It's bad form that people can go back and change the course of a conversation and get cheap shots in after the fact. I thought that's the point of why threads were closed in the first place... to END further discussion.
But I agree, when a topic is closed, there should be no editing after the fact.
It's a known bug, and it won't be fixed until v8.
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
I just thought it was pretty petty that Playa was the one that had to go back after it was closed just to say he was right, when obviously, alot of people disagreed with him. I only went back and edited so that I could write an article bout it that I've not yet finished (when there is no news, we make the news;)).
But it's cool that it will be fixed in V8 and all.
I feel like a living cliche that has to say, "Don't make me seperate you two!"
Seriously... just step away from the site for a day or two. I can't read this stuff. If you want to carry on a debate, feel free. Just stick to the facts instead of these stupid "read my post" and "you're obviously whatever" things out of it.
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
Jeff Sez:
What some of you (and this is aimed at no one in particular) engage in isn't really cute or funny to anyone...
If you want to carry on a debate, feel free. Just stick to the facts.
Which was the point I was trying to make from the get go. It wasn't funny. It wasn't even a debate. It was one person blaming everyone else because he felt bad about something and they didn't.
I often go a day or 2 without checking the site, or replying. But on my days that I work, since I work nite shift, I have nothing better in the evenings to do than check the site, since I can't drive an hour plus to go to Wal-Mart, the movies, the mall, ect., cause clint hasta be @ the hospital @ 9pm.
I was never 'mad' in the first place, I was pissy, yes, but there is a difference. When I'm not on here posting, though, I'm not even thinking about it. In fact, Playa would have gotten away with his post editing were I not trying to incorporate the thread into a funny story for ARN&R, and had to go back to re-read. Then I found out what he did.
Sorry, you can think I'm petty, a whiner, what ever. But I'm not the one that waited 4 days after my final post to go back and try to make myself look right in the first place. It seems that someone (who had plenty of time before the thread was closed. a day, in fact) got whiney cause everyone was giving them a taste of their own medicine, and so he went back in and tried to make himself look better. I just called him out for trolling. Had CPNut, CPO, or anyone else tried something like that, I'd have to think they'd have been banned, or at least warned. But Playa, Moosh, Gonch, and Myself did it.
What I'm getting at is I don't think I'm the one with the problem when I'm just responding to someone who was feeling sorry for himself because someone pointed out that he was being foolish, and had to go back and edit his post to make it look like he was right all along.
Hey, at least I never started throwing prejudice insults at anybody.
No... but you're still going on about it.
TeknoScorpion said:
But I'm not the one that waited 4 days after my final post to go back and try to make myself look right in the first place.
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
Closed topic.