultimate"
Since the database is huge and there are many people on the site at once the server might take a "time out" and you will get that message. Try your seacrh again or use the new and improved search...

Andrew Hyde
Thanks for the link, seems pretty snappy. I'll continue to pound on it for you.

Btw, how many Gigs is the DB earmarked for?

My 100th coaster was Son of Beast
Jeff's avatar
Actually, don't use that search2.asp URL anymore... I'm done testing it and it is now the normal search. It should be a lot faster, and I'm curious to know how accurate you feel the results are.

Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
I tested the old search with 'Pax,' the error came up. Tried search2 & the results came up in a second or two. Just tried the normal search - same result, much better, more than accurate enough. Well done.
Jeff, the new search code works quite nice, you strip out illegal characters and commands. It must do an OR when entering any strings. I couldn't break it.

Well done!

------------- - In Search of the "Ultimate"

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