Dollywood installing Huss Topple Tower

Posted | Contributed by JamesB

Dollywood has announced the installation of a Huss Topple Tower called Timber Tower. The $6.5 million ride will be the first of its kind in North America. The ride opens next year.

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Lord Gonchar's avatar

8-9 RMP is not that fast... I'm pretty sure some Tivoli rides (orbiter and techno power) have gondola spinning speeds of around 20-25 rpm maybe a little higher even. Now THAT is fast.

I have to admit I thought you were WAY off the mark, but did a little looking around and found:

The specs for the Orbiter say 20rmp in the center 26rpm for the seats. That's pretty sick!

rollergator's avatar
But the Orbiter has a smaller axis of rotation. (The only one I've ridden being Lake Winnie's)....if something the size of Delirium of MaxAir did that kind of RPM, you'd definitely need more trash cans outside the ride... ;)
I'm the one who asked the question about how fast 9 rpm is in relation to other rides, so thank you for the responses. My reason for asking was that I hoped it wouldn't be nauseatingly fast. I didn't mean to imply that being slow was bad. In fact, I hope it's slow enough for everyone to ride, not just those with a tolerance for spin and puke rides. I hope the fun comes from the illusion of toppling into the water and tetering on the edge from a perilous height. It looks like a really FUN ride...and I think that's what's missing from many flat rides. It's easy to make people sick by spinning them, but it's a greater ride that can let people have fun in surprising ways without making them feel miserable for having ridden. Timber Tower seems like a good choice for Dollywood. It's a unique flat ride with great theming potential, and it should appeal to their family audience.
Mamoosh's avatar
Anyone here actually ridden a Topple Tower who can give us an idea of what its like? How about those of you complaining the ride will be dull...any of you ridden? ;)
Never ridden one, Mamoosh. But I would like to say that I think the ride looks like a blast, maybe not an intense thrill, but certainly a precarious one. From the video it looks like it would definitely benefit from a snappier and longer ride cycle. I think it will be good for Dollywood.
Mamoosh's avatar
No one knows yet how Dollywood will run the ride. Regardless of how its run I have a hard time believing it won't be a fun ride, and isn't that what its all about? ;)
Lol I wish I could find the link of the cycle overseas so you guys could see it. It seems to rotate much faster than 9 rpm, doesn't ever touch the water jets, and only tilts over twice. This ride could be really fun if the program was done correctly (slower spin, more tilts, water interaction), but the park overseas obviously REALLY messed up the program. Hopefully Dollywood (and HUSS) will do better here in the states.
9 rpm is basically one revolution every 7 seconds or so.

Maybe it's my recent sleep deprivation, or maybe depraved is more like it, but when I read the title of this thread, my first reaction was to picture this (much) larger than life figure of Dolly Parton tipping back and forth (mostly forth). Where the riders would go , I have no idea, but I'd think a lot of people would rather just watch anyway.

Thats sorta fast. Is the ride going to open the 8th or not? For those of you who don't know what i'm talking about, Timer Tower didn't open last saturday, (4/1/06) because it was unfinished. I will be visting Dollywood this coming Saturday (4/8/06) and hope to god that they have it opened! Is that area of the park now offically named Timber Canyon or Thunderhead Gap??? Thats strange that they changed the name.
Hey Guys! I just got home from DW today! The new area of the park is GREAT!!! Timber Tower, although a little boring, Timber Tower is great! What i mean by boring is that, the ride doesn't last very long and its not a great as i was expecting. But overall, It was alright. Didn't get a chance to give the new Lumber Camp a try, but it looked good. The two lumber jack lifts looked a little bit fun, but not an extream thrill, but i guess it wasn't supposed to be.
i go to dollywood all the time cuz i live in TN... dude that ride is so friggin boring!! i was all excited b/c well.... its a new ride & all. but when i went on it for the first time... i could already tell just by looking @ the ppl's faces on the ride... they were sooo bored! i mean... it goes incredibly slow. & you don't even get wet! they say you do... but they turn off the water right as you go over it... i was so disappointed. major lameness... but i saw they were building a new roller coaster... how exciting is that?!?

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