Enthusiasts on Notice

I know I am probably going to take some flack from this but so be it. If events were to stop tomorrow, I wouldn't be crying. I don't see it being the end of the world unlike some.

Don't get me wrong. Going to events is great fun, but aside from ERT, you can have basically the same amount of fun during a normal operating day at a park. At least I can. When I go to an event, I don't go for ERT. I go to hang out at parks with good people.

I do think there will be less and less events because of what happend. So be it. If that is what it takes to make sure enthusiasts start to behave, then perhaps that is what is needed to be done.

Then again, a lot of these "rule breakers" seem to do a lot of the rule breaking during normal operating hours as was with the case at SRM. That did NOT happen during ERT. Would the woman in question have done the same thing if she wasn't at the park for an event? Who knows for sure?

I don't think some folks understand just how close we are to losing ALL of our perks. Laugh if you will but if things don't start to be turned around VERY soon, then it would not surprise me in the least if there are NO events anywhere. Parks just aren't willing to host clubs as much as they used to.

This isn't a new concept. Parks have been complaning about enthusiasts for years now, however, a new level has been reached of idiocy and parks aren't going to take this lightly.

Now, before you look at me as some Scrooge character, try and look at things from a parks point of view.

-Sean (oh great, I have just started page 4) F.
*** This post was edited by Sean Flaharty 9/3/2003 8:39:03 PM ***

We all need to step back, look at ourselves in the mirror, and make a commitment to not accept this activity.

I love parks, ERT and such is fun but its really for the people we are with. Myself, I have more fun standing in line on a regular sunday. I am one thats says my seatbelt can never be too tight, too much air scares the crap out of me. But I am guilty of not calling out those around me when I see it.

The looks we have been getting over the last few months made me stop putting on coaster shirts. I hate that my second hobby has gotten the same rap as my other. Know what railroaders call fans, Foamer, Now it is no worse than ACE'er


Magnum Force-" I cant eat on an empty stomach!" Chirs -"what did you say"
MF-I cant eat on an empty stom... Oh, Ride I mean Ride"
*** This post was edited by kneemeister 9/3/2003 8:52:25 PM ***

Extremely well-said Sean, at least in my views. I agree 100 percent.


I also agree with Sean. I don't go to events for the ERT, in I go to be with friends....I'd go just the same if it was a regular park day paying full price. But it is also true that those who are causing problems do so just as much during non-events.
- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson
What I can't get over is the "wasn't me" attitude when it comes to issues of coaster safety, but the about face most people take when they talk about "snapping flyers". I'm under the impression the vast majority of parks instruct their guests not to do so, and, even when hearing straightforward instructions, enthusiasses fail to follow the rules. Am I missing something? Is skirting the rules on rides other than coasters acceptable as long as there hasn't been an editorial posted about it?

What's the deal? Are bad moves more acceptable when they've been accepted as the norm by the "community"?
Mike Anderson

Red Garter Rob said:

When it comes to the whole Alvey incident.. Ladies and gentlemen.. you'd be surprised on what effect this has had on the industry.. and what effect it WILL have..

so what exactly WAS the "Alvey incident"?

anyone care to fil me in? a search on this site yields nothing of use....thanks.
mela en coiamin Legolas...
it aint the size of the arrow, its what you do with the bow

Pete said:
Old Crow, if you respect the rules, as you say, why do you sign your posts with "No Lapbar, No Seatbelt, No Problem!"?

I knew this was going to come up. It's a T-shirt we bought a few years back. It had that slogan on it. There are some coasters and rides that do not use lap bars or seat belts. So it's actually a valid statement. I myself do not do the one click ride and infact when I ride stealth (RIP until rebuilt) I tend to make my T bar and vest extremely tight becuase I do not like the "swing". Believe me I'm all for safety!

I also agree on the friend statement. It's all about riding with your friends and getitng to know each other. I've said that for years.
*** This post was edited by OLD CROW 9/3/2003 10:45:26 PM ***

Jeff's avatar
Mike: Who said snapping flyers was bad or dangerous? No ride operator at PKI has ever instructed anyone I've been with not to do it.

You know, an unfortunate side effect of me posting this is that those of you who've posted opposing views have drawn more of that negative attention.

