Early Show "debate"

LOL, Markey just kept saying the same stupid thing over and over, and the IAAPA guy just kept shutting him down. However, I would have mentioned that all brain injuries have been caused by pre-existing conditions, and that lady on Goliath would be charged with a 4th degree misdemeanor in Ohio because signs outside say do not ride with med. problems.

Why do they report power outages on TV?

Personally, I really don't think the average person takes this stuff seriously. Amusement parks have nothing to worry about except politicians going on stupid crusades. The guy on the coasters side should have mentioned all that goes into designing a coaster and how much science is actually involved in the process. Anyway, people don't care. Coasters are as much a part of americana as barbecues and ball games.
Markey had that "Deer Caught In The Headlights" look after each time the IAAPA rep spoke. It made his argument look even more weak everytime he gave that look. WAY TO GO TEAM!

Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes MCS Please, Feel Free To Call Me Jes!
Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure 2002 Ride-Ops Crew

just saw it, Markey bassicly called Bill Powers a liar.
Yah, Markey might as well have sung "Liar liar pants on fire." Markey probably can't fathom the technology on coasters, now who's living 50 years ago? I laughed so hard when Bill Powers just laughed at Markey.

Why do they report power outages on TV?

I line in the Netherlands and i would really love to see this show or read an article about it. Where can i find such a thing on the net?

This season:
1 park
15 rides

Helios, it proably will be on the net later in the day but since it just came on about 1/2 hour ago its proably not up yet.

*** This post was edited by DRAGON82487 on 6/26/2002. ***

CPLady's avatar

The problem with some pre-existing conditions, like the woman on Goliath, is that many times people are not aware of them. It doesn't change the fact that it the aneurysm could have happened anytime, anywhere, and it's not necessarily the fault of her riding the coaster. She could have been on the Scrambler.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I just wish when Markey said "coaster riders pull the same amount of G's as John Glenn or Sally Ride on the Space Shuttle" Mr. Powers would have said "yes, but only for a millisecond, not for the 8 minutes (or however long) like the Space Shuttle does. "

Either way, I thought the whole argument got nowhere really fast and no one really had enough time to made a decent point.

*** This post was edited by JamminJ on 6/27/2002. ***

Over in the news section I wrote that I think both sides looked like idiots. This was a great opportunity for IAAPA to make a solid argument and they reverted back to the "statistics" line. The sole purpose of the "debate" was to hold you until the next commercial. Nothing more, nothing less.
I mmissed it . I got up at 7:43.....I was hopin it would be longer than 4 minutes.
I just missed it too. It sounds pretty funny though.

-Sean Newman
83 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.

I liked how when the IAAPA Rep spoke for the first time they cut to video of ride accidents, even the Chaos event at MIA. He was trying to make his point and we were seeing blood and mayhem. When "idiot" spoke the camera held on him. Odd.........

Vertigo Shots 3.
Life-Long CP fan.

CPLady said:

It doesn't change the fact that it the aneurysm could have happened anytime, anywhere, and it's not necessarily the fault of her riding the coaster. She could have been on the Scrambler.

Forget the Scrambler, she could have been bending over to tie her shoe in her home... she could have sneezed in the car... she cold have looked up to check the weather when she left her house... etc... etc... etc...

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."

Crap, I slept in!

Good Times!! Good Times!!

gecko, I agree. That was awfully weird when Powers was talking they showed the accident footage. I'd still love to see Markey on The O'Reilly Factor or Hannity and Colmes. I'm sure Sean Hannity would do a great job making Markey look bad. Mr. Markey seems to be just another extremely liberal democrat who wants government intervention even when it's not needed.

Hey folks, here a link to the transcript of the show this morning.


"Is it worth it, to play that game? Is it worth it to sell your name?" -- Jack Friday

The news show was definitely biased against the IAAPA. Markey is good ratings. They'd much rather show accidents and danger than the actual safety.
Just face it guys, we're never gonna get a fair arguement in, no matter how good it is. people are going to believe anything the government and that damn T.V. tells them. End of story, the american public are a bunch of lemmings, we believe anything the government tells us, just because we think the government is gonna protect us at all costs, wrong. Its kinda funny how its gotten to the point where we will believe the government above the Bible. Thats just sad that we cant see that the U.S. government is just a bunch of greedy morons, that goes the same with most other politicians.

Its not THE Shivering Timbers, its just Shivering Timbers. And its pronounced Michigan's Adventure.

I'm working on encoding the video of the debate. It's only down to 40 MB and I can't figure out how to encode it any better... Sorry for those who didn't see it, but I tried!

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