elevater lift hills

How come parks with space problems don't use a elevator lift system for there new coasters? This would cut back on the amount of room being taken up by the coaster..thus in theory gives the park more room.
Yea! Not that the park dosn't have room and all, but don't you think SD2000 should have used an elevator lift system?

This wonderful post was brought to you by the CoasterBuzzer formally known as MindBender!
Nagashima had the room for a traditional lift hill. Also, Morgan probably wanted to go with chains. If it was Intamin, maybe they would have used an elevator.o

- Peabody
When I say "elevator lift system" I mean a straight lift up...not like millennium force,s lift. Something to where it would pull you straight up(while train remains flat) and than when it gets to the top, it cycles the ride just like normal.Kind of like the Intamin first generation drop rides lift. *** This post was edited by hothitz on 4/19/2001. ***
he's referring to the elevator system like on Scooby Doo Ghoster Coaster at PKI
Exactly, good example xtraxtreme...I forgot about that one.
Oh, like all those toboggan coasters?

This wonderful post was brought to you by the CoasterBuzzer formally known as MindBender!
What is a toboggan coaster?
janfrederick's avatar
I've wondered that myself. The giga/hyper coasters could have probably saved a bit of money this way.

Perhaps the problem lies with bringing the thing down in a reasonable amount of time as not to affect capacity.

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The lift on Scooby Doo at PKI lifts the train in a horizontal position. The lift on a toboggan actual tilts the single cars straight up, a completely different design. I would think that a Scooby Doo type lift for a convention full size coaster train would be very expensive. Plus, it's usually not that hard really to find the room for a lift hill. Once the train speed picks up the radius of the turns and length of drops gets big enough that they take up as much room as the lift hill.
As far as cost is concerned, I don't think it would cost a lot more than a conventional lift hill, but than again I'm no expert on costs of building coasters.
I dislike non-traditional lifts. That is one of the neccessities for a great coaster. The chain lift adds nostalgia to a coaster and makes the ride scarier. Also, a true elevator lift for MF would ruin the whole idea of having the tallest continuous-circuit coaster.
www.geocities.com/coasting_ohio for Real/Defunct/mini coasters and parks for RCT
Since almost certainly an elevator lift would be used on individual cars, rather than long trains, it would cut out discussions of front vs. middle vs. back of the coaster also! And then what would we argue about?

Whatever goes up, must come down, preferably at a speed over 60 mph and leaning into a flying turn
A 415' tall ride out in California comes to mind...

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
On Superman: The Escape, people still fight for the the front row. I prefer the back one, because the line is shorter and it is so cool to turn around at look back when you reach the top of the tower. It's one hell of a view that you can't get on any other coaster, not even Millennium Force.
"You are the weakest link, Goodbye"
janfrederick's avatar

Belmont Babe said:
"Since almost certainly an elevator lift would be used on individual cars, rather than long trains, it would cut out discussions of front vs. middle vs. back of the coaster also! And then what would we argue about?
I don't see why the system couldn't be used on an entire train. And you could still have that "Click" "Click" "Click" on the elevator. I don't think it would take away from the ride.

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.
janfrederick's avatar
There is an elevator in Germany that actually lifts ships!!!

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.

hothitz said:
"What is a toboggan coaster?"

If it is the same type that I am thinking of, a Toboggan coaster is a portable ride made by Chance.

You sit in these 2 person cars that are totally enclosed. They really don't have seats in them, the top is just slammed closed and a lap bar basically pins you to the floor board. You then are pulled forward into a verticle tube... looks like a papertowel roll. The chain lift runs up the inside of the tube and when you go up it you are actually laying on your back. At the top, you level out and then spiral SLOOOOOWWWLLLYYY down around the out side of the tube. When you reach the bottom you hit a small dip. I guess the purpose of this dip is to A) slow the car or B) give some what of a "thrill" (its only real purpose is, in conjunction with the pinning lap bar, to rearrange most of your internal organs). There is then a series of little bunny hops that the car makes at snail's pace. You are then deposited back where you began... the attendant lifts the top off of your car... and you go off in search of an orthapedic surgeon to help you stand up right again.

That, in a nut shell, is a Toboggan. If they would have been in existance centuries ago, you can bet they would have been used during the Spanish Inquisition.

"That wheel needs fixed... This thing is a piece of junk..."
- Unknown ride op on Williams Grove Cyclone *** This post was edited by SLFAKE on 4/20/2001. ***

hothitz said:
"As far as cost is concerned, I don't think it would cost a lot more than a conventional lift hill, but than again I'm no expert on costs of building coasters."

I'm not in the coaster business, but I am an engineer with lots of construction experience. I can pretty much guarantee that a vertical elevator lift for an entire train would be more expensive that an lift hill. It would also require more maintenance. *** This post was edited by Jim Fisher on 4/21/2001. ***

Belmont Babe said:
"Since almost certainly an elevator lift would be used on individual cars, rather than long trains, it would cut out discussions of front vs. middle vs. back of the coaster also! "

The problem with running individual cars would be that capacity would stink. This is one of the problems with Hypersonic.

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