Trust me when I say that you've not heard the last on this issue from the parks, and it goes far beyond Cedar Fair.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

Don't get me started on snapping flyers. Just because we got e-stopped at Beastbuzz because 9 of us were snapping and 1 guy (who wasn't) got freaked out does not make it dangerous.

That very night PKI's PR bigwig, Jeff Seibert, said to those of us who got e-stopped (while chuckling at the story) "It's not a kiddie ride."

Snapping is not dangerous. Do you mean to tell me that the deisgners of the flying scooter didn't think about the fact that snapping happens? I doubt it.

Have you ever heard of an injury because of snapping flyers? Have you ever heard of an injury from defeating the safety devices on a coaster? I'll give you a hint, one of those questions can correctly be answered "yes" and the other "no, not to the best of my knowledge."

The only reasons parks like PKD have outlawed "bouncing the birds" is because it does freak people out. Seeing a ride wobble isn't something you see everyday (unless you look closely at TTD or any other Intamin).

Move along.

- John
Homepark: Cedar Point
Home-away-from-homepark: Paramount's Kings Island

*** This post was edited by Michael Darling 9/3/2003 11:13:12 PM ***

Since it's allowed at PKI, more power to people who snap flyers there. Regardless, I've read in countless trip reports (to other parks like Hershey, among others) something that goes along the lines of...

So I was getting into a snapping grove, when the operator asked me when I got off to stop doing so. On my next rides, I made sure only to snap when he wasn't looking.

The difficulties of avoiding the ride operator's glance aside, it would seem to me that, even if a rule seems assinine, it should be followed. Even if safe, I'd imagine it's little things like that which can create a image of arrogance, in addition to frightening people in line who don't know either way.

Michael Darling said:
The only reasons parks like PKD have outlawed "bouncing the birds" is because it does freak people out.

Isn't that reason enough?

Just because something goes at one park (Knoebels or PKI) doesn't mean it's rider's right at other parks.
Mike Anderson
*** This post was edited by MAnderson 9/3/2003 11:28:33 PM ***

I never said it was my right to snap at PKD. I got yelled at for it and I stopped. You're trying to pick a fight where there's no fight to pick.

I follow park rules. If a park tells me "don't take video on the ride" I don't take video on the ride. If a park says "don't bounce the birds" I don't bounce the birds. If a park says "smother yourself with cream cheese before exiting the train" I find another park to visit. It's as simple as that.

- John
I snap flyers...

Lord Gonchar's avatar

rollergator said:
....she unbuckled her belt probably 7-8 rows in front of us, and the lift stopped *immediately*....

The only way that could have been accomplished *sans sensors* is if they saw the girl on the monitors...I guess that is a possibility, although it certainly SEEMS remote...

See that's my experience almost exactly. As soon as it popped, the ride stopped.

I don't doubt Rideman in the slightest, but it was (if I may use the asterisks) an *immediate* stoppage.

The other reason it seems a little off, is that I believe the only video camera on SF's lift is at the top. Would've been a hell of a catch from that distance.

Kudos to the SF ops either way. :)

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 16

another stupid question if you all dont mind...

WTF is "snapping flyers"?

can you tell i mostly lurk here and even then not so often??

mela en coiamin Legolas...
it aint the size of the arrow, its what you do with the bow

Which brings up an interesting question...

Since different parks have different local customs, how are we supposed to know?

Oh, and before someone comments...if told, I'll comply as quickly as practical (thinking about the Flying Scooter, of course...). Well, except that I don't take my glasses off. That's a safety issue. In that case I'd rather not ride.

Seriously, I think it's odd that this has required four pages of discussion. I guess the real problem is that coaster enthusiasts as a group have forgotten why enthusiast groups organized in the first place: For the appreciation and preservation of roller coasters. I don't see anything in there about special events, ERT, or special treatment. Heck, I joined ACE and NAPHA for the publications, then later I discovered that by attending events I could add "and each other's company" to the description of what the organizations are about. I'm with Sean. If events go away, I'll still be in a park every weekend from April to November, it's just that some of those weekends won't be in the company of large mobs of coaster nuts, some of whom I'd rather not be associated with anyway. Heck, maybe that's what needs to happen to weed the crap out of the organizations. I hope it doesn't come to that, especially since I doubt it would solve the problem. But it is something to think about...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

LadyLegolasGreenleaf, have a look at this QuickTime movie from my web site. Warning, it's 5.5Mb and you need the 3ivx codec to get the video; all that is explained on the page. The video was shot at Kings Island on opening day in 2001. The best pilots had already ridden, but that cycle had some good ones, too. :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Jeff said:
Mike: Who said snapping flyers was bad or dangerous? No ride operator at PKI has ever instructed anyone I've been with not to do it.

There are park, PKD and Hershey come to mind, that have very snapable flyers yet instruct guests not to snap the flyers (usually the park term is bounce, same thing). Snapping is not dangerous, but he is right, if the park instructs you not to do it, you shouldn't (and I am guilty myself).

Ask yourself; When was the last time YOU visited Conneaut Lake Park?

Riding right along with Sean and Dave. If enthusiast events ceased to exist, I could really care less.

I have been enjoying coasters for the better part of 20 years, and have only been to 1 event. Luckily this event (CBCon03 at SFGAm) turned out to have participants that respected the rules and enjoyed themselves.

Even back when the internet wasn't around to talk about all this, I still had a distant feeling towards coaster clubs. I don't sport coaster clothes, buttons, hats, etc, etc. I would rather just blend in with the crowd and follow the rules.

Whoever thinks this hobby of coaster riding deserves perks, exemption from park rules and red carpet treatment, really needs to step back and get a reality check. The only difference between us and the once a year park visiter, is that we ride more often. What does that mean? Absolutely nothing!!!!! We aren't special.

Its ashame that a letter like this had to be distributed by a major park corporation, but since it did, it obviously means a serious problem is going on.

Arena football has arrived in the Windy City. Go "Chicago Rush"
*** This post was edited by Chitown 9/4/2003 12:34:46 AM ***

While even if I am "late to this party" it is time for me to chime in.

As a much earlier poster posted (sorry I am too lazy to go back through the thread to quote you). I too worked at an amusement park in the ealry '80's. Some of my WORST guest experiences were with "Coaster Club Members" who felt it was there God given right to tell me how to run the ride and do my job.

Fast forward to today.I am surprised it took CF or any chain this long to put up a warning sign. THE PARKS DON'T NEED THE ENTHUSIASTS AT ALL. We represent a VERY SMALL VOCAL MINORITY of the overall park's attendance.

ERT and other "courtesies" extended by any park are truly a pain in the ass for the park to handle but the park does it as a nice gesture for us. It is neat to be able to have ERT on a ride with other coaster nuts.

The letter from CF has/while have MAJOR impact in the industry, Cedar Point has been awarded it's SIXTH Golden Ticket as Park of the Year. Don't think the other "chains" haven't noticed what CF has done and I am sure the other chains are happy CF had the balls to stand up to the enthusiast community and fire what someone referred to as a"warning shot" over the bow.

While CF doesn't indicate a specific instance of misbehavior, it is common knowledge, and ANYONE who has been at a coaster event would have to agree, ERT at any park seems to bring out the "worst" in people. ("come on I don't really need to fasten the seatbelt do I?"). I think the point of the CF letter was to alert the enthusiast community to a problem which until now has been ignored, and in a round about way, ask the enthusiast community to LEAD BY EXAMPLE.

I for one will be happy to be a "card carrying memeber of CBuzz" since Jeff has stated he will dismiss any club memeber found not adhering to park rules. Here is hoping ALL clubs adopt this policy ASAP.

Am I the only person that goes to events for the coasters and not the people? It's all about the ERT for me, people you ride with are just a plus, but it's all about the ERT.


Chitown, I agree as well. You would never see me wearing a club shirt, hat, etc...in fact if I even buy something like that from a park, it is strictly for memorabilia purposes. I have been to a few events, and let me add I had a good time. But event or not, I have a great time all the same. But, lets hope that some do not ruin it for the rest who really LOVE the events.

I even remember a few years ago, before I was an ACEr, I went to CP the same day as the Coastermania event. A few club members were very rude to me while waiting on line for Raptor, like I didn't matter since I wasn't one of them. That behavior must stop. Later on though, met a few very nice people from ACE while waiting for MF, in fact they even offered to get me and my friend in for the night ERT session.

And GoliathKills, riding coaster many times during ERT is great, but riding with others who share the same love for rides you have, is even better IMO. Definitely gives a different vibe then just riding during normal operating times.

